Vegetarianism - Politics | PoFo

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By Rainbow Crow
My recent decision not to kill a bug in my room combined with my ample free time since I began my career identity crisis has gotten me thinking, I have always wanted to attempt being a vegetarian. I want to be a muscular vegetarian, though. Stop laughing and give me any links you have :D
By Wolfman
Are you going to allow yourself to consume the following: Poultry, eggs, fish, milk and other dairy products?

If not, for you conditioning, you'll want soy and/or rice protein. There are some things about soy protein going around about how evil it is, but there's a mix of good and bad reports, and personally it works fine for me. Eat nuts and seeds. You'll be fine.
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By Captain Sam
He said vegetarian, not vegan. Vegetarians still consume animal products, just not meat.

I could never become a vegetarian. I could never abandon my love for hamburgers, pepperoni pizza, chicken caesars and fish & chips.
Last edited by Captain Sam on 27 Jul 2012 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
By Wolfman
Different vegetarians have different rules on what they and will not eat. Some will eat milk but not eat eggs, some will eat eggs but not seafood, and so on.
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By Captain Sam
Not exactly a vegetarian. That's just being a picky eater. I know wikipedia has different definitions for "vegetarians" that still eat seafood or eggs, but wikipedia is wrong.

All vegetarians use dairy products. It's vegans that don't use dairy products, and instead rely on artificially fortified foods or risk malnutrition.
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By Lokakyy
I know wikipedia has different definitions for "vegetarians" that still eat seafood or eggs, but wikipedia is wrong.

Yeah, they are pretty silly. I personally don't eat beef or pork nor chicken, but seafood is okay with me. And no, I'm not calling myself a pescetarian or vegetarian or something.
Blue Puppy wrote:My recent decision not to kill a bug in my room combined with my ample free time since I began my career identity crisis has gotten me thinking, I have always wanted to attempt being a vegetarian. I want to be a muscular vegetarian, though. Stop laughing and give me any links you have :D

I'm in the same boat. Well, I've been there for about seven months now, so......

Well, stay away from vegetarian websites & message boards. They're full of grassroots types.

For nutrition.... just recognize there's a difference between high & low quality protein, and that non-animal sources are low quality. Vegans will disagree, but they're fucking assholes.

Other than that just read the nutrition facts of shit you buy. Recognize your goals, & buy food that will help you reach them. The only h.q. protein I do is dairy, but - using this little trick - I get about 100 grams of protein a day.
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By Lokakyy
Soybeans protein has a biological value of 96. That's what I would call "high quality"

Yeah, soy bean protein is actually a bit more nutritious proteinwise than human milk.
By Kon
Soy beans are all genetically modified and usually highly processed, you can obtain nutritional value in a safer and more traditional manner from a variety of whole grains and pulses without soy. People greatly underestimate the amount of carbs in vegetables, as well as protein in grain/pulse (analouge) mixtures.
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By Rancid
These are shameful thoughts you are having Blue Puppy. I suggest you go out and have yourself a high quality T-bone/Porterhouse or NY Strip steak. This should cleanse you of your evil thoughts.
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By QatzelOk
Captain Sam wrote:fish & chips

I am a vegetarian, which means I simply don't eat meat or meat products.

But milk, fish and eggs are fine with me.

In fact, a vegetarian should indulge in at least ONE of these things to ensure good health.

One day, when a critical mass of us are vegetarians (for environmental reasons), there will be lots of ways to get vitamins B6 and 12. But right now, you're better off not taking your chances and going totally vegan.
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By Rugoz
Not eating meat will not save the life of a single animal. Instead of being killed at a certain age people will stop raising them and they will never exist.

It makes more sense to stop eating fish.
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By Noelnada
I have always wanted to attempt being a vegetarian.

I don't want to become vegetarian but i'd like to keep my meat consumption to a minimum like once or twice a week and i'm too lazy to do that.. i feel ashamed :*(
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