Do Afro-Americans care for Africa? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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The jews were prosecuted for long time but not everywhere and not at the level of Africans.

Slavery of Africans in the Arab world only officially ended in the early 1900s and still considered a problem simply for Asians now not Africans. Slavery never really ended in the Arab world. The ottomans and the Arab empires before them took it to a huge level. Way more than Europeans or Persians could even dream of.

Africa was a huge deal before it came to a near millenia of invasions. Brutalization.dehumanization. Death and slavery all over it.
I didnt say Europeans were the ones to do it first. But Aravs before them. However Europeans did contribute.

North and western Africa did hold moat of the empires however slavery was spread all over it. And slaves were in many cases either exported from southern half of Africa below the Sahara or they were captured into slavery by raids.

They dont need to build massively organised agricultural society first. Yhwy can atleast use the river areas to grow basic things like wheat or somwthing that os easy to grow and can atleast end famine.
Heck they can do like in Lebanon and grow weed. Its grows amazingly in tropical weather.
And it doesnt need to have tons of highly educated people. It takes a few to organise and put instructions and the rest to work.

Basically they dont need mangos they need bread right now.
They cant build an empire or an industrial nations directly they need to start with the basics.

True they meed to take their fate into their own hands.
However they cant do that with oppressive regimes stripping them away of everything and international corporates to taks the good piece of lands from them and leave the rest. If no body is listening they need to riot. They either get their rights by peaceful methods which didnt work so far or by hard riots and weapons are easily accesable.
Just ask anyone from Baalbak and all the huge arms dealers here would love to provide weapomry for rebels to take their rights by force and with very cheap prices even as loans.
Americans ? No i meant that white people (Europeans whom Americans are from ) did exactly the same in history.
So your post which was aimed to show Africans as dumb and primitive thus you're more superior than them is rediculus.
anasawad wrote:Americans ? No i meant that white people (Europeans whom Americans are from ) did exactly the same in history.
So your post which was aimed to show Africans as dumb and primitive thus you're more superior than them is rediculus.

How dare you insinuate that using the same river as a toilet to drink from and cook with proves anyone dumb and primitive. You are a racist.
Ignorance does not equate stupid or primitive.
but if you want to look at that way that an act of ignorance equates stupidity and primitive. There are tons out there to show white people being like that. Specially Westerners. Just open YouTube. Its free.
anasawad wrote:Ignorance does not equate stupid or primitive.
but if you want to look at that way that an act of ignorance equates stupidity and primitive. There are tons out there to show white people being like that. Specially Westerners. Just open YouTube. Its free.

Wow a personal attack against me, and a racist remark against whites and westerners. All in the same post.

I'm shocked and surprised at your prejudice.
anasawad wrote:They dont need to build massively organised agricultural society first. Yhwy can atleast use the river areas to grow basic things like wheat or somwthing that os easy to grow and can atleast end famine.

Famines occur during the cycles I talked about. And believe me, when there is no rain for a whole year, when even your riverbeds are dried, you're done for unless you can get foreign food. And when the rain finally comes, it's so massive that it washes away all the top soil, rendering your soil even more infertile than it was (not near the river but there are not enough rivers).

You can't "just" do this or that. In many of those countries the current agricultural capacity of the land is simply not big enough for this population size, period. Especially during the bad phases of the cycle. The only solutions are to increase the land fertility, decrease the human fertility, build infrastructures to deal with the cycle (desalinization and such), or build a rich enough industry that allows you to import whatever you need.

Basically they dont need mangos they need bread right now.

But it is a good idea when selling one mango allows you to buy more bread than you could have cultivated with the same resources, or when it allows you to buy bread during the drought where nothing can be cultivated.

Anyway, just stop thinking they are idiots who do not know what they are doing because they just need to send their children in the farms near the river to magically solve their problems.
I dont think they're idiots. I think theyre oppressed and need to stand up and break their chains.
The borders thry have are fake and created by outsiders. They need to follow a united Africa work plan.

