Who are you planning on voting for? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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http://www.theguardian.com/world/intera ... 013-policy

http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-elec ... m-seekers/


Climate change





http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-elec ... cy/mining/


http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-elec ... hospitals/

http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-elec ... facturing/


Note: all the links above come from AUSVOTES, i've copied and pasted most on here for you convenience. Site:http://ausvotes2013.com/policies-2/party-policy-comparisons/

Who are you planing on voting for ?

Personally I'll be voting for the liberals, my main interest this elections are Defence, Communication and Immigration.

Defence: During the past 6 years Labor has cut our military spending and increase our reliance/presence on the US, this seems like we are repeating history all over against by relying on a foreign powers for our own defence and security, and the last time we relayed on a foreign powers in a major war we were left abandon. Im also currently very impress with the Liberals plain on buying 7 Global Hawk which would greatly assist in the surveillance of Australia's vast coastline and maritime borders, detecting illegal boat arrivals, as well as assist in bushfire and natural disaster management etc.

In area of Communication....I think the Coalition has dropped the ball, their Broadband policy will be finished by 2019 and be official outdated by 2020....thats just stupid. Labors plain is much better....

Immigration is an important issue for myself as i see the future of Australia being a big Australia, However since both parties don't have a 'Big Australia' policy the only currently policy i like is the Liberals plain because it using our navy, it seems a smart move as it will keep our navy active and on alert during peace time.

Starting with this issue, I think the Greens and Katter's party have superior policies than Labor or Liberal.

Foreign investment would be much more tightly controlled under th Greens. The Labor and Liberal proposal sucks at the threshold is too high and there is nothing to stop single individuals evading the threshold by splitting their purchase into smaller blocks of money. The threshold of around $250 million, only triggers investigation. The Greens would set the trigger at $5 million. Katter and the Greens would block foreign control of vital agriculture altogether.

The Greens and Katter's party show more commitment to supporting farmers facing debt and drought problems. They also share a much more cautious approach to coal seam gas, giving farmers a say in what happens to their land as well as looking for more research on the matter.

There are various other issues, such as green support for clearer nation of origin labeling on food. Basically Katter's party and the Greens are more nationalistic than Labor and the Liberals. The later only support the exploitation of Australia by big business I guess.

Given that the Greens and Katter's party are better for Australia, I wish I could vote for them both going by the polices for agriculture.

On defense liberals win hands down. Labor is waffling as usual.

I like the Liberal proposal to even up retirement benefits for ex service personnel. Currently their benefits are indexed to the CPI rather than wages growth (other pensions and politician pensions/salary are indexed to wages growth). Once that change is made, only unemployment benefits would still be tied to the CPI. Labor's arguments about cost really suck. If they are that worried about the bottom line then why not return politician pensions to being indexed to the CPI?

The bit about the recon drones is a bit odd. I think it is the military planners who make the decision about force structure. Very few politicians have the qualifications. My understanding is that the number of drones is to be reduced in favour of more P-8's. Apparently customs and the navy have discovered the mark one eyeball can be more effective than fancy radars in spotting small boats.

The Greens are a bit of a laugh when it comes to defense. They have absolute no understanding of this part of government policy. Abandon the JSF? What do they know about air power? Cut other military toy programs? Maybe the Greens want us to go back to the Natural Law Parties' suggestion of levitating yogi fliers emanating peace vibes to defend the country?

The idea of requiring all of parliament to approve of entering a war might be worth thinking over. I suspect it would restrain the executive too much though. However, a worthwhile subject for a debate.

Basically this sucks. Successive governments have throw inordinate amounts of money at 'families'. Generally this amounts to middle class welfare aimed at buying votes. However it should be noted that Labor at least emphases means tests, so directing the welfare at middle to low incomes. Still a big waste of money. This is one area that governments ought to cut back on to prevent the accumulation of debt.

If I were to pick one party, the Greens have the best policy as they spell it all out and say how it is to be funded (levy on big business). They also have a good idea to stop waste by government direct funding rather than the current paper shuffling system of claiming back money from the government.


The Greens have the best policies once again. Read their policies on the link.

I like the Labor idea of a national curriculum. However it would be best to remove education entirely from state responsibility and make it federal (Constitution needs amendment here). Given their funding model involves a lot of federal money anyway, it would be more efficient and accountable to simply centralize education at the national level.

