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@late If you enter a country, without permission, and that is illegal, then it makes you a criminal no matter how you might feel about it.
litwin wrote:70% of Americans view Ukraine as an ally or friendly, 80% view Moscow empire as an enemy or unfriendly

Estonia number one :excited:

But that is a wrong graph. You need to show totals. We(Europe) have provided 75% while US provided 25% by now. So we provided a bit less than 3 times more than the US. We also provided more military aid than the US by now.
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By litwin
JohnRawls wrote:Estonia number one :excited:

But that is a wrong graph. You need to show totals. We(Europe) have provided 75% while US provided 25% by now. So we provided a bit less than 3 times more than the US. We also provided more military aid than the US by now.

does Estonia produce the weapons as well ? Looks like Finns (as a NATO member ) are gonna sell a lot , you´d gang up with them.

$62,000,000,000 US coming soon to Ukraine, including long range ATACMS! 8)
Speaker Johnson : "I believe Xi, Vladimir putin and Iran really are an axis of evil"

Godstud wrote:You already have enough problems with reality. :roll: What I said is fact.

If you enter a country illegally, you are a criminal.

Yes, but a country that practices or that supports genocide, is a criminal country.

Canada is a criminal country (a fake country built out of genocide) so if "criminals" are entering it, that should not be a surprise. And if this entering is "illegal," that's even more appropriate.

Why did Canada genocide so many nations, Godstud? To make it safe for know-nothings from the British lower classes who were sent here with the weekly trash?

litwin wrote:$62,000,000,000 US coming soon to Ukraine, including long range ATACMS!

Killing people and getting brother to fight brother... is what criminal Western countries "do." The rest of the world would be wise to put a stop to this criminal behavior.
QatzelOk wrote:Canada is a criminal country (a fake country built out of genocide) so if "criminals" are entering it, that should not be a surprise. And if this entering is "illegal," that's even more appropriate.

Why did Canada genocide so many nations, Godstud? To make it safe for know-nothings from the British lower classes who were sent here with the weekly trash?
You don't deal with facts, only your ridiculous feelings. It's too bad you wasted that money, and time, on a Political Science degree that you learned nothing from. You lack even the most basic critical thinking ability.

The worst colonizers throughout history have been the French, but you deny that reality, because it won't fit your Francophone narrative. You're a professional victim. The French were the first "genociders" in what is now Canada, and you're a hypocrite and a liar.
By late
Godstud wrote:
@late If you enter a country, without permission, and that is illegal, then it makes you a criminal no matter how you might feel about it.

Repeating stupid doesn't make it any better.

There are hundreds of laws on the books that are ignored. When, not if, you jaywalk, you don't suddenly become a criminal.

In fact, one legal maxim says intent makes the crime. Immigrants come here to work...

You haven't even figured out this is part of labor history..
late wrote:Repeating stupid doesn't make it any better.
I am sorry that facts seem stupid to you. Perhaps you need to stop engaging your feelings and use logic.

late wrote:There are hundreds of laws on the books that are ignored. When, not if, you jaywalk, you don't suddenly become a criminal.
Just because a law is ignored does not mean that you aren't engaging in a criminal act. Illegal immigration laws are enforced, and not ignored. When a person jaywalks, the crime is over in a short time. If you are in a country illegally, every moment in the country is illegal. Your crime does not end until you leave.

late wrote:In fact, one legal maxim says intent makes the crime. Immigrants come here to work...
That is irrelevant. If my intent is to feed my family and I steal food, it does not justify the crime.

I am not disputing that most illegal immigrant come to other countries to work, but their getting into the country without permission is illegal. Their presence in the country is a criminal act. As long as they remain in the country, they are engaging in criminal behavior and are, by basic logic, criminals.
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By litwin
QatzelOk wrote:

Killing people and getting brother to fight brother... is what criminal Western countries "do." The rest of the world would be wise to put a stop to this criminal behavior.

maskali are the people but the genocidal beasts

ps any comment on this ?
Godstud wrote:They do know that entering a foreign country without permission is illegal. Are you suggesting that these people are too stupid to know better? :eh:

If they enter a country illegally they are considered criminals(That is what illegal means).

