Should McGreevy Have Resigned? - Politics | PoFo

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Should McGreevy Have Resigned?

For those of you who don't know who Mcgreevy is, he is (was?) the Governor of New Jersey (Democrat). He recently admitted to having an affair with another man, and in the same speech declared that he was a "Gay American" and resigned.

Clinton didn't resign, so I don't see why it should be any different for McGreevy.
Counter-Corporate Jujitsu wrote:For those of you who don't know who Mcgreevy is, he is (was?) the Governor of New Jersey (Democrat). He recently admitted to having an affair with another man, and in the same speech declared that he was a "Gay American" and resigned.

Clinton didn't resign, so I don't see why it should be any different for McGreevy.

He should resign unlike Clinton. Because Clinton and Lewinsky had consensual sex, whereas McGreevy is currently being accused of Sexual Harrasement. That is where the difference lies.

It is one thing to maintain a gay relationship with a willing partner, another thing to sexually harass the other party.
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By Clovis
He is not resigning because he's gay, he's resigning because he is being sued for criminal sexual harrassment. Clinton's antics with Lewinsky was consentual. Apparantly all of McGreevy's advances were not well recieved.

[EDIT -- fastspawn beat me to it!]
He is? I heard that it was consentual.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Counter-Corporate Jujitsu wrote:He is? I heard that it was consentual.

The ex governor is being sued by (cant seem to recall the name) for sexual harassment so thats why he is stepping down.
Counter-Corporate Jujitsu wrote:Clinton didn't resign, so I don't see why it should be any different for McGreevy.

He isn't being forced to resign is he? He can resign if he wants. He could resign because he jay-walked one day if he wanted to.
By graymouser
He's being sued, which would render him a lame-duck governor for a year and then lose the election badly (I'm not pro-Democrat, but I'm also not for giving the Republicans a free ride). I am pro-gay, but I think that McGreevey's position is such that he couldn't not resign.

By Pope Perseus Peptabysmal
I wanna give McGreevey's PR manager some major props: Giving the illusion he's resigning because it was found out he was gay to mask the fact he gave an important government position to an unqualified (and non American) person was genius.

In short, McGreevey has uhm... Comitted Cronyism(I'm not sure if that's the right usage) and thus should resign and be replaced immediately.

Edit, thanks Fastspawn. I hate Nepotism which is kind of counter productive because I'll eventually inherit the family business...
Last edited by Pope Perseus Peptabysmal on 15 Aug 2004 07:29, edited 1 time in total.
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By The American Lion
This is great timeing on the guy who is sueing. Sue during the election time. So the DNC can replace McGreevey with a better Democrat.
By briansmith
This is more about his boy Golan trying to extort $50 million from McGreevey by threatening a sexual harassment lawsuit. And if you don't think it was extortion, how about Cipel's demand that a private medical college be established in New Jersey? Does that sound like something you can win in a civil lawsuit?

I'm glad he resigned because he saved the state from being extorted by his former lover. I'm writing a letter to the Governor, since I've been an NJ resident for eleven years, thanking him for "taking one for the team" later this week.
By graymouser
The American Lion wrote:This is great timeing on the guy who is sueing. Sue during the election time. So the DNC can replace McGreevey with a better Democrat.

Spoken like someone who doesn't know that New Jersey state elections all happen in off-years, and gubernatorial elections are held the year after presidential elections. McGreevey wouldn't have been up for re-election until November 2005.

While the Dems will get another shot at the state house, it won't be this year, it'll be next.

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By The American Lion
graymouser wrote:
The American Lion wrote:This is great timeing on the guy who is sueing. Sue during the election time. So the DNC can replace McGreevey with a better Democrat.

Spoken like someone who doesn't know that New Jersey state elections all happen in off-years, and gubernatorial elections are held the year after presidential elections. McGreevey wouldn't have been up for re-election until November 2005.

While the Dems will get another shot at the state house, it won't be this year, it'll be next.


No. This is control of the state for electing the President. If a better Democrat is put up as Governer. It will push for a Kerry Control state in the election. If he left now, the GOP have easier time to set up positions to make this a Bush Control state. Thats why McGreevey is staying after the elections. So he can try to help Kerry win NJ.
By Spin
I thought that the guy was against gay marriage and homosexuality in general?
By graymouser
The American Lion wrote:No. This is control of the state for electing the President. If a better Democrat is put up as Governer. It will push for a Kerry Control state in the election. If he left now, the GOP have easier time to set up positions to make this a Bush Control state. Thats why McGreevey is staying after the elections. So he can try to help Kerry win NJ.

Kerry doesn't need help winning NJ. If he lost it, he'd have lost almost every other state in the country first. The state's been polling a good 20% more favorable for Kerry. So no, there's no presidential matter in the McGreevey resignation - the statute of limitations for pressing charges against McGreevey would've run out as of yesterday if no charges were filed.

I'd say McGreevey's resignation is a big help for the Dems to keep the statehouse next year, though.

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