Democrats force bi-sexual Congresswoman from Office - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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This entire thing was a bruh moment :lol:

Former Rep. Katie Hill's father pushes for prosecution of 'evil' estranged husband

The father of former Rep. Katie Hill, who stepped down this week after nude photos of her were leaked amid allegations of inappropriate sexual relations with a congressional staffer, attacked his daughter's estranged husband as "wicked" and "evil" on Tuesday.

"I have remained silent and watched as Katie and our entire family has had to endure the spectacle created when her estranged husband, sent 'revenge porn' to RedState and/or some other British tabloid," Michael Hill said in a statement given exclusively to ABC News. "The fact that Kenny Heslep would do such a thing is unfathomable and appalling, especially considering that they were together since Katie was in high school and this is a woman that he purportedly loved and cared about."

Like the former representative, who blamed her husband for leaking the private photos in her resignation letter, Michael Hill cited a California law -- known informally as outlawing "revenge porn" -- and said they would be pushing for prosecution. California passed the law in 2013; Washington, D.C., has a similar law.

"This action is clearly a violation of 647(j)(4) of the California Penal Code because he had images of the intimate body parts of Katie, that he intentionally distributed to cause serious emotional distress," Michael Hill said in the statement. "There is no doubt that Katie has suffered serious emotional distress as a result of these images being posted."

"For committing this crime, Kenny deserves to be punished to the maximum extent allowable by law," he added. "As a father, I wish worse for him."

Hill's resignation came less than a week after the House Ethics Committee announced it would investigate her for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a congressional staffer in violation of House rules. While Hill has denied that allegation, she did acknowledge having a sexual relationship with a campaign staffer when she was running for Congress in 2018.

"Let's not pretend that her resigning is anything other than the direct result of the actions of a wicked man whose sole purpose in life, after he was dumped, was to hurt my little girl," her father said. "Evil has many faces and this is one of them."

Hill is the second openly bisexual congresswoman to ever be elected.

She was a co-chair on the LGBT Caucus. LOL the US actually has a government entity for that :lol:
blackjack21 wrote:
Flynn is not in jail.

So far, there appears to be no citation of a United States Code or of the Code of Federal Regulations. In other words, the whole thing is a dead letter to this day.


Not what the Constitution says. I'm tired of typing it, read Hamilton. Trump already tried that in court, the judge gave him a piece of her mind...
SpecialOlympian wrote:I love watching our forum's two oldest posters psyche each other up on nothing but Fox News, YouTube grifters, and pure manic energy for a doddering old speed freak.

I'm 51. I'll be 52 next month. That's Gen-X, not boomer. @jimjam and @drlee are quite a bit older than me as is @Hindsite. What's your issue with older people anyway? You envy our fatter paychecks or something?

late wrote:Trump already tried that in court, the judge gave him a piece of her mind...

Tired of typing what? Tried what in court? The president has not been charged with any crime. He's not even being alleged to have committed a crime defined by the United States Code or Code of Federal Regulations. The Democrats are merely alleging that the way he's exercising his office is somehow an impeachable offense. It's a policy difference, which is to be addressed at the ballot box. Do you have anything to say about the present topic?

maz wrote:She was a co-chair on the LGBT Caucus. LOL the US actually has a government entity for that :lol:

The Democrats made her resign, because the photos will otherwise be used in political ads. It's so funny that the Democrats find themselves embarrassed by behavior they advocate.

Hey! I'm your Democrat Member of Congress, running for re-election. We're all about women's rights!

We love women!

Too funny!

maz wrote:She sounds like Hillary Clinton talking about flashing videos that appear and disappear on the dark web that caused her to lose the 2016 presidential election.

It's her excuse, but the reality is that the nude bong photo will be used in national elections if they don't get rid of her.

It's as I've said for awhile now: to behave and say the things these people do, they have to be on drugs.
blackjack21 wrote:I'm 51. I'll be 52 next month. That's Gen-X, not boomer.

