Police order closure of right-wing conference in Brussels - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Police order closure of right-wing conference attended by Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman

Officials ordered the controversial National Conservatism (NatCon) Conference to be shut down to ‘guarantee public safety’

Police in Brussels have stormed a right-wing conference attended by Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman after orders for the event to be shut down. Local authorities ordered the controversial National Conservatism Conference to be closed to “guarantee public safety”. Ms Braverman, the former home secretary, and Mr Farage, the former Ukip leader, were among the political names advertised to speak at the event on Tuesday alongside right-wing Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban.

Officers arrived after the event began at the Claridge venue in central Brussels to tell organisers the event would be shut down. According to a report on social media, police arrived while Mr Farage was addressing the event, giving attendees 15 minutes to leave the venue. However, officers did not appear to force the event to shut down and speeches continued.
Police have now said they will not let anyone else into the venue and people can leave and not re-enter.

"Police order closure of right-wing conference attended by Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman", by Jabed Ahmed, The Independent, April 16, 2024
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl ... 29501.html

Seems like the Left in Western European countries has a tendency to want to shut down free speech.

These sort of tactics have sometimes been seen before. Groups on the Left threaten to cause chaos in response to Right wing demonstrations or conferences, and in response the local police shut down the Right wing event, claiming it would threaten public safety. Or in other words, conceding to the terrorism of unruly Left wing activists.
I don't know if those people are 'right wing', but I certainly don't like them. Suella Braverman isn't even white, but felt comfortable being in a leadership role over England. Nigel farage has openly stayed that he wants more immigration into the uk from the 'commonwealth'...which is a euphemism for African cannibals. Neither of these people can be considered anything but an enemy of white people and white civilization, so I agree 100% with the decision to shut them down.
@Puffer Fish

The Mayor of Brussels did them a favour.

Nobody turned up the last time a NatCON conference was held, in London in 2023.

Now they are all over the papers.

They should be paying him for all the free publicity.

Puffer Fish wrote:
Seems like the Left in Western European countries

has a tendency to want to shut down free speech.

The Right was heavily suppressed in Europe after WW2, and for good reason.

But it wasn't "The Left", it was pretty much everybody. It was excessive, but again, for good reasons...

Eventually things changed, and Putin took full advantage of that to try and undermine Europe. Which is why you are seeing some authorities trying to limit the damage Putin can do. Farage, btw, is a Putin puppet.

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