Liberals oppose centralization. They want more religion in education and also they want to privatize at least some public schools. Liberals have no idea on education. It looks like a plan to move back to the 19th century.
I have never voted Liberal in the past. I will vote for them this time, but if they back-pedal on immigration, I will never again consider anything they have to say. On finance, I would not trust Joe Hockey with my lunch money, let alone consolidated revenue. Why vote Liberal then? Well, the Labor Party has demonstrated that it could not organize a booze-up in a brewery. The problem for Australians is that they are going to get a bunch of professional liars whichever way it goes.
neopagan wrote:I have never voted Liberal in the past. I will vote for them this time, but if they back-pedal on immigration, I will never again consider anything they have to say.

The Liberals will backpedal because they are owned by the same elite as those who own Labor. The two-party system is virtually the same in most Western countries with the same backpedaling promises too.
Like many people in the Australian community I have become cynical of politicians. Both of the major parties are virtually identical and have abandoned their core beliefs years ago. Neither want to make major changes in policy if it means their ability to govern is at stake. And both parties seemed primarily focused on proposing policies relating to refugees and families, while professing to be the better economic managers even though our economy is driven primarily by what is happening globally. So as a single Gen Y male whose is indifferent to the refugee issue and whose income falls in the 37% income tax bracket most of my taxes will be going to pay for things that don't directly benefit me.

For people who are in a similar situation I suggest that you select a candidate who will fund more projects that directly benefit your community. The best way I would suggest you see this occurs is if you vote for the person who has the best chance of defeating the sitting member, regardless of your ideological stance. If most people adopt this attitude then either a new member for your electorate will be elected or the margin of the sitting member will be reduced significantly, in either case the member will be obliged to see that more federally funded projects are developed in their electorate or risk losing their seat at the next election. Statistically, electorates with the lowest margins have the most money spent on them per capita while those in safe seats have the least money spent. I lived in the western suburbs of Melbourne for years and got sick of tired of people complaining that nothing was done by politicians yet most voted Labour believing the old mantra of Labour standing for the working class.

Your Senate vote should be the one reserved to select candidates based upon your ideological viewpoint, which in my case will be the Liberal Democratic Party.
Greens. I have principles. I dont like pragmatism it's too clunky and un reliable.

Defense really the liberals wrote a blank cheque to the most inflated billing service in the world, the US military complex agreeing to aircraft WHATEVER the cost. really hands down irresponsible stupid.
Senate: Julian Assange, followed by the Liberal Party, the Democratic Labor Party and then One Nation or the Family First party. Labor, followed by any independants, and then the Greens right at the bottom where they belong.

The Senate is always my "indulgence vote", and I just would love to see Assange's Wikileaks Party just plain outright steal votes from the Greens.

His chances of getting elected in Victoria isn't as bad as interstate people say it is.

Better than Adam Bandt's re-election chances are!

I always fill below the line.

House of Reps:
Family First
One Nation
any other party/independant on the ballot
then the Greens
Ahovking wrote:and the last time we relayed on a foreign powers in a major war we were left abandon.

This is an insulting statement.

The British abandoned us, but the Americans came to our side.....


pugsville wrote:Defense really the liberals wrote a blank cheque to the most inflated billing service in the world, the US military complex agreeing to aircraft WHATEVER the cost. really hands down irresponsible stupid.

In context of the ANZUS alliance, this move made complete sense and brought the alliance, which had been on the wane in recent years, back into the picture. So no, it was NOT irresponsible OR stupid. This is why the Greens just plain do not understand defence at all.
foxdemon wrote:childcare

Basically this sucks. Successive governments have throw inordinate amounts of money at 'families'. Generally this amounts to middle class welfare aimed at buying votes. However it should be noted that Labor at least emphases means tests, so directing the welfare at middle to low incomes. Still a big waste of money. This is one area that governments ought to cut back on to prevent the accumulation of debt.

If I were to pick one party, the Greens have the best policy as they spell it all out and say how it is to be funded (levy on big business). They also have a good idea to stop waste by government direct funding rather than the current paper shuffling system of claiming back money from the government.


The Greens have the best policies once again. Read their policies on the link.

I like the Labor idea of a national curriculum. However it would be best to remove education entirely from state responsibility and make it federal (Constitution needs amendment here). Given their funding model involves a lot of federal money anyway, it would be more efficient and accountable to simply centralize education at the national level.

Liberals oppose centralization. They want more religion in education and also they want to privatize at least some public schools. Liberals have no idea on education. It looks like a plan to move back to the 19th century.

Actually when you really think about it, the Greens have the most irresponsible policies of the lot.