Lying about your age is pretty sad, dude. You're pretty clearly a man nearing death who is angry that the world has changed.

Maybe hearing the word "bisexual" gets you angry enough that you feel like a spry 52 years young? Perhaps you are confused?

blackjack21 wrote:The Democrats made her resign, because the photos will otherwise be used in political ads. It's so funny that the Democrats find themselves embarrassed by behavior they advocate.

First off, do you have any proof she was forced to resign other than elderly intuition (AKA senility)?

Second, are you admitting that your anticipated behavior for the GOP, the use of revenge porn in campaign ads, is not hypocritical? That shaming and denigrating women is a bedrock position of their platform, and using said revenge porn is consistent with their ideology?

Definitely a modern, Gen-X view and not that of a 90 year old first generation immigrant from the Baltics or some such old country. Please stop lying about your age.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 31 Oct 2019 22:00, edited 1 time in total.
@blackjack21 is 51? Blackjack you have never been married or had children at all by this time?

Where are your traditional Americana values and apple pies and Chevrolet and stuff of that nature?

The truth is I don't know how any of these people allow themselves to be photographed doing crazy stuff.

They should know by now if you want a political career they better attempt to not do anything publicly shameful...but that never stopped Clinton, or Trump or a lot of presidents....

I think Pena Nieto had a male lover who that dude had video of he and the ex prez of Mexico from the PRI party going at it. He threatened to leak it unless he got some money.

The stuff that happens...

51 years old Senor BJ? Well, you are two years younger than I am...I wonder is he a Capricorn or a Sagittarius? Lol.

I am a

Special Olympian, it is all about who these people jump into bed with. It is not about their political is about if they are into vaginas or penises or if they can't decide or if they wind up becoming lonely people willing to shoot up Las Vegas or Los Angeles because no one fell in love with their cold hearts....

I don't know....

I still think Blackjack can find a heterosexual, good looking Anglo woman of impeccable pedigree with lots of independent money who might enjoy his company and his coding ways...and decide she wants to WASPinize the world and save the USA from the people from the wrong genetic pool.....

He has a shot at that.... ;)
blackjack21 wrote:
The president has not been charged with any crime.

He's not even being alleged to have committed a crime defined by the United States Code or Code of Federal Regulations.

What do you think impeachment is??

The Constitution was written long before laws were codified. Nor would they have required it had it existed at that time.

If there was an abuse, they wanted Congress to be able to deal with that. According to thousands of retired judges, intel guys, prosecutors, diplomats, accountants, prof of constitutional law and more... Trump has abused just about everything.
late wrote:What do you think impeachment is??

The Constitution was written long before laws were codified. Nor would they have required it had it existed at that time.

If there was an abuse, they wanted Congress to be able to deal with that. According to thousands of retired judges, intel guys, prosecutors, diplomats, accountants, prof of constitutional law and more... Trump has abused just about everything.

Sure he has. And he still is there with his tweeting self watching Fox News and saying crazy crap on TV and on Twitter.

He abuses and no one can get the 45 one out of office.

Something smells like no one can get him out of office because they have a lot of dirty laundry they are hiding and can't do the job of impeaching him.

If they don't come up with a strategy for getting him out? He will do the same thing as in 2016 and win another four years.
blackjack21 wrote:
The Democrats made her resign, because the photos will otherwise be used in political ads. It's so funny that the Democrats find themselves embarrassed by behavior they advocate. Hey! I'm your Democrat Member of Congress, running for re-election. We're all about women's rights!

These people are so ridiculous! They put on thousand dollar outfits and try to act serious when in reality they are just extraordinary losers.

It's been absolutely hilarious watching them crash and burn. And the whining from all these blue wave wahmens and male feminists on Twitter about Katie Hill resigning has been too good to resist.



blackjack21 wrote:It's her excuse, but the reality is that the nude bong photo will be used in national elections if they don't get rid of her.

But what if she was forced out by the Democrats because she was being blackmailed for her congressional seat? I read somewhere that they had 700 photos of her that were going to be leaked. Maybe there were way worse photos than the ones that were released.