For example. Weed can be produced easily in many places in Africa.
Weed does help stopping desertification and floods. It can produce large enough income from trade to fund other improvements and trades and its eay to grow. Cheap. And has high selling prices and legal in most places.
And handling floods and desertification and hard climate isnt that hard.
Just look at beqa' valley in Lebanon. Next to a desert. Facing annual floods. Yet still highly productive because of our methods.

And producing expensive goods doesnt come directly. In matter of agriculture there are several plants that need to be planted to prepare the soil for bigger production when it dies out.
Lile wheat. Corn. Beans. Weed. Abd others stuff i dont know its name in English.
anasawad wrote:I dont think they're idiots. I think theyre oppressed and need to stand up and break their chains.

"Forget agricultural problems, it's all because of the evil white people!"

I am sick of this stupidity, this intellectual scam, this hatred. Especially coming from someone who dreams of seeing a Muslim empire arise and rampage the world.

The borders thry have are fake and created by outsiders. They need to follow a united Africa work plan.

a) Nations require identity and identities take time to be formed. African nations are half way after 50 years. If they restarted now with another artificial nation they would have to go through the whole process again, with all the civil wars and turmoils between them.

Btw we did create artificial nations because there wasn't any in the first place. Which was one of the causes and consequences of Africa's backward development before we colonized them. Stop blaming us for your artificial borders when you never had borders in the first place (in the ME I think - not sure - we did use Ottoman's administrative provinces as a canvas and then split them to separate Shia and Sunni). At best you can blame us for one or two countries that we did split.

b) The larger a nation, the less cohesive it is. Because you do not feel represented by your leaders and you do not feel solidarity with other members of this country, since they all have a lot of cultural differences with you and live far away. As a result corruption increases, governments are unstable, many people protest and many regions want to become independent. The only way to make such a nation survive is through an iron fist.

This would be especially true for Africa that does not have a common federative identity, no common past, that has the highest genetic diversity with visually identifiable subgroups, and probably has the highest cultural and linguistic diversity of all continents.

c) The larger a nation, the more inefficient it is. The Ottoman empire you want to resurrect was a millennium of economic decline for Muslims. The Roman Empire started to disband after it overextended and left Europe impoverished for thousand years after that. China was vanquished by forces lesser than theirs, by far away nations with a lot less people than themselves who were once primitive in comparison, who fought abroad with just a fraction of their forces. And today it can only maintain its cohesion through nationalism and tales of foreign conspiracies.

Meanwhile the EU is busy destroying the foundations that made European countries so prosperous and is bringing back the fears of ruin and war upon European countries. And America is one of the richest countries in the world, but also the one with the most poverty in the first world, where employees work far too much, where corruption is so normalized that it is not considered as corruption, and on a path to feudalism.

For example. Weed can be produced easily in many places in Africa.

Weed can be produced about anywhere in the world and there are not enough weed smokers in Europe to make it a viable economic strategy. Let's not mention the diplomatic problems.

Just look at beqa' valley in Lebanon. Next to a desert. Facing annual floods. Yet still highly productive because of our methods.

This is completely different. This valley does not undergo periodic droughts.

And the periodic floods in this case are precisely what makes this valley fertile. Floods do not wash away the land near rivers. They wash away the land away from rivers, then drop what they collected on rivers' banks, making them fertile.

You did not make it fertile, it was fertile in the first place. Sure it was easy, you had nothing to do! In general Lebanon is not that bad with a quarter of lands being fertile. This is a coastal country on the Mediterranean Sea, a favorable environment, you cannot compare it to Africa.

Anyway you obviously know nuts about agriculture. You just decided that evil white people created all problems and that obviously feeding one billion of people without water out of paper-thin soils should be easy without the evil white people conspiring in the shadows to make Muslims rampage Nigeria and Mali.
Americans already know this. So this question only goes out to's not your fault for being ignorant of this because your media is not truthful.

Take a guess. What racist whitey country provides by far much more in actual food aid to feed the poor starving Africans than any other country on Earth?
I clearly said Africans have suffered crimes by many not only Europeans.
If you want to push it that way then sure. Europeans still did commit crimes no matter how much you wash it.

