America's Right Wing is definitely coming unglued - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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The core to fascism is the belief that conflict is the height of life. Racism is a conclusion based on the necessity to have people on the same emotional wavelength such that their utility preferences are working together.

Gibson certainly has plenty of fight in him, and his racism is likewise secondary.
Daktoria wrote:...That has labor theory of value written all over it...Protestant Work Ethic. More labor theory of value...The GOP has made little to no strides in actually reinforcing the border or deporting immigrants. Again, labor theory of value...Yes, by expanding universal health care, elites encourage the base to keep on trucking under rugged individualism AKA labor theory of value...The more government subsidies, the easier people can work without personal relationships. Labor theory of value...War on Drugs...Either way, labor theory of value.

I don't think I follow the connection between LTV and these various other issues.
Kman wrote:I notice you are not willing to deal with the scientific question of whether labor can reach a market clearing price or whether it is the profit motive that makes people work. Instead you just accuse me of demagoguery, I suspect you are just repeating propaganda you have been fed in the media and now your repeating it here, let me tell you however, you are out of your league here, I have studied tons of economic theory and most importantly it was correct economic theory so you have little chance to win in a debate against me.

Dont worry about it though, I used to be bad at politics also before I started studying it, it is to be expected that a rookie loses to an expert.

You're clearly a garden variety anarcho-capitalist, spouting the exact same tripe echoed incessantly by libertarians everywhere.

Your tired talking points don't merit a response.
1) Progressive Era "melting pot"
2) American entry into WW1
3) Balfour Declaration

The pieces seem to do the exact opposite of fit together.

You're clearly a garden variety anarcho-capitalist, spouting the exact same tripe echoed incessantly by libertarians everywhere.

Your tired talking points don't merit a response.

I again suggest starting a thread to air your grievances on libertarians and ancaps, there are more of us than Kman and we can be very reasonable.
Eisenhower sure was a great leader. How is Romney the best that they've got? Shouldn't his nomination be a sign all on its own that something is wrong? They will probably hate him the day after the election.

I am guessing the following two things:
1. There are big hitters in the GOP that want to run that are not running because of the splintering of the GOP
- They don't want to run, win the nomination, lose the election, and try in 2016 since they probably wont win the nomination
2. These big hitters are not trying to pull the party together at the moment because they suspect the GOP cannot win this election
- They don't want to be associated with pulling the party together, and then losing, since they wont get a second shot
3. The GOP establishment in general has (since Reagan) used NeoConservativism as a way of getting the major issues of the different Right Wing Factions to work together
- These would be the Religious Right, Quasi-Libertarians, Eisenhowerites, and Reaganites, with very few GOP voters actually being Neocons
4. The GOP is splintering as people realize (post-Bush Jr) that Neoconservatism is a bad idea, and are looking for something new to replace the Neocons
- You can almost see the major candidates from the primary as being Pseudo-Neocons who are trying to pander to one of the factions in this way*
5. The GOP is going to lose this election, but will probably have reorganized itself around some new 'best guess' of how to combine the various Right Wing Factions by 2016
- This does not preclude the possibility of some factions being ignored with the hope of them voting GOP to avoid the Dems from taking over, or factions simply being expelled.

* That is, they are still heavily Neoconservatives, but have started to shift towards a pandering to one faction over others, with Romney seeming to pander to the Quasi-Libertarians and Reaganites.
I generally agree that the crop of GOPers running has been second-rung because the big hitters don't see a great shot at winning now. And why would you? Running against an incumbent in a fracturing party that's spiraling around attempting to define itself is lunacy. The economy is bad, the Democrats are great at losing elections they should have in the bag, and there's a portion of the country that's all fired up against Obama. But that's not really going to be enough. If you wait for four years you have a nice, open election. Democrat fatigue may well be in place, the bully-pulpit is cleared out...and things in the party have established themselves a lot better.

