Popular Front of the Third Position - Page 31 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The crazy thing is that slybaldguys avatar was this chap..


Rei didn't mind slybaldguy being in her club for fascists. When slybaldguy started up his own fascist club others joined and we have the lists.

Here is what I got off slybaldguy...

slybaldguy wrote:Commandant Cromwell, feel free to crush this scumbag.
anarchist23 wrote:But you do.

Well, fuck. Your powers of observation are not as thoroughly impaired as I'd presumed.

Do you have a point to make?

Do you, somehow, have an actual point to make?

Because, as far as I can tell, you've been dancing around a point and not fucking making it for quite a while now.

Here are the facts: the PFTP consists of no one but the OP, Bulaba Jones is in the SN-RF, I was invited to the National Union by someone who no longer exists and made it clear that I no longer wished to be a part recently and you are making a fuss, talking about someone else (who, also, no longer exists).

What is your problem?
Here is a list for The National Union.

slybaldguy wrote:We're not a neo-fascist group as we reject imperialism and racial hatred.
The current membership is:

Here is PFTP list

Rei Murasame wrote:Okay, that means that the present list and complete list is:
  • Rei Murasame
  • Slybaldguy
  • Far-Right-Sage
  • Doomhammer
  • Cromwell
  • Ethiopian Monarchist
  • Fasces
  • Unbalanced Zealot
  • Heisenberg
  • JRS1
  • ThereBeDragons
  • Bulaba Jones

Bulaba's position overlaps completely with left-nationalism, so he can be added with essentially no vetting required.

Cromwell...your name is on the fucking list and not only that you were the commandant of the proposed national union club...
anarchist23 wrote:Cromwell...your name is on the fucking list and not only that you were the commandant of the proposed national union club...

You've gone wrong. It was against my better judgement that I even responded to your hysterical bullshit.

Either deal with context, which I've provided, and reality or I will not respond to anything else you have to say.

Here's the deal, point-by-point:

The only person in PFTP is the OP. Have you dealt with that? Do you fucking comprehend that?

Bulaba Jones is in the SN-RF. Have you dealt with that?

The National Union was set up by someone (Ombrageux) who longer exists. Have you dealt with that?

I was invited to join by him. Have you dealt with that?

I left that group. Have you dealt with that?

Shybaldguy no longer exists. Have you dealt with that?


Also this:

Decky wrote:What's your point though? If you have something to say then say it, don't dance around it.
Decky wrote:What's your point though? If you have something to say then say it, don't dance around it.

"Thankfully the agitators, liars, fanatics, and perverts that make up the PoFo community are not representative of any major consensus anywhere." Donald

Yes looking through these lists I can say with confidence that they reflect Donald's statement. People are so interesting even the unpersoned ones. Don't you think?
Anarchist23 is once again wasting everyone's time with his useless "enemies lists" (using outdated membership lists no less) and out of context quotes. Also Heisenberg is in SN-RF as well as Bulaba Jones for those keeping track. Not that it matters since PFTP and SN-RF membership clearly weren't intended to be mutually exclusive anyway.

Rei Murasame wrote:Have the leftists let [Anarchist23] in to SN-RF yet?

That will never happen.

So I guess there's no chance of this group being necromanced? Now that the NU splitters have gone (many for good) it shouldn't be too hard to put together a list of more 'reliable' people that roughly fall into the Third Position. I'm sure there must be some interest... Or a new group. Why let a few bad eggs spoil everything, after all?
This is gold.

Seriously though, where the hell is Siberian Fox? Who just drops off the grid and can't even start a few mealy clubs? (Don't respond anarchist23).
Last edited by ComradeTim on 03 Jan 2015 21:53, edited 1 time in total.
I'm guessing that anarchist23 doesn't understand that people who supported the Ba'athists over neo-colonial factions or Islamists (i.e. support Assad rather than the FSA stooges or ISIS, or think Saddam should have remained leader of Iraq) were allowed in. It's all geopolitical: I've never seen Heisenberg say anything remotely right-nationalist, fascist, etc. I'm certainly not defending myself and no one cares what anarchist23 is saying so it's not going to go further than this, but Rei was fully aware when I asked to be added to the prospective members list that I'm not a fascist or a right-winger. I'm a communist and this means I don't support imperialism: I support Assad against Western and Saudi forces, and I even support less-than-ideal "socialist" governments led by Maduro or Castro.

Anarchist, no one cares what you say. Just go back to spamming TLTE with turtle pictures or whatever it is you do these days.
Last edited by Bulaba Khan Jones on 03 Jan 2015 22:14, edited 1 time in total.
Noob. You were not around when the lists were made. But if you were, I am sure that your name would have been included. Imao? You have lots of them.
Goldberk wrote:I'd have anarchist23 in SNRF, and it does worry me that some on the left would easily ally themselves with the likes of Rei and Ombra

I hardly think calling it alliance is warranted. Also I think you're the only one who would have let A23 into SNaRF.
Dagoth Ur wrote:I hardly think calling it alliance is warranted.

Let alone Goldberk publicly implying any of us are fascist/fascist-sympathizers (Rei) or racists (Ombra) just because we share a few opinions with Rei.

Also I think you're the only one who would have let A23 into SNaRF.

A23 is a garden variety liberal who says he's an anarchist. I don't think he'll be allowed into SNRF if he did apply. No offense, A23.
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