In relation to childcare and welfare, they want to further tax big businesses... which logically results in less jobs and an economy that will struggle... Look what they did to Tasmania. Royally fucked it up. Then apparently the money they get from this, they want to give to the very families that will be most likely negatively affected by the job losses that will be caused by the taxes that will fund it. In otherwords, they want to do what Labor did with the fucked up Carbon Tax and "Household Assistance scheme" arrangement.

It's not a good idea to put tax on business and logically take jobs from the very people you intend to give welfare to. Labor figured that out the hardway, the Greens have yet to learn this lesson and probably never will(Hence they will never EVER govern).

In terms of Education, the Liberal Party is the only one NOT stuck in the 19th Century. Privatising some Public Schools is a great way to reduce government debt. Unpopular, but it's one policy that certainly dragged my state out of financial trouble. The fact is we are in debt and the budget needs balancing. Religious education is sidelined too much in Public Schools, and not surprisingly it is only adding to Australia's racism issues, especially in the outer suburbs of our major cities. It is just as important in relation to cultural and racial studies as Science and Mathematics are, and the fact is it must be made an option, or even a required subject for our youth. Australia's reputation as an "unreligious secularist country" is giving us a BAD reputation, in particular in relation to racism, overseas, especially in India and (ironically) China. The USA has a better reputation in terms of racism and understanding of religious/cultural issues overall, than we do, and that says alot about the state of cultural studies in our country.

In terms of funding, the States will fight this all the way and it has NO chance of getting up at all. Victoria would certainly oppose it, no matter which party is in power. A National Curriculum may get up, but also has little chance. The best thing to do is to just MOVE ON from this useless debate, but it's one the Greens just stupidly wont let go of. No wonder the ALP hates them in Victoria.
colliric wrote:
This is an insulting statement.

The British abandoned us, but the Americans came to our side.....


I know our history , and its hardly insulting, Britain abandoned, she was weak, unable to protecter herself as well as her children, its sad, however its like we are repeating history, we have another asia nation rising (Japan than China now) and a foreign power who re rely on (UK than US today). No please correct me if im wrong but we are in a very similar spot we were in pre ww2, believing the worlds greatest most advance nation would protected us and keeps its word?

I for one do not want history to repeat itself, as soon as america's heart land is threaten it will do what any nation will do and redraw its troops and ships to protect itself and we will be left alone, We need to start taking defence seriously..

colliric wrote:In context of the ANZUS alliance, this move made complete sense and brought the alliance, which had been on the wane in recent years, back into the picture. So no, it was NOT irresponsible OR stupid. This is why the Greens just plain do not understand defence at all.

Liberal Party in both Houses.

As Abbott said today, Australia will hopefully be under new management from Sept 8 and thus reopened for business and the Coalition will need control of both houses to do it, otherwise we will just have the dysfunctional crap that was supposed to be the Parliament for another 3 years.
Swagman wrote:Liberal Party in both Houses.

As Abbott said today, Australia will hopefully be under new management from Sept 8 and thus reopened for business and the Coalition will need control of both houses to do it, otherwise we will just have the dysfunctional crap that was supposed to be the Parliament for another 3 years.

It would give us the chance for a double dissolution election to get rid of all those Green senators though....
I really thought the Coalition would be ramming that issue home at this stage in the campaign.

1. Do not vote for the Greens in the Senate or Independents in either House because it is they that are responsible for the Carbon Tax being imposed without mandate on us and for the dysfunctional Govt over the last 3 years.

2. Do not vote for Kevin Rudd Mark II or his lame Party as it was Kevin Rudd Mark I and his lame Party that started the Rot and dismantled the Coalition's border protection policies that have made the Asylum Seeker issue an ulcerated pus dripping sore.

3. Do not vote for Kevin Rudd Mark II or his lame Party as it was Kevin Rudd Mark I that declared Australia was closed for business with its proposed mining taxathon, killed off the last semblance of sustainable Australian manufacturing by bending over to union bosses and the Greens and rolling back IR reform and them smashing them with carbon taxes just so these few quasi-socialist polliticians could feel warm and fuzzy whilst attending UN junkets at tax payer expense.....
The ALP Victoria HATES what the federal branch did:
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/specia ... 6698922426

http://www.theage.com.au/comment/alps-p ... 2s7af.html
It's a bad idea to piss off victorian members....

Does the ALP in NSW and Canberra have any idea the current level of vitriol and hatred the Greens command in the ALP Victorian Branch?
Going for Katters Australian Party. I like their big government, keynesian/protectionist economics and nationalistic politics. In fact they fit my politics in many areas. I dont think they will get that far but i hope they get some morr power.

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