Should the unlikely event occur and a Republican wins, then he's going to be on a teetering economy and looking for legitimacy in the party. He'll take all the hits, and need people like you (assuming you're a big hitter) to come in and build legitimacy. You get some experience under your belt, some favors, keep your eye on the ball.

I wouldn't have put myself forward. I would have waited a bit.

And I'm guessing that (in the probable situation) if Obama wins again, after his term, you're going to see a much more aggressive, more qualified, and generally better crop of Republicans. Not a pizza guy, a reality TV star, the Mormon that invented Obamacare, the shrieking zealot married to a closeted homosexual, or the most boring man on Earth.
The Immortal Goon wrote:I generally agree that the crop of GOPers running has been second-rung because the big hitters don't see a great shot at winning now. And why would you? Running against an incumbent in a fracturing party that's spiraling around attempting to define itself is lunacy. The economy is bad, the Democrats are great at losing elections they should have in the bag, and there's a portion of the country that's all fired up against Obama. But that's not really going to be enough. If you wait for four years you have a nice, open election. Democrat fatigue may well be in place, the bully-pulpit is cleared out...and things in the party have established themselves a lot better.

Should the unlikely event occur and a Republican wins, then he's going to be on a teetering economy and looking for legitimacy in the party. He'll take all the hits, and need people like you (assuming you're a big hitter) to come in and build legitimacy. You get some experience under your belt, some favors, keep your eye on the ball.

I wouldn't have put myself forward. I would have waited a bit.

And I'm guessing that (in the probable situation) if Obama wins again, after his term, you're going to see a much more aggressive, more qualified, and generally better crop of Republicans. Not a pizza guy, a reality TV star, the Mormon that invented Obamacare, the shrieking zealot married to a closeted homosexual, or the most boring man on Earth.

I agree with most of that. America's democracy operates as efficiently as any democracy can when the conservative and liberal factions have quality candidates. Today's 'conservatives' are not conservatives by any standard. The GOP, ostensibly the party of conservatives, has devolved into a mendacious cabal of unabashed corporate whores, blatantly carrying out the will of the elites, at the expense of the 99%. And the existence of blue dog democrats (another species of corporate whore) surely worsens our plight. The 'Billionaire Coup' is complete, and for now invulnerable due to the Citizens United decision, no doubt about it.
Plutus Aurelius wrote:Funny how slowly the political spectrum, and the level of mendacity tolerated by the general public, changes. Why it takes so long to filter out the unbelievable bullsh*t we hear daily/hourly from the reactionaries is way beyond me. I cannot think of any other modern, industrialized nation populated by so many people so determined to stay so ignorant, for no reason other than they're right wing ideologues. Ideology over reality baby, all day long! But now we have Romney running like a rabbit from his MAIN talking point - I'm a great bidnessman!. Make no mistake, this 'where ARE your tax returns, Mr CEO?' tact President Obama is using to bludgeon the lying a-hole is poison. Fatal.

Meanwhile, right wing darling Bachmann is running around accusing Hillary's staff of being 'infiltrated' by the Muslim Brotherhood!

Uncorked, panic stricken, meltdown, just choose any word you'd like to describe this historic dissolution of the reactionary influence in America. These people are poison to our democracy, may they all rot in hell.

Not to worry.
Team O's October surprise has been unleashed…

The Big … BIRD !!

Obama spokesman: We released that moronic Big Bird ad because of the “grassroots outcry”

The Big Bird ad is actually very typical of Hopenchange’s M.O. this year. They’ve tried to bludgeon Romney with every cheap demagogic populist ploy within reach. How were they supposed to lay off an easy opportunity to suggest that Mitt hates moms and kids and puppets?

it’s very important to Obama’s campaign that they be seen as winning at all times. A winner can get away with a silly ad like this; a guy who just got his ass handed to him in front of 70 million people really can’t.

Hat tip:
Bill O Rights wrote:Not to worry.
Team O's October surprise has been unleashed…

The Big … BIRD !!

