Visibility of Club Content - Politics | PoFo

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Private discussion areas.
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By U184
Visibility, since the groups are private, then many will have no clue they are here, out of sight and out of mind.

So I suggest that each group should have a descriptive page and that maybe once a month or so, a report, or freeze frame, be made public about the basic issues being discussed. This way it would allow, would be new members, an insiders view and allow the information to be picked up by search engines.
Last edited by U184 on 16 Oct 2013 10:36, edited 1 time in total.
I was also thinking of having occasional threads that had run their course to be locked and opened to the public, on the provision that everyone who posted content within them agreed with the particular thread being made public. However, I think that one of the strengths of the Private Members Clubs is the privacy aspect. People may be more open in a contained environment and may feel more at ease referencing personal experiences or work related stuff, than they would out there in the wider forum.

SF - perhaps you could clarify the status of the sub-forums in regard to privacy. I can't think of any particular privacy issue off-hand, but if there is any technical or other point that should be taken into consideration, please let us know.
Perhaps the group leader could set permissions on various topics if the group wanted something public?

I had thought about this for SN-RF as well. Perhaps if permission is given, a public "read only" status could make the thread visible to non-club members.
Viewing permissions cannot be set on a a thread by thread basis. I would have to create a seperate sub-forum for the public topics.

If everyone was aware of the public nature of the seperate section, then posting in that section would not create any privacy issues. If, however, a thread was moved to a public section, then yes, I would say permission needs to be sought from all thread participants first.

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