- 30 Nov 2024 15:44
All I know about Gonzalez is what you tell me. As head of the government, it is her responsibility to deal with the corruption. Maybe they can vote her party out of office next election.
The CPC bill is all about self-determination for Puerto Rico. It says the people on the island have a referendum on status and whatever they decide — statehood, independence, or something else — should be binding on the U.S. Congress. Puerto Rico gets whatever Puerto Ricans want.
We believe in liberal democracy for our country and for Puerto Rico. However, the CPC bill will be never even get to a vote in a Republican congress. As I have told you two or three times, it would mean Democrats would get two more Senate seats. That is an absolute red flag for Republicans, and since statehood won 57% in the 2024 referendum, it is not a risk Republicans would be willing to take.
Tainari88 wrote:Hakeer there have been a lot of very detailed analysis of Puerto Rican government corruption. The vast majority of it comes from the PNP (statehooder conservative party who has the sellout Gonzalez Colon as the rep in the US Congress--you know the woman you were so admiring about at the beginning. You do not even mention her anymore even though her name is on the proposal there your CPC is considering--she is the opposite in political thought to the other signers on the proposal of that piece. Velazquez and Ocasio Cortez are both pro Independence for Puerto Rico). You should ask yourself why both sides are on the same bill there? Hmm. And also to a lesser degree the PPD. Never the PIP and never the MVC or the other smaller parties on the island are accused of corruption. They are not there because they were going to win the votes. They were there to advocate for what they thought is the best way out for Puerto Rico. And to solve problems.
So? I happen to think that it is not an accident that the PNP has such really corrupt and incompetent leadership. For one, I think in order for you to be begging from a country that fails to give you parity and equal rights, and to suck up to them and tell them they are in the right when you know they are not really is a study in being without principles. There are statehooders who really believe that the USA is a nation of justice and freedom and so on. But they are confronted as Puerto Ricans everyday with the reality that they can't vote for president, or have voting members of congress or the senate. They know they get less benefits in almost all federal programs on the island. That Spanish is not the majority and dominant language of the USA and that as Puerto Ricans they have almost zero leverage in the Washington DC scene.
So what do they gain by being statehood thinkers? A solution to status. Carlos Romero Barceló stated in his pamphlet promoting statehood in PR in the 1980s entitled, Estadidad es para los Pobres, statehood is for the poor. You get more welfare, more government programs, more food stamps, more public housing, free health care. Security. Is that a conservative Republican type of message there? Yes or no? It is not a Republican message. Yet, the PNP is a conservative pro Reagan type of party.
Why would they lie about the Republican Right Wing message? Of pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and be accountable, work for a living, pay taxes, be responsible, fiscal responsibility, do not rely on government handouts, etc. Can you figure out why the PNP party would be against that Right Wing message? Less government not more in Puerto Rico?
Statehooders had scandal after scandal of corruption. Mismanaged funds. It was a very convenient way of the US politicians to clean their hands about taking action.
Also they can claim it is an internal dispute problem among Puerto Ricans who can't agree on the status question in a supermajority of voters and therefore they do not have to act to change the status according to their criteria. Oh, the Puerto Ricans can't agree among themselves so that is the reason we do not have binding referenda about it.
They project that the Puerto Ricans want to be part of the USA system as full members with power to vote, but they have a lot of confused Puerto Ricans who want to stay the way they are. And a small percentage of die hard pro independence people who are just idealistic fools.
In reality it is an orchestrated thing with serious intervention by US power groups with a vested interest in geopolitical positions, and making huge profits. PR is a captive market not allowed to freely trade with any other nation without tacit approval first from the USA. They can unload all kinds of goods and products into Puerto Rico and never be held responsible for much of it. Fix inflated prices and force the Puerto Rican government to pay the highest prices for delivery of goods in the world.
The statehooders rarely talk about or know their own history. Like Jenniffer who says totally wrong historical accounts. She is not a student of her own history and much less that of the US's history. It is all about we are Americans and we want to be a part of it all. But she is the one sent to represent Puerto Rico.
Claudia Sheinbaum is the president of Mexico. She is a PhD. And can speak English much better than Jenniffer does. Why would Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon be the candidate there with her atrocious English and her bad history? She is the shining star of the desires of the statehood movement? There are much better candidates.
The statehooders get frustrated. But, they are there, always talking. They are presented with evidence of what the US really believes and backs about their policies towards Puerto Rico. The insular cases tell you exactly what the plan is. It is not statehood. Why continue with the lie of statehood? Because they are looking for money from the people who do have power in Washington DC. And they hope to gain as the local rulers if things change in their favor someday.
It is political theater.
Again the statehood party from its Luis A. Ferré days to now? Has evolved. For the worse. It was founded around 1968. Almost twenty years from the original governorship party of the Muñoz legacy. PPD was about pan tierra y libertad. Bread, land and freedom.
The PNP is about Progress. As in $$$. Lol.
Statehooders are not going to chain themselves to congress, and get violent with American Republicans in order to force some action. No. They are people of total cowardice and lack of real commitment to their cause. It is obvious it is about their own pockets. So do I think they have the gumption to get a statehood agenda done? No.
The ones who are clean, and decent, and have excellent plans for growing the economy and ordering the Puerto Rican economy and its people are the PIP and MVC.
Will they get the chance though? No.
The US does not want to lose control of its trinket in the Caribbean islands. I would not put it past the US government to paint us as terrorists, communists, anti American, puppets of Russia or China or another version of Latin American corruption and or total lies and distortions, followed by FBI raids and people getting shot in the head and sent to prison for 100 years. Denying food, water and fuel and making sure Puerto Rico is starved out and lives in deep fear and despair while they wait for our capitulation.
Evil Empire for sure is the USA. Towards us.
Stateside? As manipulated that the US public voters are? To vote for Trumpism? They will believe all the lies. Would approve of mass killings of the most brilliant of all the Puerto Ricans. For sure.
Kill the ones with great educations, and great leadership skills with solutions.
But, if there is unity among all that pain and bloodshed among all the Puerto Ricans who want to rule their own land for once in 500 years or more? They will do it. They will get to the goal.
I am surprised how many of the Latin American nations are watching us carefully. Waiting for us to ask for assistance in building a new life. So many are waiting....for the right moment to come to our aid.
I found it out during my quest to see what the Puerto Rican certificate got me in terms of rights around the world. It surprised the hell out of me. It really did. They are waiting. For our run for freedom. To give us a hand.
In that I have faith. Not in the racist Christian Nationalist cult people in DC. They are not going to help us. They want to destroy if they can't control.
Those are the ones you need to deal with Hakeer.
All I know about Gonzalez is what you tell me. As head of the government, it is her responsibility to deal with the corruption. Maybe they can vote her party out of office next election.
The CPC bill is all about self-determination for Puerto Rico. It says the people on the island have a referendum on status and whatever they decide — statehood, independence, or something else — should be binding on the U.S. Congress. Puerto Rico gets whatever Puerto Ricans want.
We believe in liberal democracy for our country and for Puerto Rico. However, the CPC bill will be never even get to a vote in a Republican congress. As I have told you two or three times, it would mean Democrats would get two more Senate seats. That is an absolute red flag for Republicans, and since statehood won 57% in the 2024 referendum, it is not a risk Republicans would be willing to take.