Demo in London against Fascism. Saturday September 20th - Politics | PoFo

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Don't Let The Racists Divide Us - In a cynical attempt to use the Rotherham sexual abuse scandal to revive it's own fortunes the EDL has called a demo at Downing Street in London on Saturday 20th September.
Unite Against Fascism is calling a counter protest at 11am opposite Number 10. Please bring union banners and spread the word.
anarchist23 wrote:There will be trouble definitely and the police will be beating the anti fascists.

Let's hope so. Sounds like a good time, it's too bad that I will be busy tomorrow, otherwise I'd be strongly tempted to go down there for the day so as to witness (from a good distance) the brawl which anti-fascists are absolutely bound to lose.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Who are the Fascists?

Unite have decided that 'the fascists' are anyone who questions the present multicultural arrangement in the UK. This means that even though the number of fascists who will actually show up will be less than 1% of the EDL protesters (actual fascists tend to deliberately not show up to EDL events, or tend to watch from far off, since the EDL is not a fascist organisation anyway), Unite will be standing there screaming "fascists get out!" at the EDL for the entire duration of the event.

This means that EDL people who are ostensibly centre-right liberal nationalists will have to stand there and be pushed further rightward through the application of verbal abuse over the course of several hours.

That's usually how it goes.

anarchist23 wrote:I support NO religion, Rei unlike you who believe in Hinduism and Kali Yuga.

I support various religions as allies (you know the list already, and Hindus are allies, yes), but the relevant point is that I refuse to support Islam.

If you don't support any religion, then why are you allowing Muslims to use you as a battering ram against the EDL?
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 19 Sep 2014 10:22, edited 1 time in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:Unite have decided that 'the fascists' are anyone who questions the present multicultural arrangement in the UK.

So the people who demand a monoethnic society are called fascist... how unfair.
Zagadka wrote:So the people who demand a monoethnic society are called fascist... how unfair.

Nope, the EDL doesn't even demand that. They are incredibly weak-sauce, they are interested only in 'counter-jihad'. Their whole focus is to simply complain about Islam in a nice and polite kind of way, with some occasional stomping around in the streets.

Out of all the people who I've talked to who have claimed to have attended EDL demonstrations (I've only talked to a few of them), all of them imagine themselves to be moderates, and regard - for example - my ideas by contrast as 'pretty extreme and inflexible'. When presented with actual far-right ideas, they balk at it, because they are not trying to fundamentally change society - they are just trying to oppose multiculturalism insofar as it has empowered Islamists to a dangerous extent.

The joke in all of this is that despite their attempts to be nice and polite and 'English' about all this, they will be pelted with vegetables anyway and will probably become tomorrow's extremists after a decade or so.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 19 Sep 2014 10:34, edited 1 time in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:Unite have decided that 'the fascists' are anyone who questions the present multicultural arrangement in the UK. This means that even though the number of fascists who will actually show up will be less than 1% of the EDL protesters (actual fascists tend to deliberately not show up to EDL events, or tend to watch from far off, since the EDL is not a fascist organisation anyway), Unite will be standing there screaming "fascists get out!" at the EDL for the entire duration of the event.

This means that EDL people who are ostensibly centre-right liberal nationalists will have to stand there and be pushed further rightward through the application of verbal abuse over the course of several hours.

That's usually how it goes.

Yes, that sounds about right.

Zagadka wrote:So the people who demand a monoethnic society are called fascist... how unfair.

Even if that was the deciding criterion, the EDL does not want that, as far as I know.

As Rei said, there will be some of these people among them, but I'm sure I could also find some Communists who support the Labour party. It doesn't make the Labour party communist or the EDL fascist.

They are, for the most part, anti-Islam, so the most extreme label you could apply is Islamophobia.
Zagadka wrote:So the people who demand a monoethnic society are called fascist... how unfair.

Well, this just demonstrates that "fascism", when it isn't being used by self-identified fascists, has become little more than a term of abuse. Racism is not the same thing as fascism.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:They are, for the most part, anti-Islam, so the most extreme label you could apply is Islamophobia.

Pretty much. They are the sort of guys who will read blogs like "Gates of Vienna" or "Jihad Watch" (which are decent-ish blogs, but are certainly not fascist). But they do not regard themselves as fascists, or even fascist-sympathisers.

The main financial backers for the EDL are London property developers, and they don't have financial connections to the usual wellsprings of financial bundling that takes place.