Maybe some of them were going to implicate other Democrats or their surrogates? I am speculating because I'm just not buying the scorned husband who leaked the photos as the only reason those photos were released. Why hasn't he already been arrested if "revenge porn" is illegal?
Yeah that's some grade A speculation Maz, keep it up. That's the quality posting we've come to expect. You heard shekels clinking in the wind again, good job.

Also Kavanaugh is a rapist and was a frequently blacked out fratboy so he definitely got up to some shit. Not really a hot take from Katie to point out the obvious. The rape was a selling point for GOP members btw.

maz wrote:Why hasn't he already been arrested if "revenge porn" is illegal?

Probably because it happened recently and the Capital police are still investigating? But the actual answer is: you are asking purposely stupid and disingenuous questions.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lying about your age is pretty sad, dude. You're pretty clearly a man nearing death who is angry that the world has changed.

Not as sad as hallucinating--sending your brain into psychosis just for kicks.

SpecialOlympian wrote:First off, do you have any proof she was forced to resign other than elderly intuition (AKA senility)?

Obviously, they had a conversation with her about her future. They had a similar conversation with Al Franken. They sort of regret that, because people like me think it's funny. We'd also think it funny to use those pics in campaign ads.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Second, are you admitting that your anticipated behavior for the GOP, the use of revenge porn in campaign ads, is not hypocritical?

How would that be hypocritical? Revenge porn statutes in California were written by Democrats--obviously you should know that, since you purport to live here.

SpecialOlympian wrote:That shaming and denigrating women is a bedrock position of their platform, and using said revenge porn is consistent with their ideology?

She doesn't look ashamed in that picture.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Definitely a modern, Gen-X view and not that of a 90 year old first generation immigrant from the Baltics or some such old country.

Yep. Born in 1967. My father's family was here before the revolution. My mothers parents were both immigrants. Both grandfathers lived to be 100. So I'm just middle aged if things pan out for me as they did for my grandfathers. According to, my heritage is 100% European, 97.9% Northwestern European, and 75.8% British and Irish. Drilling down deeper, my strongest English ancestry focuses on the greater London area, Manchester (grandfather was from Halifax, Yorkshire) and Liverpool; and my Irish ancestry in County Cork (where my grandmother is from).

SpecialOlympian wrote:Please stop lying about your age.

Please stop whining about your inability to read more than one sentence and think about responses and then give in to your drug-induced hallucinations as though that were some meaningful reality.

Tainari88 wrote:@blackjack21 is 51? Blackjack you have never been married or had children at all by this time?

No. It has never been my ambition to be married. I like kids, but see no point in raising kids in a broken family which is almost a certainty these days.

Tainari88 wrote:Where are your traditional Americana values and apple pies and Chevrolet and stuff of that nature?

If you haven't noticed, the left has been systematically trying to destroy that way of life for the last 50-60 years now.

Tainari88 wrote:The truth is I don't know how any of these people allow themselves to be photographed doing crazy stuff.

It's a simple answer: drugs.

Tainari88 wrote:They should know by now if you want a political career they better attempt to not do anything publicly shameful...

They aren't ashamed of it. Did you see Hill crying and sobbing and saying, "I'm sorry"? No. She's not sorry about what she did at all. She's only sorry that the pictures got published and conservative Democrats and independents will bail in enough numbers that she will lose her seat--AND, that the party doesn't want her becoming the poster child in the next election. They will give her some absolution after the next election, like they did to Al Franken. As for elected office, for now she is persona non grata.

Tainari88 wrote:51 years old Senor BJ? Well, you are two years younger than I am...I wonder is he a Capricorn or a Sagittarius? Lol.


Tainari88 wrote:He has a shot at that.... ;)

Ha! At my age, I end up more or less as a surrogate father to girlfriend's kids.

late wrote:What do you think impeachment is??

He hasn't been impeached yet either... :roll:

late wrote:According to thousands of retired judges, intel guys, prosecutors, diplomats, accountants, prof of constitutional law and more... Trump has abused just about everything.

