Edward Snowden gets permanent residency in Russia - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Beren wrote:Fuck the NSA, however, Snowden's just a tool right now, not that it's his fault. Trump should pardon him before the election if he really cares about him, but I guess he doesn't.

Trump cares nobody but himself.

I say this as a Trump supporter.

You and I, we don't agree here. Snowden is a traitor in my view. He did this to get his own 5 minutes of fame. If Snowden did the same anywhere else, he would be regarded as a traitor as well. He would be regarded as a traitor in Taiwan or China or Great Britain or Russia or Germany if he was a citizen who was entrusted with a security clearance and sensitive information of any of those countries and he did the same thing to them. A lot of these countries wouldn't even bother giving a trial to people they regard as traitors either and would simply hang or assassinate them quite frankly speaking.
Sivad wrote:I remember when all the retards called mass surveillance a conspiracy theory.

I remember debating someone about it and they responded that the constitution doesn't prohibit such surveillance on citizens, and I informed him that the forth amendment does in fact bar the government from doing this.
MistyTiger wrote:Glad Snowden has a home now. It is so sad that his home country has banished him forever.

The US haven't banished him. They would gladly take him back. But Snowdon doesn't want to go to jail. So he is residing in Russia.

This reminds me much of the Manning affair. Whistle blowers should be regarded as hero's but a government still have to take security breaches seriously. So I guess this should be regarded as a form of protest and that whistleblowing laws should be in place so governments should be accountable for illegal affairs despite what has been signed by the whistleblower. Otherwise how can the public make the government accountable to the standards and laws they make if government can hide behind a piece of paper?
B0ycey wrote:Otherwise how can the public make the government accountable to the standards and laws they make if government can hide behind a piece of paper?

Yea, think we gave an inch, and the took a mile.

I think people are ok with specific information being kept secret, but not ok with the existence of entire programs/operations being kept secret. I think the government just ran with this shit. Assholes, because we should know what we are paying for through taxes.

Politics_Observer wrote:Snowden is no patriot.

Patriotism is kinda dumb, but he revealed how you're being spied upon. Why wouldn't you want to know this? Illegal behaviour is fine if the government does it? :eh:

Putin isn't letting Snowden stay in Russia out of the goodness of his heart.

Snowden's initial plan was to go to Ecuador and on the way there when he stopped off in Russia, his passport was banned by your/his government. It was this cancellation of his passport that forced Snowden to stay in Russia. The clip above explains this reality about the situation.

What is it costing Snowden for Putin to let him stay in Russia? Giveaway Hint: valuable national defense secrets of the U.S.

You have no evidence for this claim, but if you do, please share it. Giveaway Hint: you'll have nothing. This is typical of people making up complete shit on this forum. And the likes of you are the same who cry about the concept of 'fake news', while indulging in the exact same. Stop doing that.
Politics_Observer wrote:@MistyTiger

You and I, we don't agree here. Snowden is a traitor in my view. He did this to get his own 5 minutes of fame. If Snowden did the same anywhere else, he would be regarded as a traitor as well. He would be regarded as a traitor in Taiwan or China or Great Britain or Russia or Germany if he was a citizen who was entrusted with a security clearance and sensitive information of any of those countries and he did the same thing to them. A lot of these countries wouldn't even bother giving a trial to people they regard as traitors either and would simply hang or assassinate them quite frankly speaking.

He lost a lot by leaking the docs. He threw away his old life for fame? I really doubt that. He has a conscience. He knew that leaking the intel could get him killed but he did it anyway. I believe he lived in fear for years. If he wanted fame, he would have become an actor in his teens rather than work for the NSA. He could have played a notso hot, nerdy Neo.

MistyTiger wrote:He lost a lot by leaking the docs. He threw away his old life for fame? I really doubt that. He has a conscience. He knew that leaking the intel could get him killed but he did it anyway. I believe he lived in fear for years. If he wanted fame, he would have become an actor in his teens rather than work for the NSA. He could have played a notso hot, nerdy Neo.

Snowden was granted a security clearance and he was entrusted with the country's secrets. You don't just run off to an adversarial country with those secrets where their intelligence services can get a hold of them and use them to endanger the lives of our troops and the lives of informants that we are using for national security purposes. It's not OK to do that when you are an American citizen, especially an American citizen who was trusted with a security clearance. If he had a conscience, he should have thought about the lives he would have and did endanger with his actions. Every government has secrets and secrets are needed to be kept for national security purposes. That's just a fact of life that will never go away.
Whistleblowers are protected in all other organizations and companies in the USA.

He acted because he had a conscience.

His actions endangered no one. That's an NSA false narrative. They were very careful about what they informed the public about.

If he was a whistle-blower, then he should have used the channels available to him here in the U.S. and if those channels did not work, talk with sympathetic Congressmen/women. I am sure the more liberal Congressmen would have leant a sympathetic ear to Snowden's concerns without endangering national security. Instead, he took those secrets, encrypted them (and the keys to the encryption can be broken depending on if Snowden also had the keys in his possession and if not, and he remembered them, then it's possible they might be broken simply because he is able to remember them) and then ran off to Russia, an adversarial country with them. That can't go unpunished. Digital forensic experts, which I have no doubt the Russians have some outstanding digital forensic experts too, can at times crack and figure out the keys used to encrypt data and thus be able to decrypt that data.
Politics_Observer wrote:If he was a whistle-blower, then he should have used the channels available to him here in the U.S. and if those channels did not work, talk with sympathetic Congressmen/women. I am sure the more liberal Congressmen would have leant a sympathetic ear to Snowden's concerns without endangering national security.
:lol: I just said there is no legal recourse for Whistleblowers in intelligence agencies. Weren't you paying attention? :?:
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