Weed has a huge market that takes anything you put in. And quality of it dependa on the weather. Dont pretend to know better about it than me since we actually live off of it and Europe specially buys alot from us.

Fertility is not something steady. A land can easily become infertile.
Nature has a way to preserve it but when humans come in it no longer operates so humans need to perserve the system as well.
Thus our land is fertile because we perserve it.

And i know nuts about agriculture ??. Can you bother to search online for how old empires grew food with massive quantities to satisfy their needs ?? Or for sxample answer the question of why you cant plant the same crop for several times in a row ??

Africa has tons of water. Thry just need to dig it out. Dont go start acting like Jordanians setting on a sea of water and saying its desert so there is no water.

And btw. Most crops cant grow on coastal lands. You cant grow in the soil of the coast directly for most types of crops.

Half the world is pissing on Africa while taking their resources and not giving them shit.
And everyone gain from them. They give a little charity and rub it un their faces.
They need to riot. Fuck up half the world supply of resources to get their rights bacj and teach all fuckers around the world a lesson on exploitation.
Africa has some of the most fertile lands on earth. But they can't figure out out how to cultivate food crops like the rest of the civilized word has done for over thousands of years.

Why is that?
Africa has the nile for example which the areas around it can feed all of Africa.
As it did for most of Africa for centuries.
How ever those areas for example have been under conflicts in the last centuries. And mostly between either a foreign power against locals or between 2 foreign powers to begin with.
It's usually the proponents of ethnocentrism who care deeply about their home countries after immigrating to the US or other former European colonies. Black nationalists call for the unity of Afro-Americans based on African culture and they are quite similar to white nationalists who promote white separatism and racial violence. Irish Americans used to support the IRA until the 1980s and President Clinton controversially invited Gerry Adams to the White House. Asian lobbyist groups are especially anti-Japanese and they are working very hard to demonise the Japanese by bringing up wartime issues such as the comfort women issue, which would become mandatory to teach in Californian schools in this academic year.

Every week, 44-year-old Phyllis Kim makes spends ten minutes visiting the Comfort Women statue here. She holds the small, bronze fists in a moment of silence. She tends to the flowers surrounding the memorial. She stands next to the statue in a show of solidarity. Kim repeats this ritual as part of the Korean American Forum of California, the organization that helped to fund the statue and campaign for its installment in July 2013. ... ue-n139481
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 29 Apr 2016 23:11, edited 1 time in total.
Rhodesia was once known as the breadbasket of Africa. They grew enough food to feed the entire country and even exported wheat and corn to the other countries in Africa and even elsewhere. Now they are starving and it's called Zimbabwe and is known as the shit hole of Africa.

What happened?
Again. Long periods of continuing wars.
The Nile areas had a huge production of all types. For centuries it undergo dozens of wars between various Arab groups either between empires. Coups. Or royals within empires. Also its people went through massive waves of enslavement by various empires ruling them destroying the social structure within these areas. And most elements of production was abandoned and until now its hasnt been fully restored. Though there is work on ot which is good.

And funny thing. They're following exactly what i say all of Africa should do. Stabilize and build production from basics and then up.
Hartman wrote:African nations are half way after 50 years.

This is one thing I can blame the white colonialist of. The senile straight borders, splitting tribes, creating artifitial identities without geographic basis, and planting tyrants to govern them, is a major factor to many wars and conflicts in Africa and the middle east.
What is "Lybia"?, "Gabon", "Jordan"? Or "Central African republic"? Nothing defines these countries, or their borders, separating them from the serrounding.
I think that it dammages their chances to form normal grouping and make a progress.
Over the centuaries the entire borders will change. Too bad it will be through wars. Or- there will be formed new nations indeed. But its an illness that was designed by Europeans.
I don't blame the explotation of resources. The blacks there has an inherent problem and can't blame the Europeans for that. But the re-organization that was made after WW2 of Asia and Africa will make a dammage for generations to come.

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