IQs of Nazi leaders - Politics | PoFo

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By Ixa
Is this not interesting? The IQs of some of the worst men in History:
IQ's of Nazi leaders tried for war crimes

from a letter to me by Grady Towers dated April 13, 199
Used with permission from the author

In 1945, an army psychologist named G.M. Gilbert, was allowed to examine the Nazi leaders who were tried at Nuremberg for war crimes. Among other tests, a German version of the Wechsler-Bellevue was administered. Here are the results:
1 Hjalmar Schacht 143
2 Arthur Seyss-Inquart 141
3 Hermann Goering 138
4 Karl Doenitz 138
5 Franz von Papen 134
6 Eric Raeder 134
7 Dr. Hans Frank 130
8 Hans Fritsche 130
9 Baldur von Schirach 130
10 Joachim von Ribbentrop 129
11 Wilhelm Keitel 129
12 Albert Speer 128
13 Alfred Jodl 127
14 Alfred Rosenberg 127
15 Constantin von Neurath 125
16 Walther Funk 124
17 Wilhelm Frick 124
18 Rudolf Hess 120
19 Fritz Sauckel 118
20 Ernst Kaltenbrunner 113
21 Julius Streicher 106

You may find these data in The Nuremberg Mind: The Psychology of the Nazi Leaders by Florence R. Miale and Michael Selzer, as well as in The Reich Marshal: A Biography of Hermann Goering by Leonard Mosley.

Notice that there is a clear correlation of IQ with social status. Notice, as I've pointed out before, that success in the practical socio-econimc sense usually goes to those with IQs between 125 and 150. And finally, notice that there are no towering IQs in the 150 plus range, as one would expect from theoreticians. None of these men were original thinkers.
By malachi151
The comments associated are stupid. "None of these men were origional thinkers", give me a break. :roll:

If this data is even real in the first , it means little IMO, because thats not really anything different then would be expected.

Those are probably average IQs for leaders of men. Leaders tend not to be Einsteins and also nt to be stupid. Napoleon is one of the most intelligent leders of all time, he is estimated to have been in the 160s. Even Einstein was "only" in the 150s or 160s.

140s - 130s is a good high IQ level. 133 is top 2%, 138+ or 140+ is considers genius level.

They were all very intelligent men, as should be expected.
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By tragicclown
IQ measures different levels of competency, it does not measure origionality or any of the attributes significant to the common useage definition of "brilliance."
By Ixa
Even Einstein was "only" in the 150s or 160s.

That is actually an estimation based on information now believed to
be false about Einstein's childhood.
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By tragicclown
Beyond a certain point differences in IQ are matters of probability anyways. Someone with an IQ of 160 is not more intellegent than someone with an IQ of 140 in any meaningful way, even within the narrow limits that IQ exams.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Someone with a higher IQ probably has a higher IQ.

I'm still not under the illusion that someone with a higher IQ is more intelligent. Such a statement bends the term 'intelligent' into a restrictive and contorted straitjacket.

Interesting figures - some like Donitz and Seyss-Inquart don't particularly surprise me from what little I know of them.
By Disenfranchised
Let me be antidotal, I was discussing my scores on an one of these IQ. tests with a psycho doc. Those military goofs tested me a lot after being in country because they couldn't fiquire out why I liked to kill. Back to sanity there were pictures of four hats one was of female civilian attire two were of male civilian attire the fourth was police cap authoritive venue. I got it wrong, I pointed at the cops hat. :p
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
I got it wrong, I pointed at the cops hat. Naah

You must be a communist then???...
By Disenfranchised
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:
I got it wrong, I pointed at the cops hat. Naah

You must be a communist then???...
Don't be silly I shoot everyone must sport the Red & Black ;)
By Person
I wonder if Hitler's IQ has ever been tested. Does anyone know?
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By Monkey Angst
Person wrote:I wonder if Hitler's IQ has ever been tested. Does anyone know?

If so, what do you think the results say? Do you think a below-average score for the Fuhrer would have been all that wise?

"You see, Herr Fuhrer, you scored ninety -- er, I mean... of course, one hundred forty!"
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By Person
Obviously HE wouldn't know whether he was smart or stupid, but maybe a deep KGB vault...

IQ doesn't really mean a whole lot. A teacher that I know has an IQ of 155. His brother has 100ish, and he's apparently a VP at Microsoft. Obviously the "stupid one" is doing a lot better.
By The One.
IQ DOES mean a lot of things but it isn't the only thing that makes you suceed in life,it only mesures your capacity of logic and of solving problems, it cannot measures your "interpersonal" skills: How well you will do on a date isn't measured by iq.

Just know that there are other factors...ambition , interpersonal skills, perseverance...
By Dark_Stalin
What's Big Brother's IQ? :lol:

By Crazy Brown Guy
Person wrote:Obviously HE wouldn't know whether he was smart or stupid, but maybe a deep KGB vault...

IQ doesn't really mean a whole lot. A teacher that I know has an IQ of 155. His brother has 100ish, and he's apparently a VP at Microsoft. Obviously the "stupid one" is doing a lot better.

155 wow, highest ever recorded IQ in the world as of 2003 was 154 and she was a she. Your teacher is a filthy liar. Also to get a high level job u don’t need high IQ, u need luck, ass kissing skills and little intelligent.

Average IQ is 100 for humans
A person below 70 is considered retarded
A person over 120 is considered a genius

Tests in the past did not include creative tests, they ONLY focused on language and mathematic tests….let me find my Psychology notes, ill give u more neat facts about IQ
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
155 wow, highest ever recorded IQ in the world as of 2003 was 154 and she was a she. Your teacher is a filthy liar

There are several IQ meters...some go higher than that...some have genius at 120 and others at 130 or maybe she is telling the truth...expect she needs to tell you which standrad she is using.

I took an IQ test once...I got 2 points above the genius if ONLY I could spell genius!!!
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By Maxim Litvinov
162. ... 2903452788

Yay! Since I have a high IQ, that means I'm supposed to be smart, doesn't it?

Or, alternatively, it could mean:
1) This is a sucky IQ test and/or
2) IQ means very little.

The suckiest things about that particular test are that I probably got the question on dimes and nickels wrong (I'm not American), and I don't know imperial measurements (I'm not *that* old-fashioned, or American).

... did I mention I know some three-legged cats.

Oh - on the subject of problems: If you took the number of fingers on each person in the world's left hands, and multiplied the numbers all together, what is your estimate of the result? Be as exact as possible.
By fastspawn
i would suppose as close to 0 as possible. but then again, some people could have infinite fingers on their left hands, and no one can prove that that can't exist.

I have never seen a person with 0 fingers on their left hands, but why do i know they exist. I suppose by accident or something, so we can never discount the possibility of seeing some person with infinite fingers, (not in this dimension though) channgeling the forces of Stuie.

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