So? According to thousands of retired judges, intel guys, prosecutors, diplomats, accountants, prof of constitutional law and more... <insert president> has abused just about everything. Welcome to paid "contributors".

Tainari88 wrote:Something smells like no one can get him out of office because they have a lot of dirty laundry they are hiding and can't do the job of impeaching him.

If they don't come up with a strategy for getting him out? He will do the same thing as in 2016 and win another four years.

That, Tainari88, is why they want to impeach him. The people who want more war--Biden, Bush, Clinton, et. al.--are not in power, but their minions in the deep state are the ones orchestrating this stuff, and they have the damnedest problem: Trump hasn't actually committed a crime. In fact, their biggest concern is that he is investigating THEIR crimes. That's what they are trying desperately to stop.

maz wrote:But what if she was forced out by the Democrats because she was being blackmailed for her congressional seat? I read somewhere that they had 700 photos of her that were going to be leaked. Maybe there were way worse photos than the ones that were released.

The Democrats and a few RINOs are all for this LGBTQ crap until there are pictures of it getting leaked and that behavior being made the face of their party. However, if the leaked pictures are sexually compromising with staffers and involving illegal behavior, it's not legally revenge porn. Maybe that's why they are sitting on 700 other pictures, because those pictures may be covered by revenge porn if the behavior depicted is not illegal.

maz wrote:Maybe some of them were going to implicate other Democrats or their surrogates? I am speculating because I'm just not buying the scorned husband who leaked the photos as the only reason those photos were released. Why hasn't he already been arrested if "revenge porn" is illegal?

I just looked at the statute. It is "non-consensual pornography" that is more harshly treated. If there are that many pictures, it's not secretly recorded and then exposed, it's harder to prove revenge porn. If she consented to being photographed that many times, it's unlikely there was any understanding. Consequently, it would be very hard to get a conviction--especially with a public figure. It's also not a crime if it's exposing unlawful activity--perhaps like sexually abusing staff, which is alleged here. See California Penal Code 647(j)(4).

SpecialOlypian wrote:Probably because it happened recently and the Capital police are still investigating?

Because if she's paying campaign workers for sex with campaign funds, it's illegal and exposing her having sex with them is not legally revenge porn. It's whistleblowing--not the Monica Lewinsky kind, but the kind that reveals criminal conduct.
@blackjack21 I am dead tired, I messed up somewhere in the I hope I answered the stuff you quote from your quote bomb up there....I am going to bed....I halloweened too long I think.... :D

What do other people's family life have to do with yours Blackjack? Just because there are a lot of divorces out there why do you think yours is doomed to the same fate? No, you have had other relationships and they have not worked out have they? Love can be a reality for anyone at any stage in life. Love surprises the hell out of a lot of people. Even the ones who gave up on it for their entire lives. Maybe I am very naive in one area of my have never been unloved not once in my entire life. Especially in that way. So there is that absolute faith in love.

I don't think the Left wants unhappy marriages or unhappy families. Who would want that? Family life is the loveliest thing in the entire world Blackjack. I see happy families here everyday and all of my life I loved my family life. I don't think any human society wants unhappy marriages, unhappy children and unhappy families. And what does that have to do with you? You can choose a fine family life and love. Everyone can if that is what they want for themselves.

I always never liked drug use. It distorts people's good judgment. I never wanted to have distorted judgment. It is bad for one's life.

Maybe I am old fashioned Blackjack. I was born in 1966 and I always did not like anything where something I did was not appropriate. For me I have my dignidad femenina which is critical to have. Respect and dignity in one's own life and how one lives. That is something I loved about my husband too...dignity and respect. I always loved that about him.

My father was one of those. I adored my father. But he never would have shared your politics in a million years.

Why? My husband was 51 when he found out he would become a father. With this old lady. He enjoys fatherhood a lot. And I wasn't a spring chicken either when that happened. Life is unpredictable with that stuff Blackjack. You should not be writing off that life so offhandedly.

