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By Notorious B.i.G.
I may have said this in another post. But I wanted to put up a new thread.
My favourite ingredient right now is Pimento Powder. I recently got some beautiful powder from Spain. It smells divine and packs a big flavour punch. So much better than that so call ‘Hungarian Paprika’ rubbish that you get.

I use it in scrambled eggs, with a little asparagus and white wine vinegar.
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By Godstud
Fish sauce.

Red chili peppers, too. I am really learning to like hot food. I'm the guy who used to think potatoes were "spicy". :D
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By Notorious B.i.G.
oooo! Fish Sauce

Hmm, you have rocked my world. I'm not so sure anymore!
I have 5 different fish sauces at home, sometimes I hold blind tastings. That stuff is soo good.

Good to see you're getting into hot food (spicy potatoes!). I’ve been with my wife for 6 years now, I remember one of the first dinners out we had I took her to a Malaysian restaurant, and I ordered all this hot food. She could barely eat it, quite funny really. But over the years she has adapted and now likes hot food. Lucky!

You should try, Thai Birds Eye chillis, they're about 1cm long and they pack a punch!
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By Godstud
I have those little red chilis in a lot of what I eat now. I am in Thailand, and my fiancee is Thai, as well as being an incredible cook!
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By Notorious B.i.G.
I am in Thailand, and my fiancee is Thai, as well as being an incredible cook!



Lucky bastard. Very jealous.
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By Godstud

Thanks. I was ever so pleased to discover cooking skills. The last few women I have been with didn't know which end of a wooden spoon to hold. My cooking skills only extend to the BBQ, too.
By Moonchild
Notorious B.i.G. wrote:I may have said this in another post. But I wanted to put up a new thread.
My favourite ingredient right now is Pimento Powder. I recently got some beautiful powder from Spain. It smells divine and packs a big flavour punch. So much better than that so call ‘Hungarian Paprika’ rubbish that you get.

I use it in scrambled eggs, with a little asparagus and white wine vinegar.

Sounds nice, and its true that most companies sell crap paprika, though there are some in here that sell a decent Moroccan Paprika, which is good enough for my tomato sauce and goulash.

I'd probably buy this powder but its too expansive considering the amounts of paprika that I use.

I remember that my grandma used to make her own paprika, cleaned all the kernels from the peppers and ground it using a thick brass Mortar and pestle she brought back from Tripoli.
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By Notorious B.i.G.
Moonchild wrote:I remember that my grandma used to make her own paprika, cleaned all the kernels from the peppers and ground it using a thick brass Mortar and pestle she brought back from Tripoli.

Wow, that is amazing. I’d never even thought about the fact that you could make your own.
I’ve this wonderful large marble mortar and pestle (I mean huge! It must weigh 10kg+), so maybe I’ll look up some techniques on the internets and have a go.

I went to the butcher on Friday morning and he was making his own Biltong. I so want to start making my own Biltong too, but in a one bedroom apartment I don’t really have the room, and don’t think the wife would like a drying device taking up room on the kitchen bench!
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By Daktoria


STEP 1: Grind... A LOT.

STEP 2: Add water.

STEP 3: Mix... preferably in a big truck with one of those big rolly things in the back.

STEP 4: Pour where needed.

OPTIONAL: Pour in molds and create blocks.

OPTIONAL 2: Lay like a boss.

By Kon
Notorious you can make jerky in an electric oven, I know it isn't the same as biltong but why not give it a shot. Probably the easiest way to cure meat at home
By Zenno
I only use our own home-made hot sauces from our home-grown hot peppers. We like all hot food, but one shouldn't exaggerate. Too much can damage your stomach, if you aren't used to it. I did overdo it a little last year with stuffed Jalapeno peppers. They are just too hot and the backing doesn't always take the heat out of them. We like hot Thai and Indian cooking, but one of our all-time favorites is couscous with a hot sauce, vegetables and lamb.
By Zenno
Notorious B.i.G. wrote:I’ve this wonderful large marble mortar and pestle (I mean huge! It must weigh 10kg+), so maybe I’ll look up some techniques on the internets and have a go.

You don't need a mortar if you cook the paprika first. You can just pass it through a vegetable mill or something similar to filter out the skins. If you use uncooked paprika, your sauce will likely start to ferment after a little while even in the fridge. Our hot sauces made from cooked paprika keep three years or longer. Storage life is important because the sauces are too hot to use a lot at a time.
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By Figlio di Moros
I've been working on my vinegar game lately. I've got a rasberry vinegar that goes great on greens. Usually, though, I stick to the basics- garlic(powder), onion powder, italian seasoning, meat tenderizer, salt, pepper, and paprika
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