Help the Palestinians and boycott these goods. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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layman wrote:Neither Vietnam, nor the apartheid, we ended by public opinion. They were certainly not ended by protests.

I suspect that the anti-Vietnam war movement had little effect on the Vietnam War. However, it might have had a great effect on later wars, including the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan, because the government didn't call for a draft.
Cause we as a human have an obligation to help the underdog.

Couldnt disagree more.

Why do we? Why cant the underdog be wrong.

it might have had a great effect on later wars, including the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan

There was an anti war movement in America over these ? I barely noticed. Certainly it wasnt militant in the same way as the vietnam protests. If what you say is true (i doubt it) then it implies that the extra militancy didnt help. It probably just detracts.
Brother of Karl wrote:
I suspect that the anti-Vietnam war movement had little effect on the Vietnam War. However, it might have had a great effect on later wars, including the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan, because the government didn't call for a draft.

They tried to have complete control of the media in Iraq and Afghanistan. The whole world is watching was true during the Vietnam war and the US never allowed the press free reign in any subsequent war that it was involved in.
layman wrote:There was an anti war movement in America over these ? I barely noticed. Certainly it wasnt militant in the same way as the vietnam protests. If what you say is true (i doubt it) then it implies that the extra militancy didnt help. It probably just detracts.

Exactly my point. The government learned their lesson from Vietnam to never institute a draft unless it was necessary, or the people supported it. There was antiwar sentiment over the recent wars in the middle east, but it never became a movement because the people didn't care enough: it didn't effect them much.

If it hadn't been for the anti Vietnam War movement, the government might have called a draft on later minor wars.
Read the links.

Jerusalem is an illegally occupied Palestinian city

From my point of view, both sides want the other completely gone. I think you said yourself Anarchist you wanted the jewish portion of the population to go to America.

Given this fact, it is totally understandable how the Israelis act and why they are so paranoid. Both Hamas, and its international backers, want to destroy Israel. People who deny it are dishonest.

So enough of this posting death numbers BS. By your own standards it is a fight to the death so just pick a side and be honest.
Why are you still using PoFo Anarchist23?

PoFo's software is developed in PHP, an Israeli coding library maintained by Zend Engine.

I'm not trolling - if you want to boycotts the goods and services developed by Israelis, you severely limit your online presence.

You can only use Mozilla Firefox or Opera as your browsers. You can't use any of the most popular search engines - Google, Bing, or Yahoo, as all have development offices in Israel.

PoFo itself is built on Israeli intellectual property.

So are you boycotting Israel or not? Because boycotting some meaningless products, while deliberately ignoring Israel's role in the technology sector seems shortsighted. Israel is the world's, per capita, greatest investor in high tech. Tel Aviv and Silicon Wadi is one of the centers of global software development, second only to the US.

The chemical and agricultural sectors that list is trying to boycott is hardly going to cripple Israel.
Zionist Alert.

If the boycott of Israeli goods is not a threat why has Israel an anti-boycott law? Law of tort is interesting, the Palestinians should use the law of tort as well for damages.
The law states that individuals or organizations who publicize a call for an economic, cultural or academic boycott against a person or entity merely because of its affiliation to the State of Israel and/or to an Israeli institute and/or to a specific region under Israeli control, may be sued civilly, in tort, by a party claiming that it might be damaged by such a boycott. [2][3][4][5] The law also allows Israeli authorities to deny benefits from individuals or organizations - such as tax exemptions or participation in government contracts - if they have publicized a call to boycott and/or if they have obligated to participate in a boycott. The law is in force from 13 July 2011 except for section 4 (withdrawing state benefits) which will take effect on 11 October 2011. [2]

The law has been condemned as a violation of freedom of expression, "deeply undemocratic", widely criticised in the Israeli media and "three dozen" eminent law professors have described it as unconstitutional. [6][7]

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel said in a statement that they strongly oppose the Israel boycott law and that they "will refuse to comply with it." [8]

Peace Now is openly defying the law and has organised a facebook page "Sue Me, I'm Boycotting Settlement Products". [9]

A number of Israeli civil rights groups have declared that they will legally challenge the law by petitioning the Israel Supreme Court. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel claims that the law is "unconstitutional and anti-democratic" and sets a bad precedent. Gush Shalom, Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights, the Public Committee against Torture and the Coalition of Women for Peace - say that they will join legal challenges. On 12 July 2011 Gush Shalom was the first to lodge a petition against the law. [10][6]

NGO Monitor has said that the law is not "the appropriate means to combat the BDS movement".
Last edited by anarchist23 on 22 Jul 2014 15:57, edited 1 time in total.
anarchist23 wrote:^
Zionist Alert.

anarchist23 wrote:If the boycott of Israeli goods is not a threat why has Israel an anti-boycott law? Law of tort is interesting, the Palestinians should use the law of tort as well for damages.

Because Israeli rightists have trouble accepting the opinions of those who disagree with them. It's their version of "^lefty alert".
Fasces wrote:PoFo's software is developed in PHP, an Israeli coding library maintained by Zend Engine.
PHP is most certainly a great evil. I would have said it was the greatest evil until Nodejs came along, at least until then JavaScript was kept browser-side. It is time to cleans the temple of these dynamic abominations.
mikema63 wrote:Please do not selectively quote other posters.
anarchist23 wrote:Please do not selectively quote other posters.
Sorry I will stop this behaviour immediately.
anarchist23 wrote:These links explain why these goods are boycotted and provides some explanations for the companies listed.
Hhhhmm, those links and phrasing look awfully familiar.

AFAIK wrote:I don't know how anarchist compiled his list but here's two that provides some explanations for the companies listed.
Fuck the Palestinians. Tell them to stop shooting rockets at Israel and this shit will end. Blockade the countries who sell them rockets. Tell the Palestinians to stop hiding rocket launchers near schools and hospitals....then crying like babies when their own actions cost the lives of children.

Buy from all of those companies. Buy more. Send the message to the Palestinians, whoever they claim to be this week, that we are tired of their shit.
mikema63 wrote:While divergent views are appreciated that rhetoric is a little harsh and likely to cause trouble.

I'm a bit tired of trouble in this thread.

Sorry. I will stop posting in this thread till next week. Hopefully this might cool things down a little. Thanks
While divergent views are appreciated that rhetoric is a little harsh and likely to cause trouble.

What kind of "trouble"? Changing minds or finding others who agree with me?
I've had two separate incidents in this thread and one where I had to pull the whole thing down for a while to clean it.

My warning is simply to avoid incidents, because I'm tired of incidents.

Play nice drlee, anarchist truly believes he's doing the moral thing, as do you.

It's always a recipe for disaster when you start with that type of attitude.
anarchist23 wrote:As of today, International airlines are boycotting Israel indefinitely stating security fears. This latest conflict is developing by the day.



boycott, verb:

withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.

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