I think 45 piece of shit prez is just gonna keep doing his trip and the dirty laundry is gonna keep coming out. I have no idea where that might implode on the entire horror show that is the Deep State. But? Anything that leads to the demise of the entire corrupt system is good. But? What will replace it BJ? Some white power Nazi stuff. I am sick and tired of callous power drunk empires polluting and killing for some terrible ambition. It sickens me already.

It really does.
blackjack21 wrote:Not as sad as hallucinating--sending your brain into psychosis just for kicks.

Obviously, they had a conversation with her about her future. They had a similar conversation with Al Franken. They sort of regret that, because people like me think it's funny. We'd also think it funny to use those pics in campaign ads.

How would that be hypocritical? Revenge porn statutes in California were written by Democrats--obviously you should know that, since you purport to live here.

She doesn't look ashamed in that picture.

Yep. Born in 1967. My father's family was here before the revolution. My mothers parents were both immigrants. Both grandfathers lived to be 100. So I'm just middle aged if things pan out for me as they did for my grandfathers. According to, my heritage is 100% European, 97.9% Northwestern European, and 75.8% British and Irish. Drilling down deeper, my strongest English ancestry focuses on the greater London area, Manchester (grandfather was from Halifax, Yorkshire) and Liverpool; and my Irish ancestry in County Cork (where my grandmother is from).

Please stop whining about your inability to read more than one sentence and think about responses and then give in to your drug-induced hallucinations as though that were some meaningful reality.

No. It has never been my ambition to be married. I like kids, but see no point in raising kids in a broken family which is almost a certainty these days.

If you haven't noticed, the left has been systematically trying to destroy that way of life for the last 50-60 years now.

It's a simple answer: drugs.

They aren't ashamed of it. Did you see Hill crying and sobbing and saying, "I'm sorry"? No. She's not sorry about what she did at all. She's only sorry that the pictures got published and conservative Democrats and independents will bail in enough numbers that she will lose her seat--AND, that the party doesn't want her becoming the poster child in the next election. They will give her some absolution after the next election, like they did to Al Franken. As for elected office, for now she is persona non grata.


Ha! At my age, I end up more or less as a surrogate father to girlfriend's kids.

He hasn't been impeached yet either... :roll:

So? According to thousands of retired judges, intel guys, prosecutors, diplomats, accountants, prof of constitutional law and more... <insert president> has abused just about everything. Welcome to paid "contributors".

That, Tainari88, is why they want to impeach him. The people who want more war--Biden, Bush, Clinton, et. al.--are not in power, but their minions in the deep state are the ones orchestrating this stuff, and they have the damnedest problem: Trump hasn't actually committed a crime. In fact, their biggest concern is that he is investigating THEIR crimes. That's what they are trying desperately to stop.

The Democrats and a few RINOs are all for this LGBTQ crap until there are pictures of it getting leaked and that behavior being made the face of their party. However, if the leaked pictures are sexually compromising with staffers and involving illegal behavior, it's not legally revenge porn. Maybe that's why they are sitting on 700 other pictures, because those pictures may be covered by revenge porn if the behavior depicted is not illegal.

I just looked at the statute. It is "non-consensual pornography" that is more harshly treated. If there are that many pictures, it's not secretly recorded and then exposed, it's harder to prove revenge porn. If she consented to being photographed that many times, it's unlikely there was any understanding. Consequently, it would be very hard to get a conviction--especially with a public figure. It's also not a crime if it's exposing unlawful activity--perhaps like sexually abusing staff, which is alleged here. See California Penal Code 647(j)(4).

Because if she's paying campaign workers for sex with campaign funds, it's illegal and exposing her having sex with them is not legally revenge porn. It's whistleblowing--not the Monica Lewinsky kind, but the kind that reveals criminal conduct.

Quoting this to show how relatable a young BJ is.

Youngs want to read this angry wall of text by a Boomer, fer sure.
blackjack21 wrote:

He hasn't been impeached yet either...

