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By RhetoricThug
I'd like to start growing my own Camellia Sinensis, does anyone have green finger skills with Tea plants? I'm looking to harvest myself, and primarily White and Oolong.

I live in a continental climate, so outdoor operations would not be a good idea. With the seasons, etc.

Is it better to buy seeds, or the actual plant first?

What type of lighting, and sun spread?

Can the grower mechanically manipulate the growth pattern while in-doors, speed it up, or slow it down artificially?

Lastly, what type of equipment would be best, and where can I purchase?
By Moonchild
There is an abundance of information on manipulating growing conditions indoors, but most of it is on Cannabis.

If you really want to get into it, here's a short Iranian academic article about the right usage of nutrients to maximize yield, its practically the only informative thing I found about nutrients for tea plants, it kept suggesting compost tea for cannabis nutrients.

The substances mentioned should be fairly available in gardening shops.

About lighting, I think a full spectrum(5000k) fluorescent light should do the trick.

You might have seen this article, but if you didn't, it gives some basic info on growing it.
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By Potemkin
I'd like to start growing my own Camellia Sinensis, does anyone have green finger skills with Tea plants? I'm looking to harvest myself, and primarily White and Oolong.

The quality of the tea you harvest from your tea plants is probably not going to be very high. And how do you intend to process the tea once it is harvested? Have you bought the equipment you'll need? Do you have the necessary space in your house? I realise that the tea sold in most Western supermarkets is shit, but why not just buy proper tea direct from China or Taiwan? Good tea is available, if you know where to look for it.
By RhetoricThug
Potemkin wrote:The quality of the tea you harvest from your tea plants is probably not going to be very high. And how do you intend to process the tea once it is harvested? Have you bought the equipment you'll need? Do you have the necessary space in your house? I realise that the tea sold in most Western supermarkets is shit, but why not just buy proper tea direct from China or Taiwan? Good tea is available, if you know where to look for it.

I personally, already drink hand picked, fine plucked, looseleaf, Monkey Oolong. Its a delicate blend. I'm also a fan of Japanese macha- which I was turned onto by a friend. That being said, I do have the proper space to cure the plants. My processing equipment is coming in from the UK... Hopefully soon.
I have been researching different harvesting methods for about two months or so. I've come to terms with the fact that White Tea and Oolong will be the better choices to get the most out of my plants.
Why do you conclude that I won't get a proper yield (quality/strength) from my particular plants? If I buy directly from premium gardens I shouldn't have to worry. If I buy seeds, well, in that case I shall worry.

I'm fairly surprised (not really) too that most information on harvesting techniques indoors is related to Bud,grass,skunk,weed,pot,marijuana. But, I have that covered :D
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By Potemkin
I personally, already drink hand picked, fine plucked, looseleaf, Monkey Oolong. Its a delicate blend. I'm also a fan of Japanese macha- which I was turned onto by a friend.

I'm more of a pu'er and black tea man, myself. Hopefully, my barbaric tastes may eventually become refined enough to appreciate the subtler nuances of oolong or white teas.

That being said, I do have the proper space to cure the plants. My processing equipment is coming in from the UK... Hopefully soon.

I'm genuinely impressed. :up:

I have been researching different harvesting methods for about two months or so. I've come to terms with the fact that White Tea and Oolong will be the better choices to get the most out of my plants.
Why do you conclude that I won't get a proper yield (quality/strength) from my particular plants? If I buy directly from premium gardens I shouldn't have to worry. If I buy seeds, well, in that case I shall worry.

I take back what I said. I shouldn't have doubted you. :)

I'm fairly surprised (not really) too that most information on harvesting techniques indoors is related to Bud,grass,skunk,weed,pot,marijuana. But, I have that covered

If only those poor benighted potheads realised what they're missing by not drinking good quality Chinese tea. I pity them, I truly do. :*(

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