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How do you interpret why it was the "National-socialist German workers party"?
It would appear, at least for public consumption, Hitler wanted a unique combination of nationalism and socialism. Nationalism had to take precedence in his mind during that period of history and would dictate his early actions in achieving his goals. I suppose he could have meant a world wide Germany that he would then make Socialist. I just find the name intriguing and would appreciate your comments specifically to why that name may have been chosen? I did read through all the previous comments rapidly so I apologize if I overlooked a direct response to this.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Part ... .80.931923

Hitler had nothing do with the title. It was Anton Drexler doing. Hitler was pretty unconcerned about the party platform the 25 points it was never revised or really a basis of policy. The Fuhrer principle was what Hitler really cared about. The guff passing as the party platform was irrelevant grab bag , a music mash of half completed thoughts that was never revised or implemented. People like Drexler and Rosenberg the early thinkers/ideologues of the Nazi party were always very marginal and ignored. Theory was for marxists, fascists believed in action.

The Nazi support was middle class, the middle class whose savings had been destroyed the hyper inflation of the early-20's . members were a vague collection of unemployed soldiers and cranks,

Hitler and the Nazis were closely allied to big Business who funded their electoral campaigns in the 1930's and the right wing parties were their allies.

Reparations were indefinitely suspended Before the Nazis came to power.
The officer class of the German military still didn't embrace Nazism after Hitler was named chancellor of Germany and Hitler's party was largely supported by the working class. The German elites were somewhat disdainful of Hitler and his henchmen who were known to be crude and violent. And the early party platform was designed to attract working class voters with perks such as paid overseas vacations for ethnic German workers. The Nazi party later deviated from the socialist way as it became too busy with war-making but some lucky German workers were able to move to middle-class houses confiscated from German Jews. We cannot underestimate working class racism and the Democratic Party used to be the political wing of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in the pre-war era.
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 11 Dec 2016 08:15, edited 1 time in total.
The officer class of the German military still didn't embrace Nazism and Hitler's party was largely supported by the working class. The German elites were somewhat disdainful of Hitler and his henchmen who were known to be crude and violent. And the early party platform was designed to attract working class voters with perks such as paid overseas vacations for ethnic German workers.

Actually, the primary social base of support for Nazism came from the lower-middle classes, along with a few significant sections of the working class. In other words, Nazism had essentially the same social support base which Thatcherism had in Britain in the 1980s (though of course Thatcherism was significantly less virulent than Nazism). The Junckers, as you pointed out, were generally disdainful of the Nazis but most of the traditional ruling class were willing to go along with this 'Nazism' thing so long as it produced good results for the German nation against its enemies. After Stalingrad, of course, even that lukewarm support for Nazism among the Junckers ebbed away, and Hitler decimated the Junckers as a class after the failure of the Generals' Plot. Ironically, the present egalitarianism of German society is a direct consequence of Hitler's actions against the Juncker class in his last couple of years. But the overwhelming basis of support for the Nazi movement, and most of their membership, came from the petty-bourgeoisie, the lower-middle classes who had been pauperised by the effects of WWI and the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic. They felt threatened by the radicalised working classes and they resented the Junckers and the big bourgeoisie. These social and political attitudes were given flesh by the Nazi Party, which enacted the vindictive will of the alienated petty-bourgeoisie.
The Army sort of made a deal with the Nazis, they wouldn't worry about whatever Hitler did politically and they would get lot s lots of funding. The Nights of the Long Knives was about settling the tension between the SA and the Army, Hitler wanted the Army on side and eliminating the leadership of the SA. It also eliminated the former General and former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher who was looking for to establish some sort of right wing dictatorship himself.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_ ... and_the_SA
Marx was wrong! He was a false prophet or at the very least a mistaken one. The separation of humanity into two international classes fighting out some modern version of Ragnarok to end history never happened. Manchester Liberalism was dead long before the first world war. In much of the industrialised world it never happened, but on the battle fields of the first world war all illusions of international class solidarity died. From the top to the bottom of society people chose to side with their own nation, not with their own inter European socio economic class.

To win in this great struggle of nations, and it should be noted that the first world war was only a bigger scale of what we had already seen in the Balkan wars, you had to adopt national socialism. This is all national socialism is: the mobilisation of the nation for the victory of the nation. The Nazis just practised an intensification of what Germany, France and Britain had done in the first world war. Just look at "Liberal" Britain led by Liberal Lord George with its blockades, if that's not an offense against the free trade principle I don't know what is, conscription, taxes, massive government borrowing, debasement of the currency and rationing. And then of course there was all the pensions, the widows pensions and the disability benefits. The British elite, the new money and the old, were pissing away their inheritance like there was no tomorrow. Lloyd George's rule was the very negations of Manchester Liberalism, the very negation of Marx's notion of the dictatorship of the Bourgeois.