Obama spokesman: We released that moronic Big Bird ad because of the “grassroots outcry”

The Big Bird ad is actually very typical of Hopenchange’s M.O. this year. They’ve tried to bludgeon Romney with every cheap demagogic populist ploy within reach. How were they supposed to lay off an easy opportunity to suggest that Mitt hates moms and kids and puppets?

it’s very important to Obama’s campaign that they be seen as winning at all times. A winner can get away with a silly ad like this; a guy who just got his ass handed to him in front of 70 million people really can’t.

Hat tip:

Hitting Romney on his attacks against PBS makes sense; I mean, for god sake, he's talking about cutting government funding to one of the longest running television shows on the planet--a show watched by something like 80% of the population when they're growing up. It's an easy, easy target to hit Romney on in the midst of that poor debate showing by Obama. I'm not sure what's possessed Romney's team to think it's a good idea to get their candidate to strike out at such a beloved television show.
Bill O Rights wrote:Not to worry.
Team O's October surprise has been unleashed…

The Big … BIRD !!

Obama spokesman: We released that moronic Big Bird ad because of the “grassroots outcry”

The Big Bird ad is actually very typical of Hopenchange’s M.O. this year. They’ve tried to bludgeon Romney with every cheap demagogic populist ploy within reach. How were they supposed to lay off an easy opportunity to suggest that Mitt hates moms and kids and puppets?

it’s very important to Obama’s campaign that they be seen as winning at all times. A winner can get away with a silly ad like this; a guy who just got his ass handed to him in front of 70 million people really can’t.

Hat tip:

Someone5 wrote:
Hitting Romney on his attacks against PBS makes sense; I mean, for god sake, he's talking about cutting government funding to one of the longest running television shows on the planet--a show watched by something like 80% of the population when they're growing up. It's an easy, easy target to hit Romney on in the midst of that poor debate showing by Obama. I'm not sure what's possessed Romney's team to think it's a good idea to get their candidate to strike out at such a beloved television show.

The person that controls Children's Television Workshop is the wife of a Billionaire that eclipses the financials of the Scrooge McDuck caricature of Mitt Romney that Obama has painted … many times over. You think he wants to sleep on one of his sofas while PBS is short about a measly million bucks or 2 ?

But… It is entertaining to watch Obama's own tactic being used so effectively against him. this campaign season has been rife with stuff thrown out there by Obama's people that had absolutely nothing to do with jobs or the economy… incessantly changing the subject to avoid reality.
Now Obama has got to waste money and time to placate his own Big Bird loving, all 10 of them base… while he loses those precious undecided voters in droves… to the surge that he himself created … during the exact time that he planned to rake in the early mail in voters ... in the swing States like Ohio … and he cant begin to even try and stop that hemorrhage ... until next Thursday. LOL!!!

Not to mention the 350 million dollars Obama spent to create that caricature … Gone like a fart in the wind in the first 90 minutes that Romney had to respond ... while the Obama-bot media spin/ handlers had to sit and watch.
America's Right Wing is definitely coming unglued

On a more positive note, I do believe we'll eventually see a resurgence of the American RINO. These moderate conservatives have been pushed to the side during the right wing putsch we're going through now, but the pendulum is still swinging.

Another wingnut is on the hotseat in Arkansas, claiming slavery was good for blacks in the long run, etc. Good grief, what's the hell's wrong with these people??? ... ansas-gop/
Slavery was good for blacks in the long run.

Without slavery, they'd still be in Africa. Slavery also resulted in their learning English, nuclear family structure (something they seem to have lost lately), modern agriculture techniques, and good work habits. It's not an exaggeration to say slavery was the best thing that ever happened to black people.
Plutus Aurelius wrote:And now right wing darling and Weight Watchers® drop-out Chris Christie is MIA for top level GOP conferences. ... 29321.html


The MELTDOWN continues.....

This coming from the a liberal perspective/ boy band mindset that would vote in droves for a 6 foot cardboard cutout of a dill pickle with a teleprompter as long as it had a D after it's name. :lol:

You guys got nothin but personal insults. The mojo aint workin anymore. ;)

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