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By Collective
Caracas, Venezuela. Mar 2, 2004 (Venezuelanalysis.com).-

Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) announced today that not enough valid signatures were collected by the opposition to force a recall referendum on President Hugo Chavez without first re-verifying one million signatures directly with the signers.

After finishing the counting and validation of signatures, the Council found that only 1,832,493 signatures are valid.

2,437,080 signatures are needed to trigger the recall referendum on the President’s mandate.

The Council, by unanimous decision of the Technical Committee, decided that 876,017 signatures grant revalidation on the part of the signers, in accordance with article 31 of the CNE referenda norms, due to the fact that the forms where they are contained present similar calligraphy (filled by the same person instead of the 10 different signers per form).

233,573 signatures were invalidated by unanimous decision of the CNE Technical Committee, due to irregularities according to article 3 of CNE referenda norms. Among those irregularities are, first name, last name or ID number missing, ID number not coinciding with the one registered in the CNE, form number not appearing in the tally forms, amendments made to the forms, mutilations of the forms and the removal or alteration of security features such as serial numbers.

143,930 signatures were rejected due to signers not being registered to vote, minors, foreigners or not authorized to vote.

39,060 requests were ignored because they contained signer's data but no signature.

The CNE processed a total of 388,108 forms, 7,297 of which were either empty or voided.

One million signatures require reconfirmation

A total of 1,109,000 signatures require reconfirmation. According to CNE board member Jorge Rodriguez, in addition to the 876,017 with similar calligraphy, some of the 377,503 invalidated signatures could be added to the reconfirmation process.

Of 1,109,000 signatures, opponents of Chavez need to reconfirm more than 640,000 in order to trigger the recall.

Two days will be given for those who signed against President Chavez, and two days to those who signed against pro-government lawmakers to reconfirm their vote. Those who show up as signers, but did not sign, can ask the CNE to remove their names from the count.

The number of centers that will be set up around the country for people to reconfirm their signatures, was increased from 1,000 to 2,700, as a result of negotiations with leaders of the opposition. The CNE will publish on a national newspaper the ID numbers of those who signed, indicating those that need reconfirmation.

Government supporters claim that the signatures with similar calligraphy were fraudulently filled by anti-Chavez volunteers after the official signature drive ended. Opponents of the President say that the similar calligraphy belongs to volunteers at the signature collection centers wanting to facilitate the process for signers.

Celebrations and protests

Working-class sections of Caracas are celebrating the announcement, as it is perceived as if the recall referendum of Chavez will not succeed.

Isolated protests have erupted in some middle-class and upper middle-class sections of Caracas, similar to those of the last four days.

Victory to the Bolivarian Revolution!
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By Comrade Ogilvy
It isn't over yet, resistance to Chavez will not simply go away.
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
He has the support of the people.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
He has the support of the people.

Not all of them, the Chavez officials are already labeling some of his opposition as "terrorists", it doesn't matter if they ultimately fail, they can be a thorn in the side of a leftist government :)

Sound familiar?

Long live the resistance!
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
Not all of them, the Chavez officials are already labeling some of his opposition as "terrorists"

Sounds all too familiar...You can't excpect a leader,at this point in time,to have the support of every single person.

it doesn't matter if they ultimately fail, they can be a thorn in the side of a leftist government

Do you even know anything about the situation?Dosen't sound like it.

Long live the resistance!

Death to the idiocy of conservatives!
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Sounds all too familiar...You can't excpect a leader,at this point in time,to have the support of every single person.

That is true, but we are not just talking about a few people disagreeing with him.

People have been protesting in the streets, and have been involved in gunfights with security forces- it's not just a question of whether they support him or not, There are some serious issues that will probably become become much bigger ones in the days to come (hopefully) :) .

Anything that will undermine the Chavez regime is good.
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By Comrade Nicolae Ceausescu
You failed to answer one of my questions.Do you actually know anything about the situation?The history of Chavez,the history of his country before him,etc,etc.If someone is against the US government are they bad?Have you ever just for one second,let go of your arrogance and thought "Maybe since so many people are against us we may be wrong in some cases"?

People have been protesting in the streets, and have been involved in gunfights with security forces- it's not just a question of whether they support him or not, There are some serious issues that will probably become become much bigger ones in the days to come (hopefully)

You forgot to mention that over 100,000 thousand people protested in his favour in Caracas the other day.And if a protest is turning violent,its the right of state security to cool it down.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
You failed to answer one of my questions.Do you actually know anything about the situation?

Yes, but our perspectives will be completely different so what is the point of discussing it?

The history of Chavez,the history of his country before him,etc,etc.If someone is against the US government are they bad?

I couldn't care less, IMO Chavez is a clown

What matters to me is that one more dictatorial, leftist, corrupt, government is being opposed, what happened before is of no consequence to me.

The way I see, it a long as there are forces, even if they are not %100 Pro-American disrupting or undermining a wannabe "communist" society, that is all that really matters- I think that is the part you don't understand.

You forgot to mention that over 100,000 thousand people protested in his favour in Caracas the other day.And if a protest is turning violent,its the right of state security to cool it down.

It doesn't make any difference how many people support Chavez to me, and of course the state has a right to "cool it" but it only takes four or five people to make a "terrorist" group or in this case (since I support the opposition) the resistance. But of course there are more than four or five people that oppose Chavez.

Just the fact that he is being opposed and they are causing disruption is good enough for me.
By bach
You got the wrong idea

they counted the 3 million signatures, and they decided that only about 2 million of them were surely legal, now there is one million signatures that have to be revised, that is, was the person dead a the moment he signed, why did this person sign twice...

Now, if 600000 of those come out to be good, then the recall gets on its way.

However, power was designed to keep those at the top in power, therefore, it is very unlikely that Chavez is going to overthrow himself,

Remember ...
"those who cast the valots decide nothing, the ones who count them decide everything"

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