why are you voting for Trump? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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If I was American, I would vote for King Vermin before I would ever vote for Trump.
I will be voting for Trump in the Arizona primary elections. I am a registered Republican. Here is why.

I am a moderate conservative. Trump is by far and away the most moderate candidate.

I am tired of shills for the wealthy. Every one of the other republican candidates is exactly that. Cruz would dismantle social security and turn the funds over to his Wall Street Friends. Rubio is not much better. Kasich could be half-assed OK but he wants to dismantle the PPACA and that is unacceptable both morally or politically.

Of course in the general election I would probably vote for either Clinton or Sanders before any of these guys. Two reasons. I abhor the idea that either party might be in sole control of the government. That argues for a democrat. I also believe that another neocon administration would destroy the economy, destroy what little confidence the shrinking middle class has in the government and very likely end that government as we know it now.

So Trump in the primary and Clinton or Sanders in the general.
The career politicians of the GOP establishment have been cowed and mostly controlled by the left wing biased media, the PR arm of the DNC, and have clearly been reduced to the point of being afraid to utter any non poll tested comments or policy statements. The fact that there are 4 liberal journalists in the media for every one conservative journalist no doubt accounts for the fact that all American news is viewed through a liberal leftist prism before it ever gets to the American public. The liberal left media has been controlling the dialogue, at least up until Trump found a way to go around the biased liberal media. Trump's brilliant media savvy has enabled him to cut through the corrupt media and go directly to the American public. By being self funded, Trump has shown America that he cannot be bought. He is beholden to no one. He has brought many important issues to the forefront that would have never been been brought up and debated on by either party, who were content to let the status quo remain. Not being a poll tested career politician Trump did not have all of his positions firmly formulated from the outset but every week one can see Trump growing into being one hell of a Republican candidate. He obviously loves our country and wants to see it great again. Just my opinion. I'm supporting him and voting for him all the way to the WH.
Drlee wrote:I will be voting for Trump in the Arizona primary elections. I am a registered Republican. Here is why.

I am a moderate conservative. Trump is by far and away the most moderate candidate.

Not sure if you are serious, but that's exactly what I thought when reading Trump's program today (for the first time). As far as economic policy is concerned he should be pretty attractive to Democrats too.


I totally understand why people would vote for Trump. He seems to be saying all the right things and pushing all the right buttons. He strikes me as fairly similar to the populist right in Europe in his approach and message.
The career politicians of the GOP establishment have been cowed and mostly controlled by the left wing biased media, the PR arm of the DNC, and have clearly been reduced to the point of being afraid to utter any non poll tested comments or policy statements.

This is complete nonsense. There is not a shred of truth in it.

The fact that there are 4 liberal journalists in the media for every one conservative journalist no doubt accounts for the fact that all American news is viewed through a liberal leftist prism before it ever gets to the American public.

Give us a CREDABLE source for this. More nonsense.

The liberal left media has been controlling the dialogue, at least up until Trump found a way to go around the biased liberal media.

Even more nonsense. Trump is playing ALL of the media like a piano. He is the master of free publicity.

He has brought many important issues to the forefront that would have never been been brought up and debated on by either party, who were content to let the status quo remain.

Name an issue that Trump has introduced that was not already being discussed.

It kills me to hear this idiotic right-wing media bashing. Mainstream media reflects the country's centrist leaning conservative bent. That sells soap. The right wing media, led by Fox News, is a corporatist tool. Nothing more.

Not sure if you are serious, but that's exactly what I thought when reading Trump's program today (for the first time). As far as economic policy is concerned he should be pretty attractive to Democrats too.

Totally serious. Once you get past his obvious ploys to grab the spotlight his agenda is centrist-leans-conservative. I am amused at the far right folks who think he is some kind of arch conservative. He most decidedly is not.
Drlee wrote:.
I am tired of shills for the wealthy.

Are you not just cutting out the middle man and just electing the wealthy directed rather than their paid shills?

Don't see how Trump changes anything on this front.
Rubio is definitely an extremist. His voting record shows it. He's an extremist for tax cuts for the rich. He's an extremist for cuddling up to Saudi and Turkey in order to bomb Iran, may be even Russia. And he's an extremist for mass immigration, because of his deep concern for low wage American employers. I doubt he cares about abortion or gun rights, but cynically tries to position himself with conservatives, while not upsetting the establishment by getting too radical.

Of course there are massive, massive issues with every other candidate, but Rubio is the worst candidate out of all the runners Republican and Democrat. Rei likes Rubio because she hopes he'll cuddle up to the Saudis and concentrate on destroying Russia.
Drlee wrote:Totally serious. Once you get past his obvious ploys to grab the spotlight his agenda is centrist-leans-conservative. I am amused at the far right folks who think he is some kind of arch conservative. He most decidedly is not.

Sounds like "change we can believe in" for the right.
Drlee wrote:I will be voting for Trump in the Arizona primary elections. I am a registered Republican. Here is why.

I am a moderate conservative. Trump is by far and away the most moderate candidate.

I am tired of shills for the wealthy. Every one of the other republican candidates is exactly that. Cruz would dismantle social security and turn the funds over to his Wall Street Friends. Rubio is not much better. Kasich could be half-assed OK but he wants to dismantle the PPACA and that is unacceptable both morally or politically.

Of course in the general election I would probably vote for either Clinton or Sanders before any of these guys. Two reasons. I abhor the idea that either party might be in sole control of the government. That argues for a democrat. I also believe that another neocon administration would destroy the economy, destroy what little confidence the shrinking middle class has in the government and very likely end that government as we know it now.

