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By Ignite
Dave wrote:I mission accomplished the shit out of this thread.

Victory tastes so sweet.

You win because you sound like a future massacre shooter that will target vegetarians? If that's victory for you then...uh...sure you win. :roll:
By skinster
Vegetarianism is despicable and another symptom of the degenerate left-liberalism which ails our once great civilization.

Gosh Dave, you sound rather emotional here. When was civilization great? :lol:

I eat white meat (fish or chicken) between 1 - 5 times per week.

I don't care whether people eat meat or don't eat meat but the complainers on both sides need to die. :)
By Ignite
skinster wrote:
I don't care whether people eat meat or don't eat meat but the complainers on both sides need to die. :)

I know you are kidding where as Dave seems more serious....but no one needs to die over a diet choice!!!
By Ignite
skinster wrote:I don't care whether people eat meat or don't eat meat but the complainers on both sides need to die.

I have faith in your ability to ignore people. Just ignore the complainers. It's rather simple. Even though Dave is one of those complainers....I think what would be better for him is to seek some professional help for his issues.
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By Brother of Karl
Good job Cartman. You won the debate by attacking the credibility of vegetarians and annoying your opponent rather than actually giving any evidence that they are less healthy. At the very least, vegetarians tend to be more healthy because they pay more attention to their diet and exercise than the average meat eater, who in America is an obese slob who eats every day at Mcdonalds.

Dave wrote:What are typical features of religion?

-Faith in unfalsifiable or even outright false claims
-Moral taboos, which may often be dietary
-Claims of moral superiority

Those traits apply to many things that can't be considered a religion, for instance vegetarianism, or Rush Limbaugh's audience. Religions also require many other things, such as a creation story, some form of organisation, and traditions.

Also, those things don't apply to MOST vegetarians, therefore you're wrong.
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By Sephardi
Dave wrote:Patriarchy as an organized social phenomenon only arose in cultures in which meat production and distribution was collectivized. Left-liberalism opposes patriarchy, and as should be no surprise to everyone most research shows that vegetarians tend to be more effeminate in physiology and more liberal in outlook than meat eaters. Furthermore, as I have already explained earlier in this thread vegetarianism is an example of misplaced empathy and weakness worship which are the hallmarks of degenerate left liberalism.

You put my feelings into words. Nice job. I will use this in the future.
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By roxunreal
OMGz teh vegetariunz are ruining aur societyeh! *hands in the air running in circles*

I love meat. I don't give a shit what people eat as long as they don't make a fucking religion out of it about which they are unable to shut up.

The argument that I loathe the most is "omg look at the chickens and cows in crowded small cages eating their own shit unable to move their whole lives, how can you eat meat omgomgomg".
From an animal rights perspective, the problem is in the horrible conditions the animals are raised, not in eating meat, fucktards. I doubt an animal that lives a content life on a normal farm in normal conditions and then dies in a second is in any more agony than a plant that is ripped from the ground, sliced up and eaten while still alive, or boiled in hot water. "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian" - I have one like that as well: "If plants could scream, vegetarians would shut up or starve to death."

And this is not just a "weak liberal animal rights" thing - animals that lead healthy and content lives make better meat. A chicken or cow in a farm that doesn't move most of its life, eats a cheap substrate, lives a life of stress and fills your body with antibiotics and other poisons they fed it make shitty meat. In fact, some commercial chicken meat products are only one step above plastic if you ask me.

Oh and vegetarians are one thing, but vegans...I doubt I've ever seen a vegan that didn't look like he was going to die in the next ten minutes.
By Decky
The only bussines I would ever consider running is a restraunt and only so I could do one thing. Have a massive sign over the door telling people "there is vegitarian option, you can fuck off."
By Rilzik
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By Demosthenes
:lol: :lol: @ the whiny meatfags whining about vegetarians who aren't whining at all.

Meat worship is an unnecessary religion of faggery, and typically false young male bravado.

I picked up my allergy from a tick bite late in life. I've gotten those damn ticks my whole life but at some point one of them zapped me. This issue has to do with not controlling the deer population adequately enough as deer are their primary vector.
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By roxunreal
Demosthenes wrote::lol: :lol: @ the whiny meatfags whining about vegetarians who aren't whining at all.

Props to you if you're not whining about it, but don't pretend there isn't a myriad of self-righteous vegetarians out there trying to tell others how evil their diet is :roll:
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By Dave
Demosthenes wrote::lol: :lol: @ the whiny meatfags whining about vegetarians who aren't whining at all.

Why do you suppose terms like ANIMAL HOLOCAUST exist?

Demosthenes wrote:Meat worship is an unnecessary religion of faggery, and typically false young male bravado.

Meat consumption supports optimal health and meat is delicious. Vegetarianism artificially restricts your diet for reasons which are wrong. Apples and oranges.

Demosthenes wrote:I picked up my allergy from a tick bite late in life. I've gotten those damn ticks my whole life but at some point one of them zapped me. This issue has to do with not controlling the deer population adequately enough as deer are their primary vector.

In which case your vegetarianism is a necessary response to a medical condition and has nothing to do with typical vegetarianism at all. But since you have a kool-aid Zinn worldview you can't help but react negatively to people with some sense in their heads...snooze.
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By Demosthenes
Dave wrote:Why do you suppose terms like ANIMAL HOLOCAUST exist?

I don't know, I blow that shit off. Vegans are militantly mal-adjusted in several ways. Take that Tezalian Imperialist unperson, the dude cared for animals more than people and acted like I was crazy for thinking he was mentally ill. Weirdos come from all sides.

Dave wrote:Meat consumption supports optimal health and meat is delicious. Vegetarianism artificially restricts your diet for reasons which are wrong. Apples and oranges.

Meat is delicious to you because its what you were raised on Dave. I know you know all this is completely arbitrary. Vegetarianism actually opens doors, not the other way around. Because I can't eat mammalian meat any longer I eat things I would never have eaten before. Furthermore, in a primarily American/British diet flavor is obtained by either adding copious amounts of salt or fat. Neither are very healthy (assuming bad fat, not the good kinds found in plant oils) in large amounts. In a diet based more on vegetables, legumes, and the like, you learn to add other spices that enhance flavor and even add a few micronutrients here and there that can help in small ways as well.

I know everyone on this forum is a health know-it-all and everyone insists, from you to Sephardi, that they have the "one true" diet (another aspect of fanatical religions there Dave), but the reality is, most valid, accurate, medical research says no more than 10oz of a meat a day is necessary, and that most of your calories should come from vegetables and fruits. 10oz of meat a day is plenty. You don't need more than that. You may want it, you may think you like it, but you don't need it.

Dave wrote:But since you have a kool-aid Zinn worldview you can't help but react negatively to people with some sense in their heads...snooze.

:roll: Oh noes! Dave doesn't understand Zinn... and others, and maintains his kool-aid religion of "Race Fakism" and meatfaggery are somehow more valid! :lol: Furthermore, I haven't reacted negatively to anything except your last statement. I simply call you a meatfag because you are. Just as tongue-in-cheek as you are.

The fact is, there are only two meats on the list of super foods, they are Salmon and Turkey. The rest of them are high nutrient density foods that one should make a priority to add to their diet. You guys can know-it-all around these facts all you like, you can cite studies no one has ever heard of and call them mainstream science, but the fact is, you are wrong on nearly all counts, and your reasoning is just silly.

"Its great because I am, and I say it is" :lol:

Ya goofy bastard!
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