Should Israel have kept the Sinai Peninsula? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Should Israel have kept the Sinai?

stephen50right wrote:Israel could have kept it, but giving it back to Egypt was the smart long term move.

The peace treaty with Egypt was well worth it.

Of course. Had Israel not given it back, Egypt would've had no choice but to remain in the confrontational camp. Sometime in the 1980s there would've been a tremendous war, dwarfing all previous ones in terms of casualties, destruction and world economic impact.

..the Palestinian population is growing and growing....

So is the Israeli population and they have orders of magnitude more strength....Some have been leaving but the rest could be forced out.
noir wrote:I don't think it's possible.

Owing to a combination of factors, it's more likely now or in the fairly near future than in the past. First, Israel's growing population needs more turf. Second, since arab states are in a shambles or internally preoccupied, Israel can do anything with virtually no risk of outside arab intervention. Third, Israel's government has shifted well to the right. Lastly, Israel's toadies here will stand up for that country no matter what. All Israel has to do is wait for some pretext and then carry out ethnic cleansing of the territories under the guise of "fighting terror" or "fighting ISIS." It would incur opposition here but not real resistance.
Israel depends on American UN veto. You need to ask would or wouldn't American accept it. Many Israel critics in the world do not understannd how Israel is depended on UN. Unlike, the super powers, Israel can not do as it wish. In 1948 was unique situation, because the Israelis coppied allied (or Soviets) actions against the Germans. It seems then right thing because the Palestinians were no the Nazi side (the Mufti). Today they have hugh stand in the international arena.

Personally, I believe they should be removed from the land.
noir wrote:Israel depends on American UN veto. You need to ask would or wouldn't American accept it.

If Israel had a pretext for ethnic cleansing and timed it carefully, to coincide with a US election year (just like the '56 war) the incumbent administration would probably be compelled to exercise the veto, even if Israel went very far. In any case, the UN is irrelevant as long as the foremost superpower continues to back Israel like it does.

Today they have hugh stand in the international arena.

Unfortunately for the Palestinians, if they don't have a major power behind them, like Israel does, world sympathy isn't worth a hill of beans. Other than making noise, their supporters can't really do much.

Personally, I believe they should remove from the land.

And this will probably happen in coming years. It may occur after Abbas is gone, increasing the likelihood of trouble in which Israel gets an excuse to act.
I don't think it will happen. Already wrote that their situation is the best among the non oil Arabs. Decky dismisses my words as propaganda. But I live here in Israel and can see (right now around me in the university) how much they have in Israel in education, health, housing, social rights and nurition. Israel can't expel them either because not all the Pals are bad! You need to see Israeli hospitals how many caring Arab nurses and doctors there is. Who are you going to expel? It's unresolved problem.
The ideal solution is for the west bank to be part of Jordan and for Gaza to be part of Egypt

they cant really have a state that will function properly when Gaza and WB are seperated and when considering the fact that in terms of economy they dont really have anything to offer it will be another failed state.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The ideal solution is for the west bank to be part of Jordan and for Gaza to be part of Egypt

they cant really have a state that will function properly when Gaza and WB are separated and when considering the fact that in terms of economy they don't really have anything to offer it will be another failed state.

Both Korea & Germany have been divided so it is conceivable. But obviously not desirable for them. Anymore than living as provinces in Jordan and Egypt; they have the right to self-determination which would be violated by not letting them have their own state which they consistently poll as in favour of.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Palestine is a fake entity they could change their mind tomorrow and not demand a state of their own if outside powers would stop encouraging them to do that

All nation-states are 'fake' as they're an artificial concept. Why are you picking on Palestinians and saying only THEY can't have their own state?
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Palestine is a fake entity they could change their mind tomorrow and not demand a state of their own if outside powers would stop encouraging them to do that

NO more so than any other state,

Why Israeli refuses to recognise basic rights of the population of the west bank. For example the related building of settlements on privately owned Palestinian land about 1/3 IIRC, just out right theft which is actively colluded with the Government, funded by, supported by Politicians and getting the nod from the IDF, basically if you are a Palestinian in the west bank, you have no property rights, if a group of Jewish Settlers decide to take your land, thats it.

The oppressive nature of the occupation is pretty in the Palestinian faces.

The Isralei state is very compliment in the abrogation of basic human rights, any population subject to this treatment will desire some form f independence.

Palestinian Nationalism is not a creation of outside powers, but Israeli oppression.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The ideal solution is for the west bank to be part of Jordan and for Gaza to be part of Egypt

Fantasy. Neither Egypt nor Jordan claim those areas. There are only two possibilities--a Palestinian state or eventual Israeli takeover; the latter being more likely...

they cant really have a state that will function properly when Gaza and WB are seperated

West and East Pakistan were once separated, as was East Prussia from the rest of Germany and Alaska from the lower 48.

and when considering the fact that in terms of economy they dont really have anything to offer it will be another failed state.

Singapore and Hong Kong didn't have much to offer either but their citizens found a way. :)
starman2003 wrote:Fantasy. Neither Egypt nor Jordan claim those areas. There are only two possibilities--a Palestinian state or eventual Israeli takeover; the latter being more likely...

West and East Pakistan were once separated, as was East Prussia from the rest of Germany and Alaska from the lower 48.

Singapore and Hong Kong didn't have much to offer either but their citizens found a way. :)

East Pakistan no longer exist today its Bangladesh. and prussia is today part of Poland and Russia.
bad examples mate

you cant compare the East Asian culture to the backward Arab culture

I can guarantee you they will achieve nothing you just need to look at the surrounding Muslim countries that dont have oil to know that they will be another low income and unstable state
Zionist Nationalist wrote:East Pakistan no longer exist today its Bangladesh. and prussia is today part of Poland and Russia.

I can assure you I realize that...I only wanted to make the point that countries consisting of geographically separated parts is nothing new.

bad examples mate

Alaska and the lower 48 may be better...

I can guarantee you they will achieve nothing you just need to look at the surrounding Muslim countries that dont have oil to know that they will be another low income and unstable state

Lebanon would've been OK had it not been so heterogeneous. A Palestinian state would be homogeneous. Also, the Palestinians tend to be better educated and more sophisticated than most other arabs. I think they'd do OK--not that they'll get the chance of course....

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