Britain experienced a revolution in 1914-18, a revolution from the top that was only partly rolled back in when the war ended. The Tsar was overthrown largely because he failed to institute a national socialist revolution in Russia. Germany, whose struggle was more desperate than Britain's went further. When Kaiser Wilhelm said ich kenne nur noch Deutsche!, it wasn't just empty propaganda, He didn't just choose nation over class, he chose nation over family. He allowed Lenin to cross Germany, the man who would murder his cousin the Tsar, his cousin the Tsarina and all of their children.
Rich wrote:He allowed Lenin to cross Germany, the man who would murder his cousin the Tsar, his cousin the Tsarina and all of their children.

Of course the Kaiser could not have expected that as an outcome. He probably expected Lenin to cause some trouble, get caught and then be executed. If he had a magic crystal ball that could see the future then I suspect he would not have approved the mission, particularly since it eventually led to the USSR taking a third of Germany in final days of WW2.
The main point is the complete lack of any international class solidarity, or any interactional liberal or international conservative solidarity. If Marxist, or indeed later libertarian propaganda was true then November 1917 would surly have been the time for the allies and central powers to put aside their conflict and unite against the Bolshevik enemy. Churchill might have ranted and raved about the Bolshevik baboons taking over, but he wasn't prepared to seek an immediate cessation of hostilities with Germany so these Baboons could be dealt with. The Commie apologists love to go on about the nineteen (or what ever figure they like to quote) invading armies as a justification for why the Bolsheviks turned Russia into a hell hole, but the real truth is that there was no serious invasion by any of the great powers.

It should be noted that the new nations like Poland preferred the Bolsheviks to White rule, again nationalism trumping nay notions of international class or ideological considerations.

Of course the socialism of the first world war, which the Nazis extended wasn't an egalitarian socialism, but it was socialism nevertheless and the cross class solidarity engendered by this deep and profound sense of shared struggle and shared sacrifice were genuine. The attempt by people in 2016 to project their own parochial ideological concerns, what about my Capital gains tax cut, what my minimum wage increase, on to the Nazis and their opponents is rather silly.
Of course the Kaiser could not have expected that as an outcome. He probably expected Lenin to cause some trouble, get caught and then be executed. If he had a magic crystal ball that could see the future then I suspect he would not have approved the mission, particularly since it eventually led to the USSR taking a third of Germany in final days of WW2.

As I've said before, the British are a bunch of bumbling idiots, but if you want to really fuck things up, you need a German. :lol:
As I've said before, the British are a bunch of bumbling idiots, but if you want to really fuck things up, you need a German. :lol:

So that is why everyone wanted their share of Germans after WWII.
Since I have adopted Volidiots, I have decided to become pro German.
Sorry, was not clear. I adopted it as now being an English word.
B0ycey wrote:Ha Ha ha. You have adopted you are an idiot. Fantastic. Did a German say that was a positive word?

Actually he hasn't. Vollidiot doesn't mean "you're an idiot," it means "full-idiot," "über-idiot," or "supreme idiot." He just adopted the word to use it on, well, idiots. ;) The superior precision of German language cannot be duplicated, you see, so you have to use its termini technici.
So, was Nazi ideology based on Marxist ideas or not? I'm not talking about its actual manifestation (we all know how well this worked out for Communism, after all), just the ideas themselves.
One Degree wrote:Sorry, was not clear. I adopted it as now being an English word.

Because moron will not do... Why adopt a German word when there is an English alternative? And there are better German words to adopt if your are going to turn Pro-German. Deutschland perhaps?
B0ycey wrote:Why adopt a German word when there is an English alternative?

The superior precision of German language cannot be duplicated, you see, so you have to use its termini technici.
I like being multicultural in my insults and I just liked the sound of it. Are you attempting to suppress my freedom of speech? 8)

Edit: And what Frollein said. :D
One Degree wrote:I like being multicultural in my insults and I just liked the sound of it. Are you attempting to suppress my freedom of speech? 8)

The way you wrote it to me made it sound like you called yourself a complete moron. Frollein, being fluent in German says you didn't. I'd listen to her more than me. Her English is far better than my German. I suppose that is why you shouldn't mix two words from different languages into one complete sentence. And yes, feel free to call yourself a moron or Vollidiot.
Thank you, but I have always been comfortable with my volidiotness. :lol: Spellcheck says I meant to type 'stolidness'. How German of them.
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