What if Germany allied with China instead of Japan - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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In any situation would Germany have allied with China instead of Japan?

I know that Germany had links with the Nationalist Government but Hitler preferred an alliance with Japan.

If hypothetically Germany allied with China against Japan but did not get actively involved in the fighting.

Would this cause the US not to get involved in the European war as Germany would be allied China fighting Japan as well.

What I really want to say is would this perhaps create a situation where the Red Army ran over all of Nazi occupied Europe and installed communist states in France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark etc. Since there would be no US forces on the western front therefore no D DAY.

And this creates a much stronger Soviet Union after the war but perhaps a more unstable one as well.
The Nationalist Government was an American puppet but it also communicated with Germany and Japan. Chiang Kai-shek led the Blue Shirts, a secret fascist organisation, and he had fascist sympathies. The Konoe government was scheming to ally with Chiang Kai-shek and if the Nationalist Government had been drawn into the dark side, the Axis powers could have eventually prevailed. Close to 2 million Japanese troops were tied up in China, who could have been deployed to elsewhere to fight the Americans. America got involved in the European war because of the Grand Alliance between FDR and Churchill who lobbied hard for US participation in the European theatre. FDR would have found some excuses to send US troops to Europe in one way or another even without Pearl Harbor.
The simple answer is no. The USA already provided the UK with that much equipment that they were de facto intervening in the war and not able to risk the loss of the partner economically. Furthermore the strategic win of the CCCP was only possible through the front against the UK (which was only possible to survive through USAs help) and the direct help from the USA. Besides that China did not pose a thread to the CCCP and the initial agreement with the "Schlitzaugengezöcht" aka Japan was that they had to attack the CCCP and not the USA.

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