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By Drlee
Dagoth Ur wrote:DrLee seems like he bought this indignation prepackaged.

You think so? Why would I be indignant? Someone deliberately posts insults and because he is insulting Christians it is just fine. Would a moderator ever question insulting all Christians as a group. Not on your life. But let one person refer to all women as weak and emotional, or make a racist joke and all hell breaks loose.

Frankly I am tired of the "zombie Jesus" crowd. They are ignorant, childish little piss ants and I don't want to participate in a thread that thinks they are even remotely funny.
You're not doing "your side" any favors by flipping out over someone trying to troll this membership thread.

It's not like Jesus died on the cross anyways because God is a Boss and he wouldn't let his most perfect creation come to such ruination. [/islam]
By mikema63
Frankly I am tired of the "zombie Jesus" crowd. They are ignorant, childish little piss ants and I don't want to participate in a thread that thinks they are even remotely funny.

For someone who complains that insulting religion isn't against the rules you are more than happy to insult atheists.

You are saying that you don't want to be a member of the athirst free private club, because a no private thread has athiests in it.

Also amusing is your reaction, bordering on insulting even, reaction to another posters religion.

You should consider calming down and ask yourself if you really think a debate forum would be improved by banning peoples ability to attack your beliefs. While you do the same to us.
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By Donna
Drlee, Decky's request to join (on the first page) was declined and I'm not adding slybaldguy because he seems to be insincere (I'm similarly disenchanted by his 'sun worship' comment. Even if this were the case, there are more authentic ways of saying it). I would invite you to reconsider, however these kind of outbursts are not desirable. The club's leader-elect (Paradigm) and myself are both Christians and you should sufficiently trust us to adequately defend the faith from fedora radicals. This kind of tantrum is tantamount to saying that "Only Drlee has Drlee's back" and demonstrates mistrust of your Christian brothers. There is, however, another way...

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By Eauz
I'll take that as a no. Thanks anyway.
I'm an agnostic in a strictly philosophical sense. I identify as a pagan as i'm attracted to traditional pagan values. I chose to believe that life has an intrinsic value and take comfort in my ignorance. May i join?
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By Donna
slybaldguy wrote:I'm an agnostic in a strictly philosophical sense. I identify as a pagan as i'm attracted to traditional pagan values. I chose to believe that life has an intrinsic value and take comfort in my ignorance. May i join?

By Decky
I love how Doctor Lee is happy to shit all over sun worshipers (as I said Shintoism has tens of millions of adherents and is older than Christianity) but cries like a little girl when he gets a taste of his own medicine.

"Oh noes someone is treating my religion in the same way I treat other religions, no fair!"
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By Nets
Shintoism is older than Christianity

I think that this is fairly contestable.
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By Drlee
Would you like to post where I denigrated and attempted to insult practitioners of Shinto?

I thought not. Next troll. Step up please.
By Decky
You had a go at sun worshipers as if it makes any less sense than the things that Christians belive.
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By Donna

-Donald (Roman Catholicism)
-Dagoth Ur (Islam, Sufism)
-Paradigm (Anglo-Catholicism)
-Potemkin (Daoism-Mictlantecuhtli devotion)
-annatar1914 (Old Believer/Old Calendarist Orthodoxy)
-noemon (Old Calendarist Orthodox Hellenism)
-RhetoricThug (Mahayana Buddhism-Gnosticism-Eastern esotericism)
-Andrea_Chenier (Roman Catholicism)
-The Clockwork Rat (Daoism, Other)
-taxizen (Buddhism-Daoism-Sufism)
-quetzalcoatl (Daoism, Other)
-Rei Murasame (Theosophy, Shinto)
-Political Interest (Sunni Islam)
-Verv (Protestant Christianity)
-Istanbuller (Sunni Islam)
-Eauz (Shinto)
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By Donna
Goldberk wrote:This thread could be retitled, making the revolution more efficient by compiling a list of those needing re-education in the gulag

Troll harder, material boy.
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By Goldberk
Troll harder, material boy.

Material boy?

It puzzles me however that you (and others) can claim to accept the rationality of leftist thought whilst engaging in magic belief.
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