My Theory on Fascism - Politics | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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By mikema63
You have so far not been a particularly wonderful addition to the forums, you cannot simply go around making threads that are just insults in the on topic forum sections.
mikema63 wrote:You have so far not been a particularly wonderful addition to the forums, you cannot simply go around making threads that are just insults in the on topic forum sections.

Don't feed the troll.
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By Le Rouge
Never forget: Fascists are following Soren Kierkegaard and Friedriech Nietzsche into play-acting art-affirmation of conservative feudal reaction. Fascists are not merely 'slave-masters', they are feudal lords and all traditional forms of hierarchy as well. Fascists reject liberalism and communism because liberalism and communism reject traditional hierarchy. Fascism is an attempt to confine the necessity of social change to the traditional hierarchy through conservative social revolution by immortalizing the conservative hierarchies of the past and shifting political-economic revolution to traditionalist aesthetic revolution of 'art for art's sake'. Hereby, all feminist, socialist, egalitarian, and communist impulses are channeled into the art of conservative-traditionalist progress of hierarchy. This artistic progress of hierarchy subsumes all human development into the corporation of the Fuhrer/Monarch/Supreme Leader.
Le Rouge wrote:Never forget: Fascists are following Soren Kierkegaard and Friedriech Nietzsche into play-acting art-affirmation of conservative feudal reaction. Fascists are not merely 'slave-masters', they are feudal lords and all traditional forms of hierarchy as well. Fascists reject liberalism and communism because liberalism and communism reject traditional hierarchy.

Hitler was hardly from the old German aristocratic elite and was secretly contemptuous of it. He rejected liberalism and communism because they were equalitarian, not because they weren't feudal or aristocratic.
By Ludovic
Cat Howard wrote:It seems to me that the fascist internet fanbase consists of spergs playacting slavemasters in their own minds. Interested in any rebuttals to this.

That sums up Saeko in one. Take a bow.

Edit: I was unaware of the meaning of "sperg" so hereby withdraw my endoresment/attribution of the OP's statement.
Last edited by Ludovic on 31 Jul 2015 21:58, edited 2 times in total.
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By Frollein
mikema63 wrote:You have so far not been a particularly wonderful addition to the forums, you cannot simply go around making threads that are just insults in the on topic forum sections.
By Conscript
Cat Howard wrote:It seems to me that the fascist internet fanbase consists of spergs playacting slavemasters in their own minds. Interested in any rebuttals to this.

Seems like 'spergs' applies to every internet extremist, libertarian, communist, or fascist.
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By Frollein
Why is it suddenly allowed to use a psychiatric condition as a slur? It immediately paints the writer in my mind as a twelve-year old who thinks that "cripple" is a very bad, very cool word.
Frollein wrote:Why is it suddenly allowed to use a psychiatric condition as a slur? It immediately paints the writer in my mind as a twelve-year old who thinks that "cripple" is a very bad, very cool word.

I have to admit here that I use the word "autistic" on occasion to describe a person's posts or ideas, especially if they are divorced from reality in a way that is nonsensical or irrelevant in a strange way. I'm fairly sparing with this, and I only use it when the level of autism on display is ramped up to 11 (I personally dislike using the word "retarded" as an insult but I likewise use it occasionally when I feel the situation really calls for it), but I feel the same as you do that actually relying on words like that to communicate basic ideas shows a pretty severe lack of depth in the person in question. It's not particularly impressive or thought-provoking when someone thinks a debate consists of calling all adherents to their own misconception of a wide-ranging political ideology to be "retards" or "spergs" or whatever.
By Conscript
Frollein wrote:Why is it suddenly allowed to use a psychiatric condition as a slur? It immediately paints the writer in my mind as a twelve-year old who thinks that "cripple" is a very bad, very cool word.

You are right, and I apologize. However I am not that writer, and have been accused of being autistic. LOL
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By Saeko
Ludovic wrote:
Deceitful nature maybe. Hairless not quite.

This pic represents SBG's ability to blend in and remain undetected:


"You're all stupid. See, they're gonna be lookin' for army guys."
By Decky
The Nazis. Do you think being worked to death in camps in occupied Poland was voluntary?
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By Varax
There is nothing to rebut here, since no actual "theory on fascism" was advanced, but rather a cheap ad-hominem one-liner that tries to be both witty and denigrating but only serves to lower the quality of discussion on this subforum. This kind of thing belongs in Gorkiy Park or reddit.

Also, I resent the playacting accusation. I happen to have 30 political enemies and oppressed lumpen-proletarians chained up in my basement at this very moment. You don't know me!

It's not particularly impressive or thought-provoking when someone thinks a debate consists of calling all adherents to their own misconception of a wide-ranging political ideology to be "retards" or "spergs" or whatever.

It's easy enough to do this sort of thing with any ideology one doesn't agree with. I'm sure most of us here have seen comments like this:

"Communists are kids who are secretly mad at their parents or something. Communism is what happens when a terminator listens to Imagine."
"Libertarians are autistic college students who are stuck in the Ayn Rand phase of their youth."
"Liberals are rotting whiners with no backbone."
"Conservatives are grumpy old men mentally stuck in a bygone era."

