Coconut - Politics | PoFo

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By teedoffshrew
So, it's good Friday and there isn't much to do. I have a coconut that needs to be experimented with so we've gone to the painstaking trouble of opening it and tearing it away from its flesh and that last brown skin.
I've blended up the flesh and that will have multiple uses but was at a loss as to what to do with the little brown skin chips that are actually quite edible. So I asked the internet and this one site recommended putting them in the microwave cos they taste like coconut popcorn. I didn't believe it and thought I'd try it. Well I'll be damned it works and they are thoroughly delicious. So much so that I needed to share with pofo because a secret as tasty as that needs to be shared with humanity. ... -meat.html
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By anarchist23
Very interesting.Will record this tip in my little black book before I forget.
By RhetoricThug
Thank you for sharing shrew, I'll have to give this a try.

DO you live where coconuts grow?
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By Goldberk
I have a coconut that needs to be experimented with so we've gone to the painstaking trouble of opening it and tearing it away from its flesh and that last brown skin.

That's no way to treat Obama!?!
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By teedoffshrew
My obsession with coconut continues...

So I was planning to make my usual coconut cream/milk this morning but when it was open it didn't smell right. It had a kind of ammonia whiff to it and it didn't taste nice. There was nothing coconutty about this coconut.
Hauled my ass over to the shops to buy another one and carried on..
But I didn't want to waste what I have seen described on the net as a 'rancid' coconut cos the oil was amazing. It wasn't nice smelling but rancid is a bit harsh...
So, I blended it all up and used it as a body wash and hair mask. The result is exceptionally soft and moisturized skin. I'm still figuring out what it's effect has been on my hair but I'm thinking it's been like an intense oil treatment which can only be a positive for my locks.

Moral of story?

Don't waste off coconuts.

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