Official CA Party Thread (Members Only) - Politics | PoFo

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The Conservative Alliance
Virtus, Unitas, Libertas


Party Philosophy:

The Conservative Alliance represents a moderate conservatism that values citizenship, pragmatism, country, family, freedom, security, heritage, community, independence, and local governance.

I. Citizenship - The philosophy of the Conservative Alliance is based on the republican notion of citizenship, where citizens have corresponding rights and duties with which they interact with society and government. What a citizen contributes to society should be reflected in how society rewards the citizen. We are against dividing society against itself along the lines of race, religion, class, or any other division that turns citizen against citizen. The government shall view all citizens as citizens first and foremost and shall act accordingly, without fear or favour. All citizens shall be expected to contribute to society and all citizens shall have the security, stability, and freedom society provides, as well as the opportunity to influence their government and society on the local and national level.

II. Pragmatism - The Conservative Alliance values a conservative, pragmatic approach to political affairs; radical ideas may sound good in theory, but radical or rapid change has destabilizing effects on society and often result in negative, unintended consequences. We believe in policies that have been tested by time and have been shown to work, we implement changes incrementally so as to avoid instability, and we focus on what will work, not on untested theories.

III. Country - The Conservative Alliance believes that what is good for the country is good for the citizen and what is good for the citizen is good for the country. We will work towards the best interests of our country and its citizens at home and abroad.

IV. Family - The Conservative Alliance recognizes that our society is based around the family unit. The family provides citizens with their primary means of security, stability, and belonging, and the Conservatives Alliance is dedicated to the promotion of the family.

V. Freedom - The Conservative Alliance recognizes that citizens may have differing views on what the purpose of life is and for this reason the Conservative Alliance promotes the freedom of citizens to pursue their own purpose in life with minimal interference from the government. We are opposed to citizens using the government to enforce their own purposes on others.

VI. Security - The Conservative Alliance recognizes that without security, freedom is meaningless as individuals can not pursue their own purpose in life due to fear of others. The Conservative Alliance is dedicated to providing for the security of the country and its citizens from both external and internal threats. We strive to find a strong, moderate position to effectively balance our needs for freedom and security.

VII. Heritage - The Conservative Alliance recognizes that heritage and tradition serves an important part in society. We promote our unique heritage as something worthwhile and worthy of preserving. We believe that traditions were created for a reason and serve a purpose, even if that purpose is not readily apparent, and that tradition should be preserved as much as is possible.

VIII. Community - The Conservative Alliance believes that in order to foster a healthy society, a sense of community is necessary. The Conservative Alliance promotes citizens becoming involved in their local and national community through their family, their neighbourhood, voluntary associations, religious institutions, community groups, and local governments. These community relationships shall be viewed as citizens' primary means of obtaining security and prosperity.

IX. Independence - The Conservative Alliance believes that the strength of the country resides in the strength of its citizenry and the strength of the citizens flows from the strength of the country. For this reason, we believe in the promotion of a strong, independent citizenry capable of providing for their own security and prosperity in their freedom. We promote self-reliance, reliance on family, and reliance on community as much as possible. We also recognize that risk is inherent in a free system and a necessity for advancement and prosperity, and because of this are willing to have government provide a basic security net.

X. Local Governance - The Conservative Alliance recognizes that local governments know and are able to respond to the needs of citizens more readily than the national government. For this reason, the Conservative Alliance believes in promoting local governance wherever possible and is opposed to the national government interfering with or usurping the perogatives of local governments.

Political Policy:

The Conservative Alliance supports a republican system of government based upon citizenship, citizen involvement, the division of power, checks & balances, and corresponding rights and duties.

National Service - We will pursue a plan to implement and promote a republican model of voluntary national service. This national service shall consist of a period of basic military training and civics courses and enrollment in a local militia. For those with moral convictions against military service, their national service shall consist of a period of similar length consisting of identical civics courses and training in emergency preparedness and enrollment in a local emergency response team.

