Heavily annotated Mein Kampf published in Germany - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Zamuel wrote:...
NO ... It's NOT, and that has NEVER been an issue. The Copyright is owned by the state of Bavaria and they have simply chosen NOT to publish it. (in the intrest of preventing it's use to promote HATE groups.) It isn't and never has been illegal ... if it were, adding annotations to it wouldn't change a damn thing ... Your premise is simply FOS !

Germany DOES have laws on the book forbidding traffic in Nazi memorabilia, but these have been relaxed, at least as far as private individuals are concerned. You won't find any "Nazi Museums" pandering to the tourists (that I know of).

"German authorities have made clear that they won’t tolerate any new editions without commentary, though none is known to be in the works, with incitement laws likely to be used against any such publications."
Some studies

More controversially, it could be argued that communism in West Germany even held a closet appeal for some on the far right because, in a society where radical right-wing views were strictly outlawed, communism expressed a disgust with Western politics that was common to both totalitarian ideologies. The slippages here are more significant than many on the Left would care to admit.

In Europe in the early years of the cold war, opposition to Communism offered an umbrella under which some former fascist and Nazi sympathizers succeeded in changing political colors by obscuring details of their biographies in order to be born again as Western democrats.

The New Left focused mainly on opposing the war in Vietnam, demonstrating solidarity with developing-world liberation movements, and transforming bourgeois society. But in Germany it also had a nationalist component provoked by the country's division and limited sovereignty. Left-wing nationalism has a long history in Germany (National Bolshevism and the Strasser wing of the National Socialists are two cases in point), and it is hardly surprising that such feelings were represented among the '68ers as well.

Nationalist sentiment grew over the controversy surrounding the 1983 deployment of American intermediate-range nuclear missiles on German soil and was later intensified by German unification. By the mid-1990s, in fact, a substantial number of '68ers had completed a journey from extreme left to extreme right, with the constant factor being their hatred of the West. Today, this antimodernist, anti-Western sentiment is alive and well throughout Europe among those on the extreme right and left who invoke nationalism in their opposition to globalization.

The two most prominent German radicals to undergo such a shift are Horst Mahler and Bernd Rabehl. Along with two other prominent ex-leftists, Mahler-now the far right National Democratic Party's official legal counsel-recently declared that the '68er movement had been "neither for communism nor for capitalism, neither for a Third-Worldist nor for an Eastern or a Western community of values." Instead, it had been "about the right of every Volk to assert its national-revolutionary and social-revolutionary liberation." In this view, the Germans were no exception.

Already then, the main root of Germany's trouble lay in its solid anchoring in the West-controlled by that double-headed evil, the United States and world Jewry. In marked contrast to the Third Worldists, adherents to this path developed an anti-Zionism that could barely, if ever, be differentiated from anti-Semitism.

A Land Haunted by Its Past: The New Germany, was written by the journalist and historian Amos Elon in 1967: “It is admittedly a new Germany, but at times it is desperately difficult to discern its true nature.”
Last edited by noir on 11 Jan 2016 09:16, edited 4 times in total.
noir wrote:He succeeded in duping you. There are countless cases like him.

Heinie is literally a liberal (not a communist!). There is nothing that you can do to get around that fact. The highest likelihood is that you and he are in fact a team working together on 'opposing' sides, as often is the pattern.
Heinie wrote:"German authorities have made clear that they won’t tolerate any new editions without commentary, though none is known to be in the works, with incitement laws likely to be used against any such publications."

MORE BULLSHIT ... just keep shoveling it ...

WHAT - German Authorities ? The book of the month club? The "High School Teachers Against Hitler" union ? sheesh ! NO GERMAN AUTHORITY has issued ANY such statement ... your generic "Authorities" citation is as FOS as your claim that the book is "ILLEGAL".

Rei Murasame wrote:But still, no one is reading that book to find out how to be antisemitic now, so even redacting those sections would probably not increase its viewership.