You get the point. Those are actual comments I see quite often. People who make comments like these aren't interested in having any real in-depth conversation on the subject. While attempting to be clever it just shows their own lack of intellectual substance in many cases.

Le Rouge wrote:Never forget: Fascists are following Soren Kierkegaard and Friedriech Nietzsche into play-acting art-affirmation of conservative feudal reaction. Fascists are not merely 'slave-masters', they are feudal lords and all traditional forms of hierarchy as well. Fascists reject liberalism and communism because liberalism and communism reject traditional hierarchy. Fascism is an attempt to confine the necessity of social change to the traditional hierarchy through conservative social revolution by immortalizing the conservative hierarchies of the past and shifting political-economic revolution to traditionalist aesthetic revolution of 'art for art's sake'. Hereby, all feminist, socialist, egalitarian, and communist impulses are channeled into the art of conservative-traditionalist progress of hierarchy. This artistic progress of hierarchy subsumes all human development into the corporation of the Fuhrer/Monarch/Supreme Leader.

This is wrong on several counts. While fascism in the past has drawn sympathy from some elements of the "old order" and aristocrats it draws from a wide range of socioeconomic but is typically associated most strongly with drawing support from elements of the middle class, proletariat and lumpenproletariat. Fascism in many ways attempts to be cross class in its appeal under a maxim of "a place for everything and everything in its place" and in doing so placing them within a corporatist/neo-corporatist framework for society. This often leads to it being simultaneously being accused of being both "elitist" and "populist" but while it could be considered both it is really neither because it is its own syncretic thing.

Fascism is not feudalistic, it arose in the industrial age among industrialized nations and movements such as futurism are counted among the influences that contributed to fascism. It is also frequently technocratic or as Orwell put it, "a technocratic society is a prerequisite for fascism". Far from feudalism the utilization of large industrial conglomerates such as Siemens and Krupp was integral to making it work. Investment in advanced infrastructure such as the autobahn which was (and many ways still is) the envy of the world, the creation of Volkswagen, etc. were all things that where going on under the direction of the NSDAP. Germany and Japan were on the forefront of technological development in the 1930s-40s. Fascism is not solely interested in vulgar materialism, but it is extremely pro-scientific and technological because it sees the advancement of such things as pushing the boundaries of our awareness and what it is possible for us to achieve - allowing us to elevate the finest elements of humanity to our destiny amongst the cosmos. Fascist movements where also among the earliest to really start taking things like environmentalism and ecological sustainability seriously.

While fascists have been willing to make peace with certain aspects of the old order in the interests of national solidarity fascism is also contemptuous of the feudalistic old order. That is because fascism is not a reactionary but rather a revolutionary movement. If it is traditionalist then it is radical traditionalist. It does not seek to return things to way they were in say the 1400s. Not a return to the past, but a new era of national, social and spiritual awakening. For instance, in many ways we can see a decline in "traditional" Christianity occurring now in the West. But for many fascists the goal here would not be to "bring back" Christianity to the forefront but rather to finally throw off the yoke of Abrahamic monotheism and allow the resurgence of things that they had suppressed as well as move us in a new direction entirely. Now there is even less reason to try and make peace with some kind of feudalistic old order in many cases, because the world has passed them by.

Fascism doesn't just accept things as they are, it seeks to improve upon them. It doesn't just tolerate much of the filth and degeneracy we are currently mired but seeks to improve things. We don't accept things like obesity, alcoholism or intellectual laziness - things that blight civilization. When an old order festers and decays a new one needs to come along a clean things up. That's what fascism does and what its response is to such degeneracy, we clean it up.

As for the other things you mentioned, egalitarianism is rejected because we are not equal (and if we were then what is an individual?) and things need to reflect that reality or else you are forcing a round peg in a square hole as it were. Socialist feminism is not incompatible with fascism. Fascism itself originated from certain socialist movements (pretending that it didn't or that Communists have a monopoly over what constitutes socialism is a Marxist conceit).
Last edited by Varax on 31 Jul 2015 18:17, edited 1 time in total.
starman2003 wrote:
Hitler was hardly from the old German aristocratic elite and was secretly contemptuous of it. He rejected liberalism and communism because they were equalitarian, not because they weren't feudal or aristocratic.

And the remnants of feudal aristocracy were secretly contemptuous of the point of plotting his murder. Nevertheless, Le Rouge sums up the intellectual stance of some strains of fascism quite well. Intellectuals will always try to devise a coherent ideology to fit the demands of the moment. But when push comes to shove, the strong man will ignore or cherry pick from these musings, as suits him.

Varax wrote:Fascism is not feudalistic, it arose in the industrial age among industrialized nations...

Nevertheless, the aristocratic mode will always be a go-to option for fascists if only because it 1) supplies a convenient solution to the succession problem, and 2) it rationalizes the desire of party officials to place their descendants in positions of power.
quetzalcoatl wrote:Indeed, and that's why all spergs should be sent to re-education camps.

Liberal Capitalists get the gulags. Fascist pigs get the wall.

Saeko wrote: Only a certain hairless man with a deceitful nature would say something like this... hmm...

Lord Voldemort?

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