Hakeer wrote:I was just naming the wars involving the U.S.
I opposed all the wars of my lifetime — Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.
I don’t know what will happen in Syria, but I want our military out of there and let the people of Syria control their own country. I wish the same for Ukraine and Puerto Rico. Every country.
But, you liked Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon? The Republican MAGA conservative woman for the corrupt PNP party? How could you dump her so quickly? She represents statehood for Puerto Rico. A noble cause? She is going to get it done with her fucked up English and her non-vote by sucking up to Southern racist MAGAs in the US congress right? She will beg, plead and lie her way in there.
No, Puerto Rico wasn't invaded by the US Troops just when Spain was letting Puerto Rico gain independence and rights...and they lied and said they were liberating PR when they were chaining her up once more for another century and more....but she says they are liberators!! Damn it. And if Jenniffer said it? It has to be true. And if I say it? You need to fact check. Yes, fact check it all. Gonzalez affiliation is the Republican Party. A party that refuses to make Puerto Rico a state. It does not matter what Gonzalez represents. They won't go for it. But she will moan and plead. Like the dignified puppet woman that she is. Puppet people are great at advocating for their people's rights to the more powerful group in charge. Yep, they are well known for getting their agenda done. NOT.
Gonzalez Colon is going to whine and scream if it does not become a state because the vast majority of Boricuas are on her side. And if the people of the island go for independence? The Communists in the Caribbean and in Venezuela, and Nicaragua and Cuba are going to ruin Puerto Rico and everyone will be starving out waiting for some expensive imported food from the US Merchant Marine that was imposed on Puerto Rico during the Jones Act of 1920, and some privatized electricity company called LUMA (see the electricity company Whitefish that was booted out for corruption from Montana USA first) to fix our issue. Not solar panels and renewable energy because, because the USA we got to buy fuel from their oil companies and not from Venezuela or Mexico because their special magic fuel is better for us in the long run.
No, Hakeer you obviously did not know much about Puerto Rico. That much was obvious. You know a little more now.
And independence is the best option. But your government will try to manipulate the outcome. If it can't they will give us the Cuban treatment. Squeeze the island to the point of collapse. And say see? We told you guys you can't do it on your own. We need the old relationship back. You can't live without us. Now you get even less rights this time around. And here you sit Hakeer, talking about free speech and respecting rights. Where did your nation go wrong there? When it started mistreating every other nation struggling for some basic rights.
I never believed the myth that Puerto Ricans are dumb and savage, inferior and stupid, incapable of self rule. My parents were brilliant people. They were living examples of the poorest people of the island becoming incredibly powerful through knowledge, and work and analyzing things the way smart people often do. We have a lot of successful people in every field. The arts, science, math, STEM, engineering, medicine, law, and every field in the world. So that theory is bullshit. We have some of the most greatest people in the world. So why does the US government keep insisting that we need them to live or to rule then? It is easy. Because they need to justify something unjust and immoral. And they can go straight to hell with their lies, and bullshit and violence and hatred.
You want to know how an Empire comes tumbling down Hakeer? By violating its own principles and being incapable of taking responsibility for their lack of just behavior and moral behavior and by being incapable of realizing when their country is incapable of logical and rational choices. It is all about power and control only and abuses committed by them on others. Incapable of modifying in time. A very human thing to do.
But the reality is that these are not the 1960s anymore.
The US government can continue to rant about Castro in Cuba. He died in 2016. Raul Castro is soon going to die as well. The Castro brothers are dead and buried politically and the real issue is that they have to CONTROL from afar or KILL everything that Latin America tries to build.
Stop comparing Puerto Rico to Mexico. Mexico is an independent nation with horrible capitalist exploitation mainly by US corporations for centuries now. But they are an independent nation.
PR never had the chance to make a single decision for its own benefit. We are slaves. Slaves do not decide a damn thing. Not their economies, their financial gains, the land, their politics or policies. We control nothing. Zero. The statehood vote is fake. It is based on bombarding the Puerto Rican public with fear tactics. You will starve without the USA. You will not be able to go to the USA when unemployment is high in PR. You will not be able to pay your bills, or go to school, or go to a clinic, or do a damn thing, without the US government and the US based rich corporations telling you what to do. Obey us and all is well. Vote statehood. Then we jail your corrupt local leaders. See? You can't do it on your own. You are corrupt, ignorant, dirty, inferior, you do not deserve the land you have lived in for centuries. Too bumbling, dumb, inferior and corrupt to run it right.
They blast that fucking message on the psyche of every single Puerto Rican from the cradle onward.
It is their way of blocking our natural need for self agency and self rule.
The tired racist shit from the late 19th century of 1898 no longer is acceptable. As an excuse for saying we can't rule ourselves.
@QatzelOk though made a very valid point. The Banksters have imprisoned almost all of Latin America, Africa and many other nations. There is no true freedom with those people in charge of economics worldwide. They are doing some serious damage in the USA as we speak.
But you got to start somewhere.
And you have to start democratizing the workplace. Pooling all the labor power of the many and distributing it in an equitable fashion. Allow the workers themselves control of all the resources they have in their sphere of influence.
Localize and then grow out into cooperative units. Switch to sustainable energy.
The reality is that relying on some greedy imperialists and capitalists and Crypto currency nightmare people to care about your country as a whole and the communities who's culture was developed there the way that you care about it? Is foolish. They have no skin in the game. They have no morals telling them to stop destroying other societies in order for them to get richer off of disaster and anguish and misery.
That is where you need to start.
Make it communal and democratize the workplaces. Grow it out in cooperation. And then lock them out of the equation. They will try to genocide you in the process. Q is right about that as well.
But it is either a brave new way of being human in the future....or the same old shit and everyone sinking into despondency, pollution, wars and crap. Death.
I choose life. After all that is my name.
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