Thoughts - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Stranger
Hello everyone,

I've gone back to lurking for some time since I felt that my political orientation shifted a bit. Since I'm no longer able to subscribe to any -ism, I want to share my current position and open it up for discussion. It should be noted that my primary goal here is to learn and broaden my point of view. Since this is probably the longest post from me so far, I apologize for grammatical errors, which definitely will occur (feel free to tell me in a PM, thanks). English is my third language after all.


I'm a proponent of a mixed economy basically, but with some radical changes. The profit motive and a more or less free market do a pretty good job when it comes to anything which is NOT considered a basic necessity, but I want the rest to be controlled by the public, based on solidarity. We need free universal health care, a public educational system, social services and public infrastructure (transportation, water supply, electricity, etc.). Re-nationalize all of them ASAP. Private insurance companies may exist, but only for additional services, which are not considered a necessity for the well-being of everyone in the country.

In my opinion it's detrimental to society if individuals are allowed to hoard incredible amounts of money/assets, so I'm in favor of a progressive income/wealth tax. We should find a balance between an incentive to try out or develop new products and the ability to rob workers. No one should live from investment alone but should be working along the people one has hired. I'm disgusted by the thought that we should 'save money' for the time we get old, this should be handled by a reformed retirement system ('Umlageverfahren' in German, I'm not sure how the term PAYGO relates to that). Ideally we should have a system where 'saving money' is simply unnecessary (beyond a certain amount).
Example: Saving 20k for a new car is fine, hoarding 20 million to build your gold-plated yacht is not.

High taxes for speculation and everything which does not actually involve work on your own. It's unacceptable that rich people can buy a company, restructure it, fire half of the employees and sell the company again without even paying taxes for their profit. Banks should be nationalized and reversed back to their primary role: Lending money to people with good ideas instead of speculating in foreign countries, especially when food is involved, just to raise prices and thereby starving people. That's plain disgusting.


I guess I'm pretty moderate here. There are several things I could criticize, but these issues would disappear if the economic conditions change.
Same sex marriage should be possible, though I'm not quite sure if it's really a good idea to let them adopt kids, too. I'm pretty sure that many of these kids would fare well, but since we currently have many people opposing this way of life, the kids will inevitably experience some difficulties. This is a circular problem of course and we wouldn't have it if it was more popular. We will have to go through these complicated generations at some point and it will be better after that, but I'm not sure if it's the right time to do so now. However, I strongly oppose any movement which tries to simply reverse patriarchy and turn it into a matriarchy. This is not gender equality! We should respect every kind of family, be it male/female, male/male, female/female, extended family or a broader approach with friends or a commune.

Abortion is not a big topic in Europe, so I will just say: Yes, abortion is fine. Every woman should be able to do so.

'Soft' drugs should be legalized, but advertising must be banned for all kinds of drugs.


The ultimate goal here should be to resocialize a criminal, punishment as a deterrent alone is not going to do much and doesn't help the society. I however support the death penalty for repeated major crimes like rape, child abuse and the like. If someone clearly shows that he's unable to suppress his urge to do such things, he has no place in the community and should be executed ASAP (unlike the hilarious death row in the states).


When I look at the roots of many major conflicts on earth, I think most are motivated by religious and/or ethnic tensions. We can somewhat take care of the first (in the long run), but we certainly will not avoid the latter in the relevant future.
A culturally/ethnic homogeneous country avoids many problems which arise in multi-cultural environments. Diverse influences can be great, but we have to make sure everyone feels at least somewhat connected to the country/culture he lives in. I'm perfectly fine with foreigners who want to bring their own cultural background with them, as long as they respect the moral compass of the community.
To ensure that, I would like to limit immigration by not allowing foreigners from countries or cultural backgrounds, who already live here in a significant amount.
This allows a healthy amount of diversity without the risk of establishing a parallel society.


Our planet is not infinite in size, even if it may seem so for some. It is our duty to preserve the environment and lessen our impact on the ecosystem as good as we can while (hopefully) not reducing the quality of life. As long as we don't have the ability to colonize other inhabitable planets, we MUST protect the very earth which brought us into being in the first place. Please note that this is not motivated by ideology, but simply pragmatism. We can adapt to some changes through technology, but if we alter our environment too much, it will have an impact sooner or later.
I used to be opposed to nuclear energy (and I still think it's incredibly risky what we're doing there), but I accept the fact that we will not be able to abolish it in the near future. We should however heavily focus on the development of new technologies, which might overcome these dangers. I could slap the green party here in Germany every day for opposing ITER, for example.

I don't think eating meat is inherently bad, but we overconsume quite a bit. I try to minimize meat consumption personally and would like to see a decrease in industrial-style slaughtering.
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By Daktoria
What were your biggest influences from before to now?
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By Stranger
Daktoria wrote:What were your biggest influences from before to now?

Fascists on this forum mostly. I disagree with them on a huge amount of topics, but it certainly transformed my point of view regarding immigration (which was simply naive at first).
By onemalehuman
So I read a gender in love with the idea character matters and being of the characteristics to becoming more significant to societal evolution than genetic continuation that only physically takes place in this moment.

The belief time is money lets play with compounding interests and rule of 72. Are you familiar with it?
I was told this statement came from Albert Einstein where I was thinking about getting into a job of financial advisor and also told it wasn't by someone on the internet not liking anything I write about, "Simple compounding interest is the most powerful force in the universe."

Why does that ring true and it is tied directly to genetic ancestry to ancestor roles throughout history reaching this point societally?
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By Daktoria
OMH, you need to explain the values of all the numbers you refer to over and over.

It's really hard understanding exactly what you mean.
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By Stranger
As far as I'm aware, the strong nuclear force is the most powerful force in the universe, but that aside: Yes, of course, interest is powerful since money is powerful and the ability to make others work to increase your amount of wealth is one of the fundamental problems now and for the most part of recorded history. Was that your point, OMH?
I would like a world without it, but since I'm not an economist, I'm not sure how such a system could work, even if we overcome capitalism.

Daktoria wrote:It's really hard understanding exactly what you mean.

And that means a lot coming from Dak. No offense. :D
By onemalehuman
Daktoria wrote:OMH, you need to explain the values of all the numbers you refer to over and over.

It's really hard understanding exactly what you mean.

I am describing physical composition of this moment being exactly what it remains functioning as the functions working currently in individual form of what is present.

The rule of 72 is simple, divide the interest rate of the loan or saving into 72 and that shows the years it takes to double the money. If the loan rate was 6% then the person or institution that loaned the money will double the value every 12 years. Those paying it pay twice what they borrowed.
expansion and contraction in the same actions self contained inversed results. Like having ancestry and becoming ancestry.
One cannot move out of this moment so the so called future isn't here in this adapt or become extinct moment instantly adding everything contracting the results into new details never duplicated twice working/functionng the same way. Again methodology only has limited abilities unlike theory and theology that can image anything.

How many ways can the word people be defined? What is a who? How does time equal money?

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