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Private discussion areas.
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By Demosthenes
This section of the forum will soon be modified. All members of the Center Ground and the Academia Groups should take note that those two groups will be dissolved as some new rules will be going into effect.

Unless SN-RF should choose to participate in the new plan (though I'm not sure why they would), nothing will change for that group as it is still in regular use.

From now on groups that do not receive posts or new threads for six months will be dissolved. This will allow the admin to use the space for other potential groups who want to form.

The two groups mentioned above should be aware that their threads will be moved to an archive. If there is information contained therein that they do not want to be made public contact an admin or the group's leader to have that content removed.

The big news is that the criteria for forming a group has now changed. Where previously requirements to form groups were based on donor status, at this time the requirement shall be that each group must have two absolutely corrupt users per 10 users in the group. Effectively it's the same rule just swap absolutely corrupt for doners.

That is all, happy group... erm, discussions!
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By Demosthenes
A max limit in what regard?
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By Demosthenes
For now,there will be SN-RF, and up to two other groups. If the other two groups last we will see about adding more.
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By Varax
So I take it this is good news for the prospects of new groups being created?

Changing the criteria from the donor status with the donation system down is necessary. It should make it a lot easier to meet the criteria. But absolutely corrupt? Aren't you worried about encouraging post-count elitism?

Does this mean groups can only be started/led by absolutely corrupt users now as well, even if they've been here forever or have donor status? I don't suppose I can persuade you to change it to 50% or at least 70% corrupt? No? Ah well, I guess I'll just have to post more. (+1)

Anyway, it's a good set of changes.

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