Citizenship - The state will recognize two forms of citizenship, full citizenship and partial citizenship. All persons born to citizens within the territory of the country automatically receive partial citizenship, all minors living within the country whose parents are citizens shall automatically recieve partial citizenship, and all legal immigrants shall have a period of 3 years to gain partial citizenship. Full citizenship can only be gained by partial citizens through completing their national service and continued enrollment in their local militia or emergency response team. All citizens are entitled to the same freedoms, rights, and are fully equal under the law, except in these specific instances: full citizens are required to own a firearm (if they are enrolled in a militia) or emergency response gear and shall have the unlimited and uninfringed right to own firearms, while partial citizens may have their freedom to bear arms limited as the government deems necessary. Also, full citizens shall have full voting rights and the ability to hold public office, partial citizens will not have voting rights and will not be allowed to hold public office. In all other respects partial and full citizens shall be treated equally under the law.

Immigration - Legal immigration is promoted as a way for our country to gain valuable, future citizens. Potential immigrants shall be judged on a points system based on characteristics like education, employment history, vocational skills, physical health, family that are already citizens, language abilities, acceptance of national values, criminal history, civic knowledge, and the like and will have to meet the minimum necessary point threshold (which will be fairly high) to gain immigrant status. Immigrants shall have 3 years upon gaining immigrant status to gain partial citizenship; if they have not gained it by this point, they shall be deported. Immigrants can gain partial citizenship by reaching proficiency in the official language, having steady employment, successfully completing the requisite number of civics courses, and having no criminal record. Immigration will be restricted to a certain level each year set according to the needs of the country and the points system shall be changed as necessary to reflect the needs of society. A law shall be emplaced to restrict yearly immigration to a maximum of 2% of the population and if foreign-born exceed 15% of the national population immigration will be reduced. Illegal immigration is a crime and illegal immigrants shall be immediately and summarily deported. Legal immigrants convicted of a crime shall be immediately deported.

Foreign Policy:

The Conservative Alliance believes in a generally non-interventionist foreign policy based around the national interest.

The National Interest - The national interest shall be the sole, overriding purpose of the foreign policy goals of the CA.

Defence Policy - We shall seek to expand and modernize our professional military. We shall also research and adapt tactics and strategies suitable to the current trends in warfare.

Free Trade - We generally are supportive of free trade, but will engage in limited protectionism where this is seen as necessary to the national interest.

Economic Policy:

The Conservative Alliance supports a free-market, capitalist system as the most effective method of increasing the material wealth of both individuals and the nation, while allowing for some economic intervantionism for the good of the nation.

Taxation - National tax policy shall consist of a flat rate income tax for individuals and corporations. The first $15,000 earned by an individual each year shall be exempt from taxation; this amount shall increase in line with inflation. Local governments can set their own tax policies as they see fit.

Employment Insurance - Each individual will pay into a national employment insurance program; these funds shall be used only for employment insurance program. Upon losing employment, each individual shall be entitled to three months employment insurance at the rate they were earning prior to becoming unemployed (up to a maximum of $10,000 a month).

Welfare - Once an individual has used up his employment insurance benefits they will be allowed to enter the national welfare system. The individual shall work full-time on national projects in his local area, as the government sees fit, and shall receive welfare payments for this.

Science - The Conservative Alliance supports scientific progress as it is necessary for continued economic growth. We shall greatly increase funds to the space program and to science in general.

Energy Independence - We shall greatly increase funds into the development of clean, renewable, and domestically-producable fuels to end our dependence on foreign energy sources.

Debt Repayment - Debt is unhealthy for a country to have and debt repayment will be a priority.

Unions - Unions will be allowed to operate freely, but nobody will be coerced into joining a union against their will.

Deficits - Laws will be emplaced to prevent government deficits except in temporary emergencies. The government will be allowed to run a deficit only to address a specific emergency and only with a super-majority of 65%.

Social Policy:

The Conservative Alliance supports self-reliant, independent citizenry capable of providing for themselves and their families, who are free to pursue their own well-being without undue interference from the government or others.

