Call for Contributors - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Saved posts from the old blog area.
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By Fasces
This blog, while it did not begin as such, quickly developed into a one-man show. It was never intended to be so, much like the broad leftist blog was meant not meant to be one individual. They largely avoided this trap. Many new posters on this forum have expressed their support for fascist ideology, and have shown themselves to be qualified thinkers and more than capable to contribute.

Please do so. Post below, or send me a private message if you wish to participate. I only ask that racialist items remain off this blog, and that contributors maintain a minimum standard of grammar and spelling when writing.

Thank you. :)
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By HoniSoit
I was somewhat expecting this blog to be more inclusive of other right-wing and conservative ideologies.

While you may be right that there are more posters expressing support of fascist ideology, I doubt they could write articulately about it or analyse current-events from a fascist perspective. In any case, it is just one ideology among many on the right.

I am not sure how Fox feels about this. But I think it would probably be a good idea for this blog to encourage contributions from other right-wing perspectives.
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By Dr House
I might make a contribution or two, but I really can't make any sort of promise. Too lazy.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Ay, I'll make something talking about the state apparatus and the different functions that it may have.
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By Fasces
I request this blog be moved into the Member's Blogs when I hit 2,000 Posts.
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By telluro
Fascism is not exactly right-wing or conservative, HoniSoit.

As such the title of the blog is a bit off, I think, if the call is meant for fascists.

I'll see if I can pull something out of the hat, though.
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By Fasces
An exploration of material fascism; its roots, applications, and future.

BLM did far worse and nothing happened to them, no[…]

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