In a supreme irony that should not be lost on the left-liberals, the President of the EU Commission - Jean-Claude Juncker - actually has a more substantial financial connection to far-right bundlers than the EDL does. That's how not on the far-right the EDL is.
Indeed. This is how stupid left-liberal activists have become:
wiki: Azad Ali wrote:Azad Ali is a British Islamist who is a spokesman for the fundamentalist Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE). He was founding chair of the Muslim Safety Forum, and is Vice-Chair of Unite Against Fascism (UAF). He has also been employed as an IT worker and civil servant for the Treasury.

Muslim Safety Forum

Ali was founding-chairman of the Muslim Safety Forum from 2006.[1] While in that post, he became a "key member" of the Metropolitan Police's 'Communities Together Strategic Group', chaired by Deputy Assistant Commissioner Rose Fitzpatrick, which met fortnightly to "oversee and review community reassurance and engagement measures" involving the Muslim community. Ali was also a member of the Kratos Review Group, to examine the Met's response to suicide bombings.[2]

Ali left the post of chairman in 2008, then resigned entirely from MSF in 2009 after publicity over his extremist comments. In July 2010, he was reinstated as MSF’s chairman.[1]

Links to al-Qaeda

Ali has stated that he has attended talks with Abu Qatada of al-Qaeda.[3] In a 2008 IFE blog, Ali called al-Qaeda's Anwar Al-Awlaki "one of my favourite scholars and speakers".[4] Ali has denied that the 2008 Mumbai attacks were terrorism.[5]

Comments on British soldiers

In 2009, Ali was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he praised Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, Osama bin Laden's key mentor, and wrote approvingly on his blog of Azzam's son saying that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.[2] In the blog he also criticised the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband after the minister had condemned the Palestinian Muslim militant organisation Hamas for encouraging attacks on Israeli civilians.[6] The exposé was by The Mail on Sunday, whom Ali unsuccessfully sued in 2010.[7][2] Later that year, the Labour Party were accused by the opposition Conservatives of appearing with Ali to gain Muslim votes, after two Labour ministers, Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband, spoke at a campaign event with Ali. He used his speech to praise the Muslim militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.[7]

Dispatches exposé

When a documentary on the Islamic Forum of Europe was made by the Channel 4 programme Dispatches in 2010, an undercover reporter filmed Ali saying "Democracy, if it means at the expense of not implementing the sharia, of course no one agrees with that."[1][8] Ali later attacked the undercover reporter on the IFE's official radio station, saying: "We've got a picture of you and a lot more than you thought we had. We've tracked you down to different places. And if people are gonna turn what I've just said into a threat, that's their fault, innit?"[1] Andrew Gilligan, who produced the documentary, has labelled Ali as an "Islamic fascist".[9]

Oh my goodness, it's almost like Unite Against Fascism is vice-chaired by an Islamic fundamentalist with links to Al-Qaeda. Right now.

Let's look at the Islamic Forum of Europe, which that same man participates in:
wiki: Islamic Forum of Europe wrote:IFE was founded in 1988 as a British Bangladeshi professional group, by Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin among others.[4] Its first president was Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari who later became chairman of the East London Mosque,[5] succeeded by Musleh Faradhi as President since 2005.[6]

It was reportedly founded by former members of the Jamaat-e-Islami-affiliated group Dawatul Islam, with whom it came into conflict over management of the East London Mosque "throughout the late 1980s"[7] resulting in "two High Court injunctions" in 1990 in "response to violence" at the mosque.[8] Dawat'ul Islam is now based at another mosque, Jamiatul Ummah Bigland Street.[2]

This other guy has been invited to speak at Unite Against Fascism (I will call them 'UAF' from here on) as well:

Imam Shakeel Begg - Al-Quwwah : Strength of the Believers (29 Nov 2008)
Imam Shakeel Begg, is a person who has openly supported Al-Qaeda, by the way.

On top of that, now-convicted terrorist Michael Adebolajo actually was with the UAF as well. His famous lines which Britons now know from them having been aired on TV so many times:

Michael Adebolajo at centre stage outside Harrow mosque at UAF rally (11 Sep 2009)
Michael Adebolajo wrote:"Do not be scared of the filthy kuffar. They are pigs. They are pigs. Allah says they are worse than cattle. Do not be scared of them. You've faced way worse than them. And do not turn your back to them. Don't be scared of them, or police, or the cameras. You are here only to please Allah. You are not here for any other reason."

Those words were spoken at a UAF rally.

How is that possible? Because left-liberals are absolutely retarded, that's how.

And that is only the tip of the iceberg.
anarchist23 wrote:Rei. Just because you are a believer in Kali Yuga doesn't make you a Hindu?