I stated that the law is quite clear on this. You know this, as well as I do. If you are there illegally, then you are a criminal, regardless of if you pay taxes and don't commit any other crimes. Your estimation is incorrect, and not based in reality.

Nobody is hating anyone. They understand that what they are doing is illegal. They are not dumb, unless you are racist.. and I don't believe you are.

Life is complex, but laws are simple @Tainari88. If you break the law, you are a criminal, regardless of if you think it is justified, or not. The law is quite clear on this. If you are fleeing persecution and break into a house for safety, you are still guilty of a crime, regardless of what you consider the justification. You are relying on feelings to justify criminality. I am talking about fact.

Godstud, you are failing to understand contexts of different nations and different realities. I have little time because I got to get back to work interpreting for that nonprofit I just mentioned.

Let me just tell you this. Have you ever wondered why in Mexico and Central America and most nations in the Third World have squatters and people who move in to land bases and set up cardboard tents and shacks and then do some tin roofs and steal electricity and have to haul water, and live with open sewers? Where is the enforcement and codes and city planning and fines and regulations of all that illegal haphazard stuff? It does not exist in Latin America or Africa. Why? No law enforcement budgets. Many many poor people and not enough prisons, pro bono lawyers, courtrooms, cops that do tickets, do enforcement. They live without LAWS in that way. If you live your entire life doing shit that is about survival and the government has zero enforcement and there are so many of you (the poor) that are left to their own devices what kind of society are you going to become? One of self poverty regulations. You make up your own rules and as a wave of huge numbers of poverty and neglected completely societies you are going to create the idea that law is not really there at all. You live in relative anarchistic circumstances.

There is a consequence that is severe to living in societies with low tax paying people, who scratch out a living, never can get formal educations and live in precarious conditions and they are in the MILLIONS all over North America and the Caribbean, and Central America. You fail to invest in these people? They will get used to being without legal ramifications to everything because in their communities there is zero enforcement of a damn thing. Not for tickets for failing to clean up junk in the front patio, or for open sewage in the streets, or for ramshackle fire hazard no code homes, or for lack of clean water filtration, and for no real light posts to light up the streets at night, or paved roads.

Think about what that makes a society? ANARCHY. In everything. You are on your own. The government is a ghost that never makes an appearance.

@Rancid is correct that in Mexico they are improving by leaps and bounds and Mexicans are actually staying put. That Southern Border now is full of Central Americans and others from farther away that get tourism visas in Mexico easily.

The USA sells huge arms to the Cartels that sell their drugs north of the border. There is collaboration between the drug dealers and US drug runners and arms dealers. They control the border and like vultures feed off of the poor in desperate circumstances.

Now, you say they are criminals. Where in the life of the poor of rural towns and the poor of urban cities in Latin America is there a consequence to what I described? There ar no consequences.

When they hit Denver or Houston or Chicago or Philly or Los the USA what the hell happens? They do the anarchistic thing and try to find a job under the table, the bureaucracy is freaky to them. How did the government take over suddenly and they do not give a shit about their 'take a chance on us. The illiterate, the desperate and the unruly.'? I thought the movies I saw in the Central American movie theaters painted this rosy picture of the USA and how everyone is in a middle class home. How the jobs pay well. How I can have a dignified life. Oh shit, I need to speak English, I need to have a high school diploma at least for 85% of jobs. I know how to work hard. I can work hard but they are not paying me enough for rent....why? I thought $16 bucks an hour was super high wages but now, I realize it is not enough with the prices here...what do I do? How could I get this so wrong? It was not true....I need to keep going, and hope for the best. Keep a low profile until I figure it all out.

They do not respect laws because they grew up without any presence of laws in their poverty and never having access to formal educations. If you do not invest in people they grow up without all that concept of you follow the laws and wait your turn, and you allow a process to determine your life. If you try to think that way in these poor neighborhoods in Central America, Mexico and other places in the world? YOU DIE fast. You either go out and find a way to get an income anyway you can and you do mob movements. All the time. The cops leave those barrios alone. They rarely go in there. Why? The numbers rule. If you try to enforce tax collection on people making shit for wages that they live on noodles and rice only and you come along saying got to pay taxes? What do you think is going to happen to you Godstud?

