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By noemon
So what are the words in your language that are used to describe the "cool guy", the guy who is manly, handsome, gallant, takes shit from noone and so on.

In Greek we use various terms but 2 are the most prominent ones in the spoken word and neither are Greek per se.

The one is the term Mangas.

Mangas wrote:Manges (English /ˈmɑːŋɡɛs, ˈmæŋɡɛs/; Greek: μάγκες [ˈma(ɲ)ɟes], sing.: μάγκας mangas [ˈma(ŋ)ɡas]) is the name of a social group in the Belle Époque era's[1] counterculture of Greece (especially of the great urban centers: Athens, Piraeus, and Thessaloniki). The nearest English equivalent to the term "mangas" (English /ˈmɑːŋɡəs, ˈmæŋɡəs/) is wide boy, or spiv.[2]

Mangas was a label for men belonging to the working class, behaving in a particularly arrogant/presumptuous way, and dressing with a very typical vesture composed of a woolen hat (kavouraki, καβουράκι), a jacket (they usually wore only one of its sleeves), a tight belt (used as a knife case), stripe pants, and pointy shoes. Other features of their appearance were their long moustache, their bead chaplets (κομπολόγια, sing. κομπολόι), and their idiosyncratic manneristic limp-walking (κουτσό βάδισμα). A related social group were the Koutsavakides (κουτσαβάκηδες, sing. κουτσαβάκης[3]); the two terms are occasionally used interchangeably. Manges are also notable for being closely associated to the history of Rebetiko.

In modern Greek language, mangas has become a synonym for "swash guy, swagger" or (in dialogue) simply "dude"; depending on context it may have more negative ("bully, henchman, hooligan") or more positive ("brave, crafty man") connotations.

Today the more positive meaning of the term has remained as the junta was conducive to rooting out this sub-culture and erasing it from the face of the earth.

The other term which is used for positive senses only is the term Leventis.

Leventis wrote:From Italian levanti ‘Levantine’, ‘people from the East’, i.e. the eastern Mediterranean, in particular armed sailors or pirates during the Middle Ages. In Italian the word took on a negative connotation and came to mean ‘pirate’ and hence ‘undisciplined youth’, but in Greek the term has positive connotations of fearlessness and gallantry. It is also a reduced form of surnames with Levento- as a prefix, e.g. Leventogiannis ‘John the gallant’.

What is really interesting here is that both of the terms started off as pejoratives but ended up crystallizing as ranks of chivalry. This is fine food for thought in semantics.
Surreal you might think, perhaps but real nevertheless.
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By Saeko
noemon wrote:So what are the words in your language that are used to describe the "cool guy", the guy who is manly, handsome, gallant, takes shit from noone and so on.

noemon wrote:The other term which is used for positive senses only is the term Leventis.
From Italian levanti ‘Levantine’, ‘people from the East’, i.e. the eastern Mediterranean, in particular armed sailors or pirates during the Middle Ages. In Italian the word took on a negative connotation and came to mean ‘pirate’ and hence ‘undisciplined youth’, [b]but in Greek the term has positive connotations of fearlessness and gallantry. It is also a reduced form of surnames with Levento- as a prefix, e.g. Leventogiannis ‘John the gallant’.

Interesting. Lol. Our ancestors probably had a woman to please at every island they stopped by while sailing, which makes sense. I'm also wondering how much the cheating rate was among Byzantinian women.

In Lebanese we use jagal, which probably is derived from gigolo. Unless it's said in a sarcastic tone, it means 'the "cool guy", the womanizer, the guy who is manly, handsome, gallant, takes shit from none and so on."

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