Everyday Life in Fascist Society - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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I have an honest question for the fascists here. Apart from the grand political and socio-economic structures, what would the ordinary lifestyle in (your ideal) fascist society look like? Would it be fundamentally different from the one in our current liberal-bourgeois society? How heavily would civil and national duties interfere with the average Joe's life? What would childhood and education be like? What social activities would be at one's disposal?
Andrea_Chenier wrote:I have an honest question for the fascists here. Apart from the grand political and socio-economic structures, what would the ordinary lifestyle in (your ideal) fascist society look like? Would it be fundamentally different from the one in our current liberal-bourgeois society?

I'll say--a lot more spartan, with emphasis on the State and Cause not individual.

How heavily would civil and national duties interfere with the average Joe's life?

In a serious Statist system, pretty heavily. Not just conscription for the military.

What would childhood and education be like?

There'd be a much greater role for the State in child rearing-- youth groups and indoctrination. You only have to look at recent history for your answers.
Under a modern Fascist society, citizenship would take on a greater meaning while the state would be perceived as an embodiment of the people's will rather than a nefarious entity. Nationalism would hold greater importance while modern corporations would work with the government rather than against it. A Fascist America for example, would be less concerned with irredentism/war mongering but more so with self-sufficiency. America is totally dependent on foreign markets like the Chinese. That obviously would have to change. I would suspect a Fascist America would be far more isolationist, prioritizing domestic affairs over world affairs. That's just my ideal version in a nut shell.
Red_Bull wrote:Under a modern Fascist society, citizenship would take on a greater meaning while the state would be perceived as an embodiment of the people's will rather than a nefarious entity.

The State might be perceived as embodying the people's will but in reality it must embody the supreme leader's will, or the party elite's will, while the masses are put in their place.

modern corporations would work with the government rather than against it.

Those whose principal motivation is self aggrandizement will "work with" those with greater vision, after they've been dominated by the latter.

A Fascist America for example, would be less concerned with irredentism/war mongering but more so with self-sufficiency. America is totally dependent on foreign markets like the Chinese. That obviously would have to change.

There's nothing wrong with dependency on other lands and importing stuff, provided the center of the empire (a hypothetical future US) is in the driver's seat. But there should be less individual consumption--the root of economic and environmental problems.

I would suspect a Fascist America would be far more isolationist, prioritizing domestic affairs over world affairs.

Nooooo way. Although domestic affairs would certainly be put in order, the goal would be to strengthen the country vis a vis others, to dominate them. That would be partly just for prestige but mainly to ensure stability and more effective handing of problems affecting the whole planet like global warming.
The State might be perceived as embodying the people's will but in reality it must embody the supreme leader's will, or the party elite's will, while the masses are put in their place.

You're operating under the assumption that Fascism has to be a dictatorship.

Those whose principal motivation is self aggrandizement will "work with" those with greater vision, after they've been dominated by the latter.

"Fascism's theory of economic corporatism involved management of sectors of the economy by government or privately controlled organizations (corporations). Each trade union or employer corporation would, theoretically, represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. This method, it was theorized, could result in harmony amongst social classes. Authors have noted, however, that de facto economic corporatism was also used to reduce opposition and reward political loyalty."

Nooooo way. Although domestic affairs would certainly be put in order, the goal would be to strengthen the country vis a vis others, to dominate them. That would be partly just for prestige but mainly to ensure stability and more effective handing of problems affecting the whole planet like global warming.

This is because your concept of Fascism is limited to the cartoonish example of the 1940s. A Fascist society would see the trend of globalization as a threat and retreat inwards to become solely self-sufficient to avoid dependency on foreign markets. An example would be Hitler's desire to acquire the Ukraine to make blockades pointless while freeing Germany from the need to trade. I think you should look at Fascism with something more imaginative than pure cartoonish militarism.
Andrea_Chenier wrote:I have an honest question for the fascists here. Apart from the grand political and socio-economic structures, what would the ordinary lifestyle in (your ideal) fascist society look like? Would it be fundamentally different from the one in our current liberal-bourgeois society? How heavily would civil and national duties interfere with the average Joe's life? What would childhood and education be like? What social activities would be at one's disposal?

See North Korea.

Red_Bull wrote:You're operating under the assumption that Fascism has to be a dictatorship.

Not an unreasonable assumption.

Authors have noted, however, that de facto economic corporatism was also used to reduce opposition and reward political loyalty."

The real world goal is just to control production and economic life to ensure the primacy of the State and its agenda.

This is because your concept of Fascism is limited to the cartoonish example of the 1940s.

Cartoonish? Real world.