So? According to thousands of retired judges, intel guys, prosecutors, diplomats, accountants, prof of constitutional law and more... <insert president> has abused just about everything. Welcome to paid "contributors"....Trump hasn't actually committed a crime.

Moving goalposts isn't going to save your propaganda. The point is that an impeachment trial has the force of law. If Congress says so, it's a crime.

Most of those people weren't paid a dime. And most of them know what they are talking about, unlike you. Esp. the former Watergate prosecutors.
blackjack21 wrote:I just looked at the statute. It is "non-consensual pornography" that is more harshly treated. If there are that many pictures, it's not secretly recorded and then exposed, it's harder to prove revenge porn. If she consented to being photographed that many times, it's unlikely there was any understanding. Consequently, it would be very hard to get a conviction--especially with a public figure. It's also not a crime if it's exposing unlawful activity--perhaps like sexually abusing staff, which is alleged here. See California Penal Code 647(j)(4).

I haven't read the code itself, but I searched the code and found this. I was surprised to learn that the crime is only a misdemeanor and penalty a fine of $1000/6 months in jail.

It also seems like it would be a pretty hard thing to prove based on this interpretation of the penal code.

Los Angeles “Revenge Porn” – Penal Code Section 647(J)(4) PC

Penal Code Section 647(j)(4) PC would not apply in several contexts. The law does not cover “selfies,” meaning that if the victim makes the recording of himself or herself, the law would not apply. The law also only applies to individual who actually make the recording. It would not apply to anyone else who redistributes or disseminates the recording once it has been sent out.

This law would not apply to “revenge porn” websites which prominently feature photos and videos sent to them by individuals. The law also does not apply to hackers or other third parties who access and obtain photos or videos by hacking into someone’s computer or phone and then disseminating the information. While hackers would not be criminally liable under California Penal Code Section 647(j)(4), they could still be charged with unauthorized computer access under California Penal Code Section 502(c) PC or other computer crimes.

It is important to note that the law only applies in circumstances where the parties have agreed or understood that the image was to remain private. The law may apply where the victim never consented to being recorded and was completely unaware that he or she was being recorded. However, where the victim knew that he or she was being recorded, it may be difficult to prove that parties understood that the images or recordings were to remain private.

In addition, the law only applies where the prosecution can prove that the defendant intended to cause the victim to suffer serious emotional distress and the victim did, in fact, suffer such distress. Proving the defendant’s intent may be difficult for the prosecution absent a direct admission from the defendant or other similar evidence.

To be honest, I've not even gone to Red State or the Daily Mail where the photos were released. I've only seen the photos here and there so I am not too familiar with the context of the photos or who took them.

The husband said that his computer was hacked, which seems like a convenient excuse on his part but in reality it seems somewhat plausible.
This is a pretty cool thread.

If you want to watch sexless Boomers talk angrily about people who have sex.

Like don't fuck your staff; there is a power imbalance there that is deffo not cool. But the people like Maz and Boomerjack who are excitedly posting about the downfall of a freshman House member they had never heard of before is lol and very indicative of their own sex lives, or lack thereof.

They deffo fuck, which is why they have suddenly discovered new moral high grounds about this and why they are wielding these rhetorical clubs in the clumsiest manner possible.

I, too, identify and support future congressional candidates that run revenge porn in their campaigns ads yet also find the Democratic party to be hypocritical and bad. My lack of ideological consistency thinks that attack ads using revenge porn against a woman is good, and that the Democrats are bad because of my conspiratorial mindset where the Democrats are actually the bad people for conspiring to shove a woman out of the party for having been revenge porned.

It's good when a Republican does it, because Republicans have been consistent in their hatred of women. Nice try, DemoCRAPS.
SpecialOlympian wrote:
Whatever, old man.

? Now you have to invent things you would have like me to have said? And once again, you are using gays as a punching bag. Isn't that supposed to be a bad thing among the woke?

maz wrote:I was surprised to learn that the crime is only a misdemeanor and penalty a fine of $1000/6 months in jail.