I agree, the book is dismal and aside from a few quotes, worthless prose. It does however have a symbolic value. It has, and will, be used as a rallying point by hate groups ... I would expect to see the complete text readily available online for free once the copyright expires. At that point repression of hardcopy editions becomes moot.

Call me cynical, but I think the Bavarian state just wanted to get a jump on that and make few $$$ before they lose control of the property.

Zamuel wrote:MORE BULLSHIT ... just keep shoveling it ...

Quit the rudeness or you will end-up on my ignore list.

Zamuel wrote:WHAT - German Authorities ? The book of the month club? The "High School Teachers Against Hitler" union ? sheesh ! NO GERMAN AUTHORITY has issued ANY such statement ... your generic "Authorities" citation is as FOS as your claim that the book is "ILLEGAL".

Should any publishing house have the nerve to produce an untampered edition of Mein Kamph without the massive amount of commentary embedded in the text, a federal prosecutor will likely have those responsible arrested on charges hate speech (Volksverhetzung) which includes racism or antisemitism (Criminal Code Section 130 Agitation of the People). There is also the Federal Examination Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien). This Department is responsible for maintaining the Index of Harmful Materials which include material likely or intended to induce hate. Also forbidden is material that is considered unconstitutional. This is handled by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz) which means Nazi propaganda among other stuff. So, let anyone who dares try printing or distributing Mein Kampf and they will find themselves behind bars.
Zamuel wrote:Call me cynical, but I think the Bavarian state just wanted to get a jump on that and make few $$$ before they lose control of the property.
You just might be right on that one. However Germans in particular and Westerners in general will never move forward to the tasks of today unless they stop this absurd fear around being associated with Hitler and the Nazis. Take eugenics for example, its time that real Liberals stood up and reclaimed Eugenics from the Nazis. Then there's prioritising the defence of our living space, another cause that has been absurdly designated as Nazi. Call these things Nazi if you want, but then most of the regimes in history and pre history have been Nazis.
Zamuel wrote:MORE BULLSHIT ... just keep shoveling it ...
Heinie wrote:Quit the rudeness or you will end-up on my ignore list.

That would be good ... You're already on my "Ignorance" list ...

Zamuel wrote:WHAT - German Authorities ? The book of the month club? The "High School Teachers Against Hitler" union ? sheesh ! NO GERMAN AUTHORITY has issued ANY such statement ... your generic "Authorities" citation is as FOS as your claim that the book is "ILLEGAL".
Heinie wrote:Should any publishing house have the nerve to produce an untampered edition of Mein Kamph without the massive amount of commentary embedded in the text, a federal prosecutor will likely have those responsible arrested on charges hate speech.

According to WHO? besides YOU ...? Kind of hard to make that stick against a book the government granted copyright and never acted to rescind ... No prosecutor in his right mind will even try. But keep shoveling the shit, the ninnies must be fed !

? Are you seriously proposing that "ANNOTATED" hate speech is not "REALLY" hate speech ? ... you got any more of that shit rolled up?

Zamuel wrote:Call me cynical, but I think the Bavarian state just wanted to get a jump on that and make few $$$ before they lose control of the property.
Rich wrote::lol: You just might be right on that one. However Germans in particular and Westerners in general will never move forward to the tasks of today unless they stop this absurd fear around being associated with Hitler and the Nazis. Take eugenics for example, its time that real Liberals stood up and reclaimed Eugenics from the Nazis. Then there's prioritising the defence of our living space, another cause that has been absurdly designated as Nazi. Call these things Nazi if you want, but then most of the regimes in history and pre history have been Nazis.

Not everything the Reich did was irrational ... The Germans really WERE in a box. But Hitler could easily have stopped at Czechoslovakia, or even short of it. Germany could then have stabilized it's economy and rejoined the European Community ... This is actually what his RATIONAL supporters in Europe and the US expected ... He would have been admired. UNFORTUNATELY, he really was just a puppet for reactionary considerations who raised him and Germany as a sword to thwart the Bolsheviks ... Poland was the Road to Russia and THAT is where the Reich was focused.

Last edited by Cartertonian on 22 Feb 2016 10:27, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Back-to-back posts merged

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