A Fascist society would see the trend of globalization as a threat and retreat inwards to become solely self-sufficient to avoid dependency on foreign markets.

Na, it depends on how strong it is and its prospects for being a world hegemon. If/when the US becomes statist/authoritarian it would, assuming great visionary leadership, aspire to global mastery and unification followed by space expansion.

I think you should look at Fascism with something more imaginative than pure cartoonish militarism.

Believe me, I have imagination. You're the one who is apparently no visionary. From the start fascism was essentially a revival of the spirit of Roman Caesarism, who stood for hegemonization and far reaching political unification.
Undoubtedly it would be different. No more idleness, classes of moral values, better physical training, activities promoting teamwork and the idea that the individual is less important than the volk as a whole, promotion of hiearchy in elite institutions, militarism and so forth. A manly and ideal education that is far away from the hedonistic and feminine education of the sick (aka West) World.
Varg wrote:Undoubtedly it would be different. No more idleness,

A key difference would be the supremacy of a single rational worldview, in contrast to the present system in which people oscillate between belief in nonsense (religion) and belief in nothing with its ills--drugs, degeneracy, aimlessness.

the idea that the individual is less important than the volk as a whole,

State or society as a whole.

promotion of hiearchy in elite institutions, militarism and so forth. A manly and ideal education that is far away from the hedonistic and feminine education of the sick (aka West) World.

You wake on a mattress previously owned by someone who was killed by the state for failing to seig heil fast enough. You were very lucky to win it through the state run lottery. Your alarm is the blaring of air raid sirens at 5 AM, and you don the jacket you had used as a blanket to fight off the ever present chill in your unheated room. If you sleep in, guards will break down your door and shoot you in the head for betraying The Cause.

Leaving your door open and unlocked, for easier searching by Labor Enforcement, you march down to the street and join the throngs of people exiting their homes. As you exit the building you are handed what is essentially a Power Bar in unmarked wax packaging to eat on the way to work. The wax is edible, sort of, but you're not that hungry this morning so you pocket it for later.

You work at a Solution Factory in Resource Reclamation. If you are lucky you will find enough teeth with gold fillings to earn lunch that day. Today is a good day and you meet your quota. Lunch is a weak soup and something that tastes like unsweetened energy drink, but with meth so you can focus on your job and not be distracted by hunger.

Hey, it's your friend Steve. Steve works in Materials Processing. His hands are always covered in ink because he tattoos serial numbers onto the Problems as they're inventoried. Steve waves at you from across the lunch room. Seconds later, guards swarm him and he is taken away for questioning about why he would make such an extroverted gesture. You never see Steve again.

It is now 3 PM. You are allowed a 10 minute break to use the bathroom. A guard stares intently at you as you shit. His job, among other things, is to ensure that you do not use a decadent amount of toilet paper. As per your high school education, you fold your 3 squares of toilet paper in half after the first wipe so that you may use them again. The guard counts each section you pull off the roll loudly, and you are required to show the front and backs of each hand before each set of wipes. Last month you were allowed a day off to visit the State Museum because you used the least toilet paper out of anyone in your division. Once you are finished, you stand next to the toilet and salute so that the guard can examine the contents of the bowl before he flushes it. He is checking the size and consistency of your stool to ensure you are not stealing food or drinking contraband liquor.

8 PM rolls around. Work is over! You are allowed 30 minutes of supervised personal time in the town square. You and a few friends accidentally stand too close to another group of people and the guards beat you for, as they describe it, "conspiring like Jews."

The half hour passes. It is now time for the silent walk back to your apartment. What a day! You reclaimed so much gold, and you even found a pace maker! You know it contains something called plutonium, and you know the state thinks plutonium is good. You don't know know why though, because you were beaten severely the first and only time you ever asked why it was good. The air sirens blast the national anthem as you fall asleep on your precious, precious mattress in your otherwise bare room.

It is now 2 AM. You wake up and require use of the bathroom. You press a button on the wall and await the Bathroom Guard to escort you. He arrives 15 minutes later. He is especially fast for you because you sometimes smuggle him a tooth as a bribe. He hints that he will allow you the time and privacy necessary to masturbate on your next escorted restroom break if you bring him a breakfast bar, but your education was focused on the duties required of a good citizen so you don't know what he's talking about. After he radios in the amount of toilet paper you used to Central Resource Management, you go back to bed and have dreams of the glorious future you and your people are working toward.
SpecialOlympian wrote:If you sleep in, guards will break down your door and shoot you in the head for betraying The Cause.

Lunch is a weak soup and something that tastes like unsweetened energy drink, but with meth so you can focus on your job and not be distracted by hunger.