For revenge porn, that seems appropriate. If it were non-consensual, meaning the actor didn't know and did not consent, I think you could make a case for a felony charge.

maz wrote:To be honest, I've not even gone to Red State or the Daily Mail where the photos were released. I've only seen the photos here and there so I am not too familiar with the context of the photos or who took them.

The husband said that his computer was hacked, which seems like a convenient excuse on his part but in reality it seems somewhat plausible.

It's possible. Maybe it was the Russians. :lol:

SpecialOlympian wrote:This is a pretty cool thread.

It seems to have gotten under your skin. Are you about to be outed in the 700 pictures?

SpecialOlympian wrote:If you want to watch sexless Boomers talk angrily about people who have sex.

Sex with people who are paid to work for them... Yeah. Nice omission of critical details...

SpecialOlympian wrote:Like don't fuck your staff; there is a power imbalance there that is deffo not cool.

Hill voted for the rule that did her in. This is left wing politics writ large. It's just that it tends to ensnare more Democrats than Republicans. If you have a problem with these rules, take it up with the Democrats and the left as they are the ones promoting them.

SpecialOlympian wrote:But the people like Maz and Boomerjack who are excitedly posting about the downfall of a freshman House member they had never heard of before is lol and very indicative of their own sex lives, or lack thereof.

Is that all you've got?

SpecialOlympian wrote:They deffo fuck, which is why they have suddenly discovered new moral high grounds about this and why they are wielding these rhetorical clubs in the clumsiest manner possible.

Where have I claimed a moral high ground? I've specifically noted that they ran an LGBTQ member out of Congress after promoting that very lifestyle.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I, too, identify and support future congressional candidates that run revenge porn in their campaigns ads yet also find the Democratic party to be hypocritical and bad.

I think non-consensual pornography is criminal. So is revenge porn, but I think in many cases revenge porn is funny. Do you think when President Bush showed a naked picture of his brother, the Governor of Florida, that it was kiddy porn? Try finding that online. He he he.

SpecialOlympian wrote:My lack of ideological consistency thinks that attack ads using revenge porn against a woman is good, and that the Democrats are bad because of my conspiratorial mindset where the Democrats are actually the bad people for conspiring to shove a woman out of the party for having been revenge porned.

She didn't get shoved out because she was revenge porned. She got shoved out because she had sex with staffers. You can't have sexual trysts at taxpayers or campaign donors expense.

Is that something you disagree with? I mean we're in a world now where you can just decide you're a woman and go into the woman's restroom, or run the 40m with a man's body as though you were a woman. So it seems like a lot of the old "rules" are becoming outmoded. Maybe having sex with your subordinates should become compulsory. Who knows what our utterly fucked up elite will come up with next.
SpecialOlympian wrote:This is a pretty cool thread.

If you want to watch sexless Boomers talk angrily about people who have sex.

Like don't fuck your staff; there is a power imbalance there that is deffo not cool. But the people like Maz and Boomerjack who are excitedly posting about the downfall of a freshman House member they had never heard of before is lol and very indicative of their own sex lives, or lack thereof.

They deffo fuck, which is why they have suddenly discovered new moral high grounds about this and why they are wielding these rhetorical clubs in the clumsiest manner possible.

I, too, identify and support future congressional candidates that run revenge porn in their campaigns ads yet also find the Democratic party to be hypocritical and bad. My lack of ideological consistency thinks that attack ads using revenge porn against a woman is good, and that the Democrats are bad because of my conspiratorial mindset where the Democrats are actually the bad people for conspiring to shove a woman out of the party for having been revenge porned.

It's good when a Republican does it, because Republicans have been consistent in their hatred of women. Nice try, DemoCRAPS.

As usual, you seem very angry and your major issue seems to be people in the thread who offer their opinions. You don't really seem to have offered your opinion on the matter.

How do you think this should have played out for Katie Hill? Do you think the Democrat party should have stood by and offered her more support?
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