I am surprised that many Americans have no clue what it does to human beings living in those conditions for decades and how they have no real understanding of what all these codes, regulations, and enforcement means in first world societies with serious cash invested in law and order. They have no clue. It is another planet.

And it is.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 19 Apr 2024 15:36, edited 1 time in total.
@Tainari88 I think it is you who fails to understand that if you constantly break the laws in ANY country, that it makes you a criminal. Were I to stay in Thailand, without permission, it would make me a criminal in Thailand. The same applies to ANY country where a person requires permission from the country, to reside there.

The rest of your argument is pretty irrelevant, and simply an attempt to excuse criminal behavior.
By late
Godstud wrote:
That is irrelevant.


All you are accomplishing here is a humorous illustration of your intellectual limits.
Godstud wrote:
The French were the first "genociders" in what is now Canada, and you're a hypocrite and a liar.

The first French colony was set up like France was. Unlike France, you could leave, and the peasants did.

Most wound up living with Indians, some went to the British colonies. One visitor arrived at the colony and found the lord doing manual labor. That would have been unthinkable in France, but the colony kept losing people.


While I don't agree with either of you, I've said this already to Qatz, there is a lot of history in history.

Point is, while there was genocide, the first French colony was the opposite of that...
litwin wrote:70% of Americans view Ukraine as an ally or friendly, 80% view Moscow empire as an enemy or unfriendly

We produce large amount of drones and other robotics equipment for our size if we talk about weapons. Also some other 3d printed military stuff and lasers plus optical equipment and fibre. And a lot of rare earth chemicals that are used in very specific both industrial and military processes. I think our chemichal/rare earth plant is the largest in Europe when it comes to that sort of stuff. All military industry related.

Edit: Actually. There is only 2 rare-earth processing/chemical plants outside of China. 1 of them is in Malaysia and 1 in Estonia. We are actually upgrading it/making it bigger.
Godstud wrote:@Tainari88 I think it is you who fails to understand that if you constantly break the laws in ANY country, that it makes you a criminal. Were I to stay in Thailand, without permission, it would make me a criminal in Thailand. The same applies to ANY country where a person requires permission from the country, to reside there.

The rest of your argument is pretty irrelevant, and simply an attempt to excuse criminal behavior.

I am looking at the cold realities of what is going on in the Southern border. Thousands of people and even maybe millions of people are leaving countries in crisis. Mainly Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Cuba, and others. Why? It is a problem. What do you do about controlling a surge of a quarter of a million people forcing their way into a nation? Are they all criminals? Most of them are poverty people with no hope. They are willing to literally maybe die in a journey fraught with obstacles. Why? That worries me.

The idea that people are willing to walk, hitchhike on trains, and buses and so on for thousands of miles without real possibilities of knowing what can happen is a statement. They are communicating Godstud.

And by the way, you had advantages in order to get accepted into Thailand didn't you?

Yes or no? Were you some refugee from Bangladesh with zero cash and nothing and thinking the Thai government is gonna help you?

I am not thinking about your circumstances Godstud. I am thinking about the circumstances of MOBS of people getting upset because they have no hope. No hope. If they had hope in their nations of origin they would not be going to Chile, to Peru, to Colombia, to Mexico and to every nation that had slightly better employment prospects than where they are from.

They are criminals. What are you going to do about 11 million undocumented people and thousands of people pushing through to go to the USA without permission. You got to detain them, and document them and then send them back. Or if they are claiming asylum they need to see judges and get that done. The other alternative is having Mexico take them all in and deal with it without having budgets for deportation in the millions. If the US does not have a budget for it? Then how is Mexico supposed to find the funds?

The crisis needs to be addressed. The Mexican president says billions need to be spent on reliable ways of spending money to stabilize the economies of the countries that are sending millions of their people out of the country due to total collapse or disfunctional economics and or law and order breakdowns.

Be realistic. Do you want to put kids in cages, and shoot them in the head because they are criminals without trial or process Godstud? Because they are criminals? Are teens criminals? Children? Women and men who do not have a job and force their way in?