Self-defence - Individuals should be free to protect themselves and the ones they love, thus the party shall implement the castle doctrine, whereby a citizen's home is his castle and he shall be allowed to defend it by whatever means necessary. A person's vehicle will count as his home for this purpose. A person in a public area may use force proportional to a threat to defend themselves and others without facing legal consequences.

Firearms - All full citizens shall have the unlimited right to bear arms. All partial citizens shall be subject to a background check and waiting period for acquiring firearms and shall be restricted from owning military-grade weapons. Concealed carry will be encouraged among full citizens and will be an unlimited right, but partial citizens will be required to obtain a concealed carry license.

Children - Any family shall be relieved of paying national taxes for one year following the birth of their child (up to a maximum of $100,000 shall be relieved of taxation per year). After a child's first year a family will receive a $300 per child per month tax credit for parents to use as they see fit for their children.

Civil Law - We will institute a loser pays law for civil cases to prevent frivolous lawsuits. Any individual who starts a civil suit and loses will be required to pay the court costs of the winner (within certain reasonable limits).

Family Law - The family court system as it stands will be dismantled and replaced with a less adversial system of mediation. No-fault divorce shall be removed.

Environmental Policy - We beleive in conserving the environment and resources for the enjoyment and use of future generations. The potential threat of global warming will be met technological solutions to prevent warming and regulate global temperatures.

Education - School choice will be a priority of the government. School cirriculums will be put under local and/or private control and all students will be provided with a schooling voucher to be used by parent's for the public, private, or home education they want for their students.

Health Care - A system of private care with an opt-out public insurance system covering essential health services will be emplaced.

Marriage - Marriage is a private and religious matter and will be left as such. Civil unions will be used for legal purposes such as inheritance, visitation rights, and the like.

Abortion - Will be made illegal after the 7 weeks following fertilization, with the exception of a serious risk of endangerment to a mother's life. Will fund adoption, foster, and orphanages for children a parent is unable to provide for, including an anonymous drop-off for children under six months.

Narcotics - Marijuana will be made legal and regulated like alcohol and tobacco. Harder drugs will remain illegal, but posession of small amounts for personal use will be decriminalized.

Security - The Conservative Alliance will be tough on violent crime. We will create a three strikes law for certain violent offences, like rape, murder, armed robbery, and assault. We will institute the death penalty for particularily heinous crimes. For property crime and non-violent offences we will introduce a system of restitution.
Last edited by Dan on 27 Apr 2009 04:54, edited 2 times in total.
User avatar
By Dan
First order of business:

The CA has 7 seats in parliament, and bloc voting is likely not going to be allowed anymore. So I need to know who is going to be active enough to check the parliament to vote, so I can allocate seats accordingly.
User avatar
By Dan
But anyway, vote for the Grand Coalition and against the SN-RF-THP Coalition in the coalition thread, as the rules on bloc voting may be changing.
User avatar
I will most likely be very inactive for the next couple of months. I'll make an effort to check in, but not a strong one. You may assign my vote to an economically conservative member of our coalition, and I'll reclaim it when I become more active.

When I do drop by, though, I would like to be able to take my vote and use it.
User avatar
By R_G
Even with Tennis season I can always check back here once every 2 days at the least, usually once a day.

As long as you think I should....
User avatar
By Dan
So for now, NYYS will get 2 seats, RG will get 2, and I'll get 3.

NYYS, Sephardi is occasionally active, so if you're not here and he is, he can your two seats in absentia.

Demo-edit: For the record, I see NYYS's reporting of his absense to be within the scope of allowable exceptions. As you've noted who will use his votes in absentia, I consider that just fine. Of course the standard shall apply to all other parties equally.
User avatar
By Dan
We have a new banner for sigs:


Advertise the party to get out the vote.
User avatar
By Sephardi
What happened to the party? Only two votes so far.
User avatar
By Sephardi
Make that three.
User avatar
By Dan
Excellent. We now have a seat.
User avatar
By Sephardi
I think we can have 2 seats with one more vote. I'll see who I can get.

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