Hindusim, Buddhism, and Theosophy are three groups who believe that this concept of the Kali Yuga exists in a general sense (but not calling it by the same name), that we are in an age of ignorance at the moment, but that the person who Hindus will refer to as Kalki - who is identical to the person who Buddhists will refer to as the Maitreya, will appear around the end of this age and the beginning of the next one.

But I don't see how that is relevant to the thread.

I mean, perhaps next, you could argue with me about how much of a religious extremist I might be on a scale of 1 to 10 in an East Asian and Eurasian context, but it still wouldn't take away from the fact that the UAF is stuffed full of Islamic fundamentalists.

anarchist23 wrote:Image

This image macro is not an adequate explanation for how you intend to explain your support for UAF.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 19 Sep 2014 14:04, edited 2 times in total.
Zag wrote:So the people who demand a monoethnic society are called fascist... how unfair.

Indeed, that this sort of equation is popular and even reflexive shows how braindead the mainstream/left have become. By their criteria, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Abraham Lincoln, Otto von Bismarck, Teddy Roosevelt, Charles de Gaulle - really everybody before the 1960s - were "fascists." Whereas in fact, people of many political stripes (often democrats, liberals, but also authoritarians) have encouraged the fairly common sense idea that every people should have their own country.

This kind of on-its-face false equation is emblematic of the intellectual poverty of the mainstream and its leftist pseudo-rebel offshoots today. In my opinion antifa really are the lowest form of political life: juvenile, self-righteously proud to be "rebels," whereas in fact they are only attacking targets, nationalists, specifically designated by the regime for marginalization and demonization. In France, they have attacked bookstores and physically assault intellectuals they don't like (including mild-mannered leftist professors like Étienne Chouard, for example, for merely meeting with nationalists). They have literally been successfully house-trained to have a Pavlovian reaction of hatred towards those who think a bit outside the box.

The sheer magnitude and simultaneity of self-righteousness and toolery are quite impressive.

The Kali Yuga stuff is interesting. Neonazis argue Aryan mysticism should become the new European religion even as, at face value, their warped claims are simultaneously compelling in their dead-pan seriousness and emotional intensity, and unintentionally hilarious in just how blasphematory and absurd they appear in the current culture (e.g. Savitri Devi's passionate claim that Adolf Hitler was the ninth avatar of Vishnu - a man of both Sun and Lightning, wielder of Dark Age violence in the name of Golden Age ideals - tragically doomed in the fight against time to be defeated by the forces of falsehood and disintegration, as a prelude to the arrival of the final avatar who riding his White Horse will be "the Destroyer of Filth"). Such claims are ridiculous today, but what if this century leads to the fall of the Europeans and global chaos? Then, like the Roman, we will no doubt turn to a new religion amidst the anarchy.

There's something ridiculous about those who seem to think, especially in North America, that "Uncle Adolf will come to the rescue" to solve their problems..

I personally believe all religions are false in their specific claims. But there is clearly: 1) An individual therapeutic need to give closure to the unfathomable mystery of life and death. 2) A general need for the society to believe in something holy. Was the West doomed from the moment it - elites and masses - ceased to really believe in God(s)?
Ombrageux, the only reason that Anarchist23 even wanted to talk about a Dharmic religious concept, is because that is the reflexive response that British leftists take when they are stuck in an argument with an East Asian or a South Asian who is making a point against Muslims. Since they can't play ye olde Christian crusader card, they will find any possible method through which to change the subject toward an examination of what Asian religions are doing.

For example, they might say:

  • "Let's suddenly talk about <insert concept from a Dharmic religion here>!"
  • "What about the time when Hindus did something or the other?"
  • "Buddhists in Myanmar very oppressive!"
  • "Genghis Khan was a pagan. Baghdad was sacked!"
  • "Pacific theatre was brutal warfare waged by your Shinto co-religionists for the Sun Goddess!"
  • "Zen Buddhist warriors ran a vicious caste-based society!"
  • "Saffron Swastika! Why won't your Hindu Sangh Parivar 'friends' renounce Mussolini? Why is Shinzo Abe cuddling up with them?"
  • "You refuse to apologise for Pearl Harbour!"
  • "You refuse to apologise for Axis when they did blah blah to blah blah in some area that used to be controlled by blah blah."
  • "You have openly praised the regime in Myanmar, Rei!"
  • "Please, please, let's talk about anything other than the raging Islamists who are inside the left-liberal closet inside the UK!"

That's the only reason that they do this. Because British leftists don't want to talk about Islam. They don't want to talk about the Islamic fundamentalists that they are harbouring under left cover.

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