I do my part in Mexico. I tell them it is a fucking pipe dream and not worth it. You have no idea how difficult it is to adapt to a society that you have no real skills to deal well in that society. You will run into law problems, economic issues, exploitation by employer issues and problems. Period. Do not do it. Stay in your own society, vote, and advocate for action through legal means and be organized and laser focused on getting your own government to respond or OUST them from office.

But running to the USA with zero skills is a big risk. That is what I tell them.

Now, if you want to see them as criminals and have the USA government spend Billions upon Billions of dollars trying to process them forever and then have every Latin American looking person searched and treated like an illegal alien because the government is paranoid? Go ahead.

The reality is this has consequences in the real world.

The US either starts working hard on its broken immigration system or it will face more millions running in there. Why? Because Latin America lives in deep poverty and all of the Americans and Canadians live near each other....and unless they know how to work cooperatively so that all nations economy are stable and have no need for mass immigration exoduses of the worst sort? This can be prevented.

If there is the closed attitude of criminals. Losers. Law breakers....that is it.

Frankly unless you speak fluent Thai and speak well by now fluent Thai and know the culture in and out and all around? The reality is you are not a poor refugee Godstud in Thailand or the USA. You never were. Did not have to be. They do have to be. Never got out of the hole there. That is what I am analyzing. Reality. Not what you think the world is about. But what is actually the reality. People are desperate and fleeing bad economies, bad governance and dysfunctional societies. How to cope? It won't be a quick fix. You can shoot people in the head with their children next to them and get a quick solution? Is that the way to cope? No.

Fix the broken economics is the fastest way to deal with it and speed up the immigration process for the people who legitimately have a real case. And process the ones who do not. It is going to require MONEY and Mexico is not going to pay for the wall or the other dumb shit that Trump proposes.
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By litwin
JohnRawls wrote:We produce large amount of drones and other robotics equipment for our size if we talk about weapons. Also some other 3d printed military stuff and lasers plus optical equipment and fibre. And a lot of rare earth chemicals that are used in very specific both industrial and military processes. I think our chemichal/rare earth plant is the largest in Europe when it comes to that sort of stuff. All military industry related.

Edit: Actually. There is only 2 rare-earth processing/chemical plants outside of China. 1 of them is in Malaysia and 1 in Estonia. We are actually upgrading it/making it bigger.

i see, very good .

breaking :

JohnRawls wrote:We produce large amount of drones and other robotics equipment for our size if we talk about weapons. Also some other 3d printed military stuff and lasers plus optical equipment and fibre. And a lot of rare earth chemicals that are used in very specific both industrial and military processes. I think our chemichal/rare earth plant is the largest in Europe when it comes to that sort of stuff. All military industry related.

Edit: Actually. There is only 2 rare-earth processing/chemical plants outside of China. 1 of them is in Malaysia and 1 in Estonia. We are actually upgrading it/making it bigger.

Trump lies. Are you surprised? I am not.

BTW, Ukrainians should not be able to flee Ukraine. It is a burden on the rest of the nations close by. Russians should stay in Russia, Ukrainians in Ukraine. No one leaves war zones and bad economics with blown out buildings and mines and shootings and so on.

Criminals. Stay sucking up bad conditions. These are the arguments of people with zero hearts. I hate that mentality. It is lack of compassion.

You think Latin America with its super duper bad poverty is somehow not going to go for the USA border in desperation when there are sanctions on both Venezuela and Cuba (both countries have a lot of people in the Mexican border), Honduras with destroyed economies by mainly the Old United Fruit corporation from the USA. And other circumstances that are HORRIBLE.

Suck it up Ukrainians and Russians. Stay in your nation and die without fleeing. That is the message the conservative assholes come up with.

I say RUN for your damn life and save your people and hope that you survive all that shit and have a nation to go back to someday. But live today and save yourself. Choose life. Not death.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 19 Apr 2024 17:21, edited 1 time in total.
litwin wrote:so American traitor Russell Bentley kidnapped and killed in DONETSK , 1) GRU - FSB 2) THE LOCAL MAFIA (HE HAD some money for sure ) :lol:

Assuming it's true. What a jackass. It's like those asshats that moved to Russia from Canada, and then realized Russia sucks. :lol: Another example of people just making up stories in their head. The very fact Putin has been in power for decades should be a giant red flag for anyone considering going there....
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