REAL worst enemy in humanity - Politics | PoFo

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Worst group in history?

Roman Empire
Attila and the Huns
Inquisitional Spain
Britain: Colonial to Present Day
America: Colonial to Present Day
Russia: Czar to Present Day
Axis Powers of Germany and Italy
Iraq: Saddam Hussein era
No votes
North Korea: post 1950 to Present Day
No votes
Let's make a REAL worst enemy of humanity poll instead of the anti-American slant that Kim Jong-Ix put on it.

I know I won't be able to include all, but expanding the choices should break this down from a Nazi Germany / America vote.

This sucks... I had to whack my list down quite a bit.

[Der Freiheitsucher Edit: I changed your options. Refer to the sticky guide on this forum]
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oops, I went to vote for America and voted for Britain instead :knife:!
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By Comrade Ogilvy
TROI wrote:oops, I went to vote for America and voted for Britain instead :knife:!

Don't worry I voted for America for you and me, I am sure others will start voting unanimously for America, as they have on other polls like this one.
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By Todd D.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone who votes for America has serious fucking issues to deal with.

Comparing America in terms of the Japanese or the Huns for their viciousness is ludicrous. Germany with it's overt "master race" philosphy and the extinguishiung of the subhumans, the Roman Empire with it's Imperialism, the sheer terror and deaths of the Stalin era. If you vote America, you have absolutely ZERO historical knowledge, none whatsoever.
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Haha, I always vote America just to annoy the conservatives :D ... it kinda stabbed me in the back this time though :knife:
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By jaakko
TROI wrote:Haha, I always vote America just to annoy the conservatives :D ... it kinda stabbed me in the back this time though :knife:

Because now you annoyed your "own" conservatives?
By RedStorm
Germany because of the clinical way they killed millions and becasue of the wars that Hitlers imperailism started.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Todd D. wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone who votes for America has serious fucking issues to deal with.

Comparing America in terms of the Japanese or the Huns for their viciousness is ludicrous. Germany with it's overt "master race" philosphy and the extinguishiung of the subhumans, the Roman Empire with it's Imperialism, the sheer terror and deaths of the Stalin era. If you vote America, you have absolutely ZERO historical knowledge, none whatsoever.

In the same regard, if you did not vote America, you have abolutely ZERO historical knowledge, none whatsoever.


Vietnam war, korean war, atomic bombing of civilians in hiroshima, atomic bombing of civilians in nagasaki, the American Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) coup in Iran replacing a democratically elected prime minister with a ruthless dictator monarch, the American Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) coup in Chile replacing a democratically elected leader with a ruthless military dictator, the bombardment of Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Germany, Sudan, the Afghan-soviet war that killed millions using American arms given to the Afghan Islamic fundamentalists and International Islamic terrorists that later turned into the Taliban and "al-Qaida", the American Central Intelligence (CIA) funding of the Panamanian contras with weapons illegal (they were illegal because it was agfainst international law and American law for the government to trade with a state-sponsor of terrorism) weapons sales to Iran, the American arming of Saddam Hussein with biological and chemical weapons to fight against Iran from 1980-1989, the America instigated and funded and armed Panam-Colombia war for the sake of private property rights on the panama canal for American militarist imperialism/colonialism, the American genocide of Cambodians and Laotians during America's war with the Viet Cong of (formerly) North Vietnam, the American arming of India and Pakistan in the 1971 Indo-Pak war and the 1965 Indo-Pak war, the American financial and miltiary support in the form of money and weapons to Israel which Israeli military uses to kill tens of thousands of palestinians in its short history of 66 years up to present as we speak in the billions in American dollars and don't forget the millions of Palestinians evicted from their homes in Israel by Zionist terrorism supported by America, and etc. etc. etc...... We went over this in the other "enemy of humanity" poll.
By Jesse
America. Their ability to frivolously fritter away resources is vastly worse than any other regime in human history, and this fact makes them the most dangerous to us, collectively.
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Because now you annoyed your "own" conservatives?

There aren't really any British tories here though are there?

But really who could vote for Britain over Nazi Germany?
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By Todd D.
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Vietnam war, korean war

Idiotic interventionalist schemes, but nowhere near the brutality of Japan during World War II or the Huns.

atomic bombing of civilians in hiroshima, atomic bombing of civilians in nagasaki

That saved millions of lives on both sides and put an end to one of the worst wars in history. There's already a thread about why we dropped the bomb, and again, if you think that the Bomb killed more people than it saved, you need to go back to history class.

the American Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) coup in Iran replacing a democratically elected prime minister with a ruthless dictator monarch, the American Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) coup in Chile replacing a democratically elected leader with a ruthless military dictator, the bombardment of Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Germany, Sudan

Again, all idiotic interventions, but in most, if not all of these cases, it was not America doing the fighting. We did not invade Iran, etc. This difers fundamentally from Japans invasion of China, Germany's invasion of Poland and France, and the Huns invasion of anything that they saw.

the Afghan-soviet war that killed millions using American arms given to the Afghan Islamic fundamentalists and International Islamic terrorists that later turned into the Taliban and "al-Qaida"

Equally, if not moreso blamed on USSR, also a member of this poll, seeing that it was their aggression that led to such a conflict.

the American Central Intelligence (CIA) funding of the Panamanian contras with weapons illegal (they were illegal because it was agfainst international law and American law for the government to trade with a state-sponsor of terrorism) weapons sales to Iran

See above.

