The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 39 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Godstud wrote:200,814 dead Americans are all in on the hoax that is Covid-19 !!]

When people start talking about cars as "80,000 dead Americans" and obesity as "100,000 dead Americans," we will all be able to make good life choices.

In the meantime, propaganda will kill us. And it is the billionaires and their corporations who make the important propaganda because... they own us. Or think they do.
Godstud wrote:200,814 dead Americans are all in on the hoax that is Covid-19 !! Wake up Sheeple!!!


:lol: Oh dear oh dear yet again you expose your ignorance of WWII. Actually World War II provides some excellent examples of over hyped bombing scares and the often poor ability of both so called experts and population to evaluate risks and costs of solutions to those risks.

First off the fears and effects of terror bombing were grossly over hyped, leading to Britain massively over investing in strategic bomber force. If the British government had not been scaremongered into putting so much of its limited resources into offensive and and defensive strategic air warfare and instead invested it in ant tank guns, tactical anti Air and tactical air support, the France would almost certainly not have fallen in 1940 and Britain would never have had to fight the Battle of Britain let alone face the blitz.

But it gets even worse than that for you, because the Blitz is not something that just happened to Britain. Churchill repeatedly attacked civilian targets in Germany to goad Hitler into responding in kind. Brtain's fight against the Nazis was all about bravery, bravery to declare war while the United States Switzerland and all the other Liberal Democracies bar France failed to fight, bravery to fight on with its empire and commonwealth alone and the bravery of Churchill to deliberately provoke Hitler into attacking civilian urban areas. The very opposite of the cowardly response to the Xi virus.

You're really not as smart as you'd like to believe. I think it's called the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Rich wrote:...Actually World War II ...the Blitz ...the bravery of Churchill...

Winston Churchill would have locked everyone down for three years and crazy-glued masks onto everyone's face.

And we would have worshipped him for it!
Sivad wrote:I bet if you asked Godstud to explain Dunnig-Kruger he would Dunnig-Kruger the explanation
That's rich coming from the most anti-science, anti-intelligence, and anti-logic person on this forum. :lol:

Compared to you, Hindsite really is a near genius. :D

@Pants-of-dog Reality is what these people are denying.
Pants-of-dog wrote:We are at almost a million deaths now.

More than one out of five of those deaths occurred in the USA.

More than one out of two of those deaths would have occured within 12 months regardless. More than two out of three of those deaths would have occurred within 18 months regardless. And anywhere from a quarter to half of those deaths weren't even due to covid, they were either already very sick or seriously injured people who merely tested positive for covid and were fraudulently included in the covid death count. This is how the fakest generation faked a pandemic.
Sivad wrote:More than one out of two of those deaths would have occured within 12 months regardless.

More than two out of three of those deaths would have occurred within 18 months regardless.

And anywhere from a quarter to half of those deaths weren't even due to covid, they were either already very sick or seriously injured people who merely tested positive for covid and were fraudulently included in the covid death count. This is how the fakest generation faked a pandemic.

Three unsupported claims. Please let me know if you have evidence for any of these. Thanks.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Three unsupported claims.

All three of those claims come straight from the mouths of the grand babbitt poohbahs themselves, Ferguson and Birx.

Please let me know if you have evidence for any of these. Thanks.

You wouldn't kow evidence if it p-valued in your face. You don't approach anything skeptically. You don't look into anything for yourself, you don't do any independent thinking, and you definitely don't come to your own conclusions. If I wanted to be right 99% of the time without doing any work all I would I have to do is get your take on whatever and then just go with the opposite. :lol:
Sivad wrote:All three of those claims come straight from the mouths of the grand babbitt poohbahs themselves, Ferguson and Birx.

Then it should be easy for you to find a link and quote the relevant text. Thank you.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Then it should be easy for you to find a link and quote the relevant text. Thank you.

I already did. Repeatedly. In this thread and multiple others. You ignored it because you're not interested in facts, evidence, or reality.
Quite true @Pants-of-dog History will be very unkind to the administration about this. Very unkind. IT is a tragedy of Biblical proportions.

We still have a shortage of PPE in the US. A big one. Our health care folks are at risk. Because of a lack of NATIONAL leadership of course. By this time in WWII we were cranking out a ship a day and under Trump we can't even get a paper bootie.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Three unsupported claims. Please let me know if you have evidence for any of these. Thanks.