It is now 3 PM. You are allowed a 10 minute break to use the bathroom. A guard stares intently at you as you shit.

You and a few friends accidentally stand too close to another group of people and the guards beat you for, as they describe it, "conspiring like Jews."

It's stupid to satirize totalitarianism. People should ridicule democracy. A more authoritarian regime could rectify overpopulation and environmental degradation etc. Nothing could be worse than the longterm consequences of democracy, apart from the stupidity of human equality, as in one man one vote. Extolling a system which is killing us, while mocking a vitally needed solution can be likened to masochism.
We are in this together, brother. Someday we shall make the dream come true.

A more authoritarian regime could rectify overpopulation and environmental degradation etc. Nothing could be worse than the longterm consequences of democracy, apart from the stupidity of human equality, as in one man one vote.

Why do you think it was satire? I called it a Solution Factory for a reason. It is solving Problems.

If you are so wrapped up in your desires for material goods and personal time then maybe you are the one with the problem, comrade.

Omosessuale wrote:You wake on a mattress previously owned by someone who was killed by the state for failing to seig heil fast enough. You were very lucky to win it through the state run lottery. Your alarm is the blaring of air raid sirens at 5 AM, and you don the jacket you had used as a blanket to fight off the ever present chill in your unheated room. If you sleep in, guards will break down your door and shoot you in the head for betraying The Cause.

Leaving your door open and unlocked, for easier searching by Labor Enforcement, you march down to the street and join the throngs of people exiting their homes. As you exit the building you are handed what is essentially a Power Bar in unmarked wax packaging to eat on the way to work. The wax is edible, sort of, but you're not that hungry this morning so you pocket it for later.

You work at a Solution Factory in Resource Reclamation. If you are lucky you will find enough teeth with gold fillings to earn lunch that day. Today is a good day and you meet your quota. Lunch is a weak soup and something that tastes like unsweetened energy drink, but with meth so you can focus on your job and not be distracted by hunger.

Hey, it's your friend Steve. Steve works in Materials Processing. His hands are always covered in ink because he tattoos serial numbers onto the Problems as they're inventoried. Steve waves at you from across the lunch room. Seconds later, guards swarm him and he is taken away for questioning about why he would make such an extroverted gesture. You never see Steve again.

It is now 3 PM. You are allowed a 10 minute break to use the bathroom. A guard stares intently at you as you shit. His job, among other things, is to ensure that you do not use a decadent amount of toilet paper. As per your high school education, you fold your 3 squares of toilet paper in half after the first wipe so that you may use them again. The guard counts each section you pull off the roll loudly, and you are required to show the front and backs of each hand before each set of wipes. Last month you were allowed a day off to visit the State Museum because you used the least toilet paper out of anyone in your division. Once you are finished, you stand next to the toilet and salute so that the guard can examine the contents of the bowl before he flushes it. He is checking the size and consistency of your stool to ensure you are not stealing food or drinking contraband liquor.

8 PM rolls around. Work is over! You are allowed 30 minutes of supervised personal time in the town square. You and a few friends accidentally stand too close to another group of people and the guards beat you for, as they describe it, "conspiring like Jews."

The half hour passes. It is now time for the silent walk back to your apartment. What a day! You reclaimed so much gold, and you even found a pace maker! You know it contains something called plutonium, and you know the state thinks plutonium is good. You don't know know why though, because you were beaten severely the first and only time you ever asked why it was good. The air sirens blast the national anthem as you fall asleep on your precious, precious mattress in your otherwise bare room.

It is now 2 AM. You wake up and require use of the bathroom. You press a button on the wall and await the Bathroom Guard to escort you. He arrives 15 minutes later. He is especially fast for you because you sometimes smuggle him a tooth as a bribe. He hints that he will allow you the time and privacy necessary to masturbate on your next escorted restroom break if you bring him a breakfast bar, but your education was focused on the duties required of a good citizen so you don't know what he's talking about. After he radios in the amount of toilet paper you used to Central Resource Management, you go back to bed and have dreams of the glorious future you and your people are working toward.

What drugs do you consume?

Tuo Padre
starman2003 wrote:Like Orwell's 1984...

Looking at your post history, I seriously thought your end goal was something like what Special Olympian posted (which was the most hilarious post I've ever seen on this site.

The one thing that I would assume about a Fascist society is that everyone would probably have a stronger sense of purpose, and society would be more united.
warsmith17 wrote:The one thing that I would assume about a Fascist society is that everyone would probably have a stronger sense of purpose, and society would be more united.

Yes but that strong sense of purpose that unites everybody would be the overthrowing of "dear" leader and hanging all his henchmen.

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