The America instigated and funded and armed Panam-Colombia war for the sake of private property rights on the panama canal for American militarist imperialism/colonialism

Back in the 1920's? What are you high? That was one of the least bloody wars in modern history, and it certainly was not instigated by Americans. They had wanted to secede from Columbia long before the Canal was even a reality.

the American genocide of Cambodians and Laotians during America's war with the Viet Cong of (formerly) North Vietnam

You are so warped in your history that you blame Pol Pot's murders on Americans. More proof that you have an absolute zero amount of historical knowledge. Keep it up propoganda boy.

the American financial and miltiary support in the form of money and weapons to Israel which Israeli military uses to kill tens of thousands of palestinians in its short history of 66 years up to present as we speak in the billions in American dollars and don't forget the millions of Palestinians evicted from their homes in Israel by Zionist terrorism supported by America, and etc. etc. etc...... We went over this in the other "enemy of humanity" poll.

Right, and the Palestinians are blameless? I'm against the funding of Israel, but I support it's existence. It's their land, the UK handed it over and that's the end of the story. Both sides have acted like idiots in a big cock contest, so that's a push in my book.

Once again though, you choose not to focus on facts. You have a blind, irrational hatred for America that you won't be letting up on anytime soon. So go ahead and believe that Pol Pot was the man and that America is the devil, I think it just serves to prove my point.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Where are the Mongo-weans!

Dam Mongo-weans!

I vote for Attila since he is the closest thing to Mongo-weans.
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By Attila The Nun
NDS, let's think realalistically, has the US done anything that hasn't been done by any other nation?
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By Blake
I voted for Britain. First of all, I see America and her imperialism as an evolutionaery step from a British colony.
Britain over Germany because Nazi Germany was too shortlived to count for me. While Britain has been roving and slaughtering for centuries.
However, I think that the colonial French should have been represented here as well. Considering VIETNAM, all indochina and african opression.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Russia: Czar to Present Day

Reason being twofold:

A: The Czars had a golden opportunity to bring the true religion of Christ Jesus to the Russian people and instead elevated the church to an extreme bunch of lying, stealing, cheating weasels.

B: Communists were not content to keep their authoritarian dictatorship that has nothing to do with the betterment of mankind and everything to do with the elevation of the state above the individual, with giving privilege to the elite in Russia. No, they had to export their vile system accross the planet.
Communism is the poison of the 20th Century. It has migrated into so many sick and morally depraved versions that even an American President can claim "compassionate conservatism" and convince folks its a legitimate part of government.
Communism's popularity is easy to explain when you think about how popular it is to cheat and steal.
Communism is a failed system all over the world, but people so love the notion of stealing from their more successful neighbors that they are blinded to the fact that they themselves are being exploited and used by the politicians and the ruling elite.
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy on 30 Jun 2004 10:14, edited 1 time in total.
By fastspawn
Todd D. wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone who votes for America has serious fucking issues to deal with.

Comparing America in terms of the Japanese or the Huns for their viciousness is ludicrous. Germany with it's overt "master race" philosphy and the extinguishiung of the subhumans, the Roman Empire with it's Imperialism, the sheer terror and deaths of the Stalin era. If you vote America, you have absolutely ZERO historical knowledge, none whatsoever.

I suppose you believe yourself to be the only person in the world with the correct viewpoint. Everyone who doesn't agree with you for whatever reason is just plain wrong. Given NDS's examples, there is quite clearly an extremely good reason to believe that Americans have harmed humanity than many other countries you have listed. Though an individual person doesn't make up humanity, from this poll we can get a gauge of what the sentiment of some of what our "humanity" feels.

Anyway, if you guys really didn't want us to vote America, why put it there in the first place?
By verlan
NationaliDemocratiSociali, nice list.

Of course all of the groups on the list belong there. What's impotant to keep in mind, however, is that the US possesses more power than any of these other groups ever had, or currently has. The disparity is daunting. The US military budget is $400 billion, more than something like the next 9 biggest budgets combined. Given that we live in the age of nuclear weapons, that the list above of atrocities/misdeeds/crimes/snafus/etc is not even comprehensive, that American arrogance - the do as we say, not as we do mentality - is incredibly fervent, I am logically lead to the conclusion that the US represents the largest threat to humanity that the world has ever known.

Another vote for America the beautiful.
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By Boondock Saint
I voted America :eek:

And now I will tell you why.

You see, if communists think we are the 'worst' group ever then really we are doing our job well. We have spread democracy and freedom across a great part of the world. Our soldiers have stopped such savage regimes as North Korea and the Soviet Union from spreading a plague across the face of the earth.

We were left on a continent which was inhabited by tribes and nothing else. There were no cities, no roads, no infrastructure at all and in under two hundred years we made that undeveloped continent into the greatest Empire the world has ever seen.

And why is that? Did we CHOOSE to become an empire?

No, we were forced to become what we are today, we were forced by the Europeans and the Asians and the Russians to drop our isolationalist ways and we responded with such brute military force that all have fallen before us.

Germany (I give the major credit of their fall to the Soviets), Japan and eventually the Soviets. We are the ultimate empire. Surpassing Rome, surpassing Imperial Britain, surpassing Imperial Japan.

So that is why I voted America, because we have become the tall poppy, we are the end all be all that all other empires aspire to be. We are who China wished to challenge, we are who the Europeans dream of becoming, we are who the Russians are so envious of.

So please ... vote America to further prove that it is we who are the greatest threat to mankind and not some piss poor empire that we dwarf.
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By Liberal
I voted: Axis Powers of Germany and Italy.
They did enough damage to the World.

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