So Trump in the primary and Clinton or Sanders in the general.

This post really resonated with me. I never thought I'd agree with you.
Another theory:

People never get to see the lobbyists behind the politicians they elect. Who knows what deranged, money-hungry, earth-hating person is behind, say, Marco Rubio. With trump you can just look up who holds stock in his businesses to find out who owns him. Cruz is in second place because we all know that Jesus is the one who gives him the largest bribes. It's all about transparency.
RCHamm wrote:The career politicians of the GOP establishment have been cowed and mostly controlled by the left wing biased media, the PR arm of the DNC, and have clearly been reduced to the point of being afraid to utter any non poll tested comments or policy statements. The fact that there are 4 liberal journalists in the media for every one conservative journalist no doubt accounts for the fact that all American news is viewed through a liberal leftist prism before it ever gets to the American public.

Drlee wrote:This is complete nonsense. There is not a shred of truth in it.

Give us a CREDABLE source for this. More nonsense.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... ecade-ago/
http://hotair.com/archives/2015/11/09/s ... democrats/

So actually, it seems that 30% of the general American population identify as Democrats while 28% of American journalists identify as Democrats. At the same time while 24% of the general American population identify as Republicans a staggeringly low mere 7.1% of American journalists identify as Republicans. So it would seem that there are a very large number of American newrooms have only a few Republican journalists working on the payroll, to plenty of newsrooms that don't have a single Republican journalist working on the payroll. It would be a little hard for all of these American newsrooms to give an adequate Republican viewpoint to all of those Republican viewers, wouldn't it?

Drlee wrote:I will be voting for Trump in the Arizona primary elections. I am a registered Republican. Here is why.

I am a moderate conservative. Trump is by far and away the most moderate candidate.

Of course in the general election I would probably vote for either Clinton or Sanders before any of these guys.

So , in your case, a moderate conservative is basically a democrat lite?
So actually, it seems that 30% of the general American population identify as Democrats while 28% of American journalists identify as Democrats. At the same time while 24% of the general American population identify as Republicans a staggeringly low mere 7.1% of American journalists identify as Republicans. So it would seem that there are a very large number of American newrooms have only a few Republican journalists working on the payroll, to plenty of newsrooms that don't have a single Republican journalist working on the payroll. It would be a little hard for all of these American newsrooms to give an adequate Republican viewpoint to all of those Republican viewers, wouldn't it?

Not at all. Reporters are able to objectively report the news every day. Your assertion that:

The career politicians of the GOP establishment have been cowed and mostly controlled by the left wing biased media, the PR arm of the DNC, and have clearly been reduced to the point of being afraid to utter any non poll tested comments or policy statements.

Was proved untrue by your article. Your article:

Compared with 2002, the percentage of full-time U.S. journalists who claim to be Democrats has dropped 8 percentage points in 2013 to about 28 percent, moving this figure closer to the overall population percentage of 30 percent, according to a December 12-15, 2013, ABC News/Washington Post national poll of 1,005 adults. This is the lowest percentage of journalists saying they are Democrats since 1971.

Hmmm. Then there is the obvious. The obvious proof against your nonsense (said so often by republican politicians that some people actually believe it) is that the republicans control the house and senate. They have controlled the White House at least as much as the democrats have. We republicans are forming the national debate on just about every subject.

Drlee wrote:I will be voting for Trump in the Arizona primary elections. I am a registered Republican. Here is why.

I am a moderate conservative. Trump is by far and away the most moderate candidate.

Of course in the general election I would probably vote for either Clinton or Sanders before any of these guys.

So , in your case, a moderate conservative is basically a democrat lite?

What does that mean. You sound like a Fox News sound bite. But I will give you a serious answer.

I am a conservative. Most here would be more comfortable if I identified as a paleoconservative but I would not go that far. As for being a democrat lite, that could not be further from the truth. But the deal is that we do not have a liberal party worthy of attention in the US. We have two conservative ones. One centrist socially libertarian party (the democrats) and one fairly hard right in all but fiscal conservatism. There is no fiscally conservative party in the US. (Witness the absurd spending under Reagan and Bush II).

I can understand why you are eager to put everyone in one of two boxes but "it" just doesn't work that way. Witness the whalloping the establishment republicans took at the hands of Trump last night in Nevada. As much as we would like to believe that our elections are "brokered" by the wealthy or tainted by prejudiced journalists the people are still able to make them pay attention. Watching the coverage, I have never seen so many journalists with blank faces. Trump won with Hispanics? That really got them. More votes than the next two combined?

If you ever want to understand American politics you will start from where I am. That is a stark realization that though I have nearly 50 years as a voter, I will never be able to accurately second-guess the voter. They will surprise you every time. And stop thinking in sound bites. That vast independent conspiracy out there (by far and away the largest 'party' in the US is the group called "independent") does not think in sound bites. Just watch what happens in this election. Whether Trump gets the nomination or not he and Sanders have scared the shit out of the Dems and GOP establishment. All of the Koch brothers money may not be able to fix what the voters want to do.
Because he thinks Angela is insane and will find a way to get rid of her.

Oh wait, I can't vote for him.

So sad...
Drlee wrote:There is no fiscally conservative party in the US. (Witness the absurd spending under Reagan and Bush II).

I would point out that Bill Clinton was setting the stage for one ... Downsizing government, emphasizing efficiency and economy. If Al Gore had been allowed to continue that, I think it would have caught on ... AND the republicans would have had to move in that direction too. With the economic collapse, Obama had no chance of trying to revive it. Hillary may ?

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