So that you can have those sites shut down or censored? (I have seen hundreds of articles that counter all the covid measures bullshit and so have you, if you looked)

Doesn't the censorship of "other voices" almost PROVE that this is a fake pandemic?

For me, after all the studies on propaganda I've done, it does. It is THE telltale sign that you're being shepherded by your masters into less freedom.
QatzelOk wrote:(I have seen hundreds of articles that counter all the covid measures bullshit and so have you, if you looked)
That's a fun little lie, but whatever ticks off your conspiracy boxes, right?

QatzelOk wrote:Doesn't the censorship of "other voices" almost PROVE that this is a fake pandemic?
:roll: If you found them, then they aren't censored.

QatzelOk wrote:For me, after all the studies on propaganda I've done, it does. It is THE telltale sign that you're being shepherded by your masters into less freedom.
Yes, your tin foil hat does you proud. Now go spread some "truth" about bats spreading 5G. :moron:
QatzelOk wrote:So that you can have those sites shut down or censored? (I have seen hundreds of articles that counter all the covid measures bullshit and so have you, if you looked)

Doesn't the censorship of "other voices" almost PROVE that this is a fake pandemic?

For me, after all the studies on propaganda I've done, it does. It is THE telltale sign that you're being shepherded by your masters into less freedom.

The pandemic is real. I think what you might be able to argue is that we are over reacting to it (i.e. that we should accept the fact lots of people are doing to die, and just get on with cold as that sounds lol). I guess it all depends on how sensitive to death you are.
Drlee wrote:By this time in WWII we were cranking out a ship a day and under Trump we can't even get a paper bootie.

What in 1938? The US had over 4 years from Marco Polo Bridge to Pearl Harbour. America's preparations were utterly inept. The US had nearly 3 and a half years from the Blitzkrieg on Poland to the Kasserine Pass, it had the best part of 3 years from the fall of France. What a pathetic shameful result the Kasserine pass was. It was exactly the same sort of defeat that Poland and France experienced against the German army, the difference being that Germany couldn't exploit the Kasserine Pass to knock the US out of the war.

We are still dealing with the disastrous effects of FDR's cretinous leadership. Because of him and his disgusting demand for absolute surrender, we lost Eastern Europe, China North Korea and South East Asia to murderous totalitarian Communism.
@Rancid I guess it all depends on how sensitive to death you are.

Well I suppose so. I would slip in "needless" before death.
"Many people who die of Covid [the disease caused by coronavirus] would have died anyway within a short period," says Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter at the University of Cambridge.

Knowing exactly how many is impossible to tell at this stage.

Prof Neil Ferguson, the lead modeller at Imperial College London, has suggested it could be up to two-thirds.

The Lancet Journal

Italy's first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has ended: no excess mortality in May, 2020

Published:September 03, 2020
in the last 2 weeks of May, 2020, the Ministry of Health and the Civil Protection Department attributed 1805 deaths to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and almost 5500 deaths were attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection for the whole of May, 2020, although total mortality was less than expected in May.

The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy is a short-term decrease in mortality after the first phase of the pandemic, which affected mainly older adults and those with underlying chronic conditions,4, 5 a phenomenon known as the harvesting effect. In fact, the median age at death of patients who died and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection was 82 years; 95% of them had at least one comorbidity, and 60% had at least three comorbidities before being infected. ... 40-6736(20)31865-1/fulltext

Mortality displacement

Mortality displacement denotes a temporary increase in the mortality rate (number of deaths) in a given population, also known as excess mortality or an excess mortality rate. It is usually attributable to environmental phenomena such as heat waves, cold spells, epidemics and pandemics, especially influenza pandemics, famine or war.

During heat waves, for instance, there are often additional deaths observed in the population, affecting especially older adults and those who are sick. After some periods with excess mortality, however, there has also been observed a decrease in overall mortality during the subsequent weeks. Such short-term forward shift in mortality rate is also referred to as harvesting effect. The subsequent, compensatory reduction in mortality suggests that the heat wave affected especially those whose health was already so compromised that they "would have died in the short-term anyway".

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