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Israeli MP blames gays for recent earthquakes

February 21, 2008 - 6:04AM

An Israeli parliamentarian said that several earthquakes felt in Israel recently were a consequence of gays and the parliament's acceptance of them.

Shlomo Benizri of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas Party, said the way to stop the tremors was for parliament to reverse its trend of liberalising laws concerning homosexuals.

Two quakes originating in neighbouring Lebanon shook much of Israel last week, the first coming two days after Israel's attorney-general ruled that same-sex couples could adopt children.

During two weeks in November and December, four earthquakes shook parts of Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian territories.

None of the tremors caused any serious injuries or major damage.

"Why do earthquakes happen? One of the reasons is the things to which the Knesset (parliament) gives legitimacy, to sodomy," Benizri said during a parliamentary debate on earthquake preparedness.

A cost-effective way of averting earthquake damage, he added, would be to stop "passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the state of Israel, which anyway brings about earthquakes".

Representatives of Shas have issued statements in the past that other Israelis found outrageous, like blaming a 1985 train-bus accident that killed 22, most of them children, on failure of Israelis to follow Jewish ritual.

The adoption decision by Attorney-General Meni Mazuz, announced last Sunday, follows other successes for Israeli gays, which have outraged religious conservatives.

Court decisions in recent years have forced the government to recognise same-sex marriages performed abroad and grant gay couples inheritance rights and benefits given to other married Israelis.


Shlomo could be saving the good people of Israel millions of dollars. Yet will the fanatic gay-lovers listen? Time will tell.
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By Nets
What else would you expect from a politican descended from the Arab world?

JUST KIDDING :p But the Mizrahi Israelis are a little more in-your-face than the Europeans.

Anyways, SHAS singularly represents every single aspect of Israel I hate, the religiosity, the corruption, the intolerance. A terrible political party, nothing but leeches in suits.
By Maas
ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas Party

when religion meets politics...
boy, what a fuck up thing it becomes.
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By Noelnada
Anyways, SHAS singularly represents every single aspect of Israel I hate, the religiosity, the corruption, the intolerance. A terrible political party, nothing but leeches in suits.

Maybe, but they might be onto something. Who knows what other calamity could bring to Earth more liberal laws about these kind of sin.s

We should not forget that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed precisely... Well i mean... Indeed Israel should give more rights to the homosexuals !!
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By War Angel
Wow, Maxim, you really don't like Israel, do you? :roll:

This isn't news. People say stupid things all the time.
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By Potemkin
Hey, have you ever thought about using Israeli gays as a secret weapon against Hamas? I mean, if sodomy can cause earthquakes, then surely a troop (or troupe?) of gay Israeli soldiers could singlehandedly bring down the entire Hamas infrastructure in Gaza? This could be the breakthrough the IDF has been waiting for since the humiliation in Lebanon. It's something to think about.... :)
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By Maxim Litvinov

I don't like Israeli policies, but I just posted this because it's funny. Australia has similar idiots when it comes to homosexuality.
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By War Angel
I don't like Israeli policies,

Some retarded Haredi saying some stupid shit isn't 'Israeli policies'. Besides, there's no such thing, as a whole, as 'Israeli policies'. This is a democracy, and our policies change all the time.

hen surely a troop (or troupe?) of gay Israeli soldiers could singlehandedly bring down the entire Hamas infrastructure in Gaza?

Homosexuals and lesbians already serve in the Israeli military.
User avatar
By Maxim Litvinov
Some retarded Haredi saying some stupid shit isn't 'Israeli policies'

I didn't say it was. :?:

Besides, there's no such thing, as a whole, as 'Israeli policies'. This is a democracy, and our policies change all the time.

Of course there is. The Earth changes all the time - you mean to tell us all it doesn't exist?
User avatar
our policies change all the time.

Not the one where you train soldiers to murder babies, that's pretty constant. Or the one where you secretly control the entire world.
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By Potemkin
Homosexuals and lesbians already serve in the Israeli military.

There you go - the potential already exists. All you need to do is to concentrate your forces - your gay forces, that is - line them up in front of the Hamas fighters, and let them indulge in a bit of the old in-and-out. Within minutes, the Force of Teh Ghey will create such a powerful earthquake that the very buildings the Hamas terrorists shelter behind will fall upon their heads, crushing their anti-Israeli iniquity forever. This could be better than the Ark of the Covenant! Remember the last scene of 'Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark', where the Ark pwns all the Nazis? It would be like that, but with earthquakes. And sodomy. :)
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By Doomhammer
Sounds like the time when the Ulema convinced Murat IV to close down the Galata tower and stop the teaching of mathematics and astronomy in the empire after an earthquake hit Istanbul. Apparently, Allah was displeased that mortals were trying to learn his secrets by studying math and the stars. Good fucking job, I say. :knife:
By Maas
People say stupid things all the time.

Indeed... Except what he said isn't stupid.
Stupid is like not knowing how to do basic math, or make a mistake hardly anybody would make.

But this is just ignorance from religious indoctrination!
You can not reason with him.
Unbelievable that people vote on him and that party.
One of the reasons why there isn't peace in that region.
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By Tailz
War Angel wrote:
Some retarded Haredi saying some stupid shit isn't 'Israeli policies'. Besides, there's no such thing, as a whole, as 'Israeli policies'. This is a democracy, and our policies change all the time.

Considering the Shas Party is a part of the government (Wiki says there are about 12 members holding seats?) So that means they help to define Israeli state policy. So yeah, what some retarded Haredi says is not just stupid shit, when he can influence state policy.
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By danholo
Yes it is, if it doesn't effect state policy. Gays have it quite fine in Israel, to tell the truth, but the conservatives are hardcore as well.
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By Donna
Did this recent earthquake even kill anyone? I mean, if these conservative twats are so easy to embrace earthquakes as some sort of cosmic retribution against Israel for tolerating its LGBT community, who's to say what the 100+ war dead from 2006 was for?

your gay forces, that is - line them up in front of the Hamas fighters, and let them indulge in a bit of the old in-and-out.

Is it not referred to as the "old in-out in-out" or is that just an Anthony Burgess twist?
User avatar
By Potemkin
Is it not referred to as the "old in-out in-out" or is that just an Anthony Burgess twist?

I bow to your superior wisdom, Donald (very cautiously, and with my back to a wall). ;)
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By Maxim Litvinov
I think the question on everybody's lips is whether the Holocaust was a retroactive response by G-d to the Shas party.
User avatar
By Takkon
Wow, Maxim, you really don't like Israel, do you?

This isn't news. People say stupid things all the time.

QFT. Article even says:

Representatives of Shas have issued statements in the past that other Israelis found outrageous, like blaming a 1985 train-bus accident that killed 22, most of them children, on failure of Israelis to follow Jewish ritual.
User avatar
By KurtFF8
Someone ought to inform this MP that we are in the 21st century, apparently he isn't aware of that.

And it was also debunked.

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