Nuclear energy without the state - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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The 'no government' movement.
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By RonPaulalways
The idea that Spidermonkey supports any sort of anarchic society is a joke

Spidermonkey is so authoritarian that I think the other anarchists are embarrassed by him.

* He can't tolerate opposing opinions -in fact he resorts to lies if someone holds positions he opposes.
* He supports Obama's big government expansions that rely on coercive tax collection to fund.
* He can hold two contradicting positions simultaneously if they advance his political agenda, for example he supports big government and coercive tax collection, but accuses me of authoritarianism when I say that trespassing should be illegal
* He regularly misrepresents the positions of others to try to slander and silence them.

His name itself implies a contempt for liberty. Is spidermonkey not implying a violent intent?
By SpiderMonkey
Cross posting is generally discouraged, RPA.

People can judge for themselves, by reading my posts, the truth of what RPA says about me. I invite others to judge me by my own words, RPA hurls feces when I suggest others judge him by his words.

Because I took him to task on his racism, his demands for people to communicate in a way he wants them to, and his contempt for personal freedom - he has decided to piss on a perfectly reasonable thread.
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By RonPaulalways
I'm not cross-posting, I'm commenting on your claim to want to explore the anarchic position on nuclear power and condemning your duplicitous support for big government. No need to throw a temper tantrum. Your own words condemn you more than any thing I could say any way.

Your constant lies to try to smear those you disagree with politically show your authoritarian streak and your inclination to political deceit. How could you call yourself an anarchist? It's time you cast aside the pretense of opposing authority, and admit that what you really oppose is authority that doesn't share your economic agenda of socialism.
By SpiderMonkey
You accusing me of having a tantrum is laughable. You spit the dummy out ever time I bring up your forced labour camps. And your racism. And your opposition to free speech.

I am not an authoritarian. I consistently take anti-authoritarian positions across this board. You accuse anybody who doesn't speak exactly like a white American of using Ebonics, demand that everyone expresses ideas in the way you want them to, and your first thought on any one who gets in the way of your political agenda is to advocate their outright enslavement. Plus your name expresses support for the idea that a fringe lunatic should be president for life.

Can someone else please post in this thread and get it back on track?
By ninurta
You could maintain all economic systems in anarchy, which means that food production and clothing production, like nuclear energy won't vanish or be less able to continue in an anarchist society. It goes like this........

I say I want electricity, and the nearest place for me and a bunch of other people who want electricity can get it is that nuclear power plant. So I form a militia of all the people who want electricity and exchange protection of the plant for electricity. So no danger there.
By SpiderMonkey
I wouldn't say all economic systems could survive - economic systems that require sharp inequality won't work without a coercive force (i.e. a state) because the people on the bottom rung will defect rather than cooperate with such a system, and it will fall apart. It isn't the economic issue I really wanted to discuss though (the economic side of things is little different from any other industry) its the safety aspect.

What happens when some curious but ditzy teenager starts assembling radioactive materials in his garden shed? He could hurt others, not through malice but through ignorance. Who would stop him, and would they not be establishing themselves as an authority?
By canadiancapitalist
What happens when some curious but ditzy teenager starts assembling radioactive materials in his garden shed? He could hurt others, not through malice but through ignorance. Who would stop him, and would they not be establishing themselves as an authority?

Incidentally, this happened once. Read about it in reader's digest.
By SpiderMonkey
I know, thats what I was specifically referring to. Clearly no malice, but an obvious threat to the health and wellbeing of others.
By sebbysteiny
Okay, so how many shifts will there be that will be manned by unpaid militia?
Last edited by sebbysteiny on 17 May 2009 02:19, edited 1 time in total.
By SpiderMonkey
Generally a militia (if it is true to the name) isn't paid for at all. Its a volunteer force of private citizens using their own equipment.

But it wouldn't be my ideal solution in this case.
By sebbysteiny
So if they are in the militia all day, how are they supposed to earn enough money to eat?
By ninurta
A militia guards when needed and fights as needed, and at all other times a militia is working and living.

And since this thread was about nuclear energy, maybe just keeping the materials safe and out of amateur hands.
By SpiderMonkey
I really think sebbysteiny just does not grasp the concept of a militia at all.
By sebbysteiny

That is all very well if those attacking the nuclear facilities are gracious enough as to tell the militia the exact time they intend to attack. But if they don't then the militia has no choice but to have a continuous presence all round the clock.

So I ask, how many shifts would there be?


pray, oh wise won, what concept does your superior intellect grasp that mine does not?
By SpiderMonkey
The concept of a militia. The concept of volunteering. The concept of sharing responsibility. The concept of shifts.

You've come into this thread, this whole forum in fact, with a bunch of preconceptions that have no basis in fact, an ignorance of the subject at hand. The idea that a group of people cannot cooperate and coordinate to defend what they share is an absurd notion supported neither by logic or history.
By ninurta
No, but have you ever heard of paul revere? The dude who got the american militias out of bed saying, "the british are coming the british are coming!"

Since the militia will be nearby, or will have to have part living nearby, they will get ready fast.
sebbysteiny wrote:Ninurta

That is all very well if those attacking the nuclear facilities are gracious enough as to tell the militia the exact time they intend to attack. But if they don't then the militia has no choice but to have a continuous presence all round the clock.

So I ask, how many shifts would there be?


pray, oh wise won, what concept does your superior intellect grasp that mine does not?

her answer:
SpiderMonkey wrote:The concept of a militia. The concept of volunteering. The concept of sharing responsibility. The concept of shifts.

You've come into this thread, this whole forum in fact, with a bunch of preconceptions that have no basis in fact, an ignorance of the subject at hand. The idea that a group of people cannot cooperate and coordinate to defend what they share is an absurd notion supported neither by logic or history.

America is proof of what you say. Our army began as a militia.
By sebbysteiny

You are giving a strawman. I havn't made any such statements. All I asked was how many shifts would be needed. You admitted that this army would need time to do work. They would therefore be in the unpaid militia voluntarily. So I asked (and still ask) how many shifts will there be in the day (with each militia man filling one shift per day)?
By SpiderMonkey
sebbysteiny, I know exactly what you are doing. You are getting into nitpicky details of a fairly hypothetical scenario, obviously with the fantasy of nailing me on some point. Firstly, I am in no mood for such games - just get to your point already - and secondly you've already undermined whatever point you were going to make by misunderstanding the issue at hand.

What it seems to me you are doing is a very poor attempt at reductio ad absurdum. This is why you keep appending the word 'unpaid' to 'voluntary militia' when it is clearly unnecessary, and missing the point of a militia. Your aim seems to be to jump on the fact that people will have to invest their time for free, and then claim some deep, universal insight into human nature that only a 13 year old could have, and claim that such a level of volunteerism is not possible.

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