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By Red_Army
Comrade Timothy, I may be a racist, but I don't know what your race is, so that is definitely not evidence.

If I had to guess from your posting, I'd mark you for an Albanian.
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By ComradeTim
Anglo-Jamaican quadroon. (3/4 white).


Anyway, if not racism what's all this about anyway?
What are your guys feelings on cultural marxism and separately the PKK.
Americanroyalty wrote:What are your guys feelings on cultural marxism

Cultural Marxism is the greatest evil to infect America and the West in a very long time. Whenever hard-working, true patriot Americans who love this country and what it stands for try to speak out against the homosexual lobby, the feminist agenda, and other liberal rabble-rousers, a culture of intolerance and Marxism suppresses these truly patriotic voices of dissent.

and separately the PKK.

We have to be careful about supporting the PKK because we don't want to anger our Turkish allies, who are steadfast pillars of civilization and progress in the Middle East, and because it'll detract from supporting our moderate allies, the FSA in Syria. The problem is that the liberals in congress are trying to tie our hands on supporting the FSA to take down a brutal regime in Damascus and install true free market democracy in Syria.
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By fuser
What are your guys feelings on cultural marxism

Same feelings as I have on Lizard people who lord over all of us.
fuser wrote:Same as I have on Lizard people who lord over all of us.

Yeah you'd say that wouldn't you, commie. You people think there's a social system in place where one group has disproportionate control of production and wealth and the masses have next to nothing, with no real hope of emancipation. Conspiracy theorists, loonies, the lot of you, fuser!
Americanroyalty wrote:What are your guys feelings on cultural marxism and separately the PKK.

It's a made up word meant to smear an ideology the inventors of the made up word either don't understand at all, or understand all too well and being opposed to it seek to discredit it by any means they can. Even by inventing stupid, non-applicable terms like "Cultural Marxism". Over all its intention is as an insult rather than any honest attempt at analyzation of another side of a debate or of another ideology.

I am a Gun Marxist. I like guns. I own many of them. I like shooting them. There is very little in the world that can't be solved with a gun. Of course, I don't particularly want to solve my neighbors or other common issues this way, but politically speaking over the long haul.

The PKK is just another western expansion in the Middle East (or will be used as one even if there is a legit concern there outside the west). So I don't care.

Now, if I may reposte:

What do you think about gay conservatives who pretend to hate the gay but are secretly gay, have 4 children and a hawt wife, but then go screw men in airport bathrooms and the like? Are you a part of this group yourself? If not, would you like to be? If not, do you care that other conservatives are?

Also what do you think of the idea of truly small government by stripping the military of its funding? The military is clearly a government entity, and so spending so exhorbitantly on it seems counter to good solid conservative values. Just as an observation.
By Decky
Whilst comparing my position to Nazbolism seems kinda rough and I've alredy stated opposition to fascism, maybe it is time for a change. I hope SN-RF will realise it's mistake in the future but for now I'll withdraw my application.

Oh noes.

I would totally show Ho Chi Minh the door, for the record. Great national liberation hero, still a nationalist-stalinist butcher of trots

Ah one of those reds. Totally against anyone who actually achieves anything. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs and if the glorification of Stalinism could get you kicked out the group half of us would be gone (actually a massive schism is the next logical step for a left wing group).

Uncle Ho would definitely get in.

If I can't glorify a stalinist butcher of trots it's not my revolution.
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By ComradeTim
Conscript wrote:You're a quarter black and still manage to be a left-wing nationalist and adopt the chauvinism of right-wing europeans?

Yes, because being part black automatically prescribes me from anything but being a cheerleader for multi-culturalism and Islamic domination.

Red_Army wrote:Do you honestly think that racism is the only reason people aren't allowed in clubs?

No, I was being facetious.
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