The Establishment Calls it Like it is; Trump Can't Take it - Politics | PoFo

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Trump is, to put it mildly, thin skinned. He is POTUS and, as such, subjected to intense scrutiny. Goes with the territory. Part of the job description. Obama was attacked endlessly for eight years. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was the first president ever to never ever get anything right. Trump's response to intense media scrutiny was to declare war on the "enemy of the people", the media. Trump has obviously made some mistakes and, when these are pointed out by the media, two one size fits all defenses are trotted out: fake news and sour grapes from Hillary supporters over their loss. JFK possessed a brilliant wit and, I suspect, would have dismissed media scrutiny with a couple of one liners. Not Trump, he, obviously, can't take it.

Now, as the Trump soap opera grinds on, we have unfolding what I will name, in extremely bad taste, Russiagate.

Trump has alienated the guys and gals with the goods.
The intelligence community.
They will have their knives out for a man who they dislike; a man who has committed a traitorous act with an avowed enemy. Information will keep coming out. This is at the beginning. It's why Trump and his people are so adamant in their ineffective denials.

As the story unfolds, Trump's henchmen will jump ship to save themselves. They'll cut deals and give up their captain.

And, as the scandal grows, the public will choke on it; the Democrats will take the House of Representatives and then the investigation will break the dam.

Twenty six months for Nixon to fall.

The clock has already started on Trump.
I don't think it will take 26 months.

In an effort to preemptively discredit those who could potentially give Trump and his band of merry men the blackest eyes, Trump has also given those reason to go after him. He's insulted the various US intelligence agencies, the newspapers and their reporters, and judges.

These people will work overtime for free to bring down the Trump.

I favour starting with Rex Tillerson. Stop him before he does damage you cannot undo.
jimjam wrote: Trump has alienated the guys and gals with the goods.
The intelligence community.
They will have their knives out for a man who they dislike; a man who has committed a traitorous act with an avowed enemy. Information will keep coming out. This is at the beginning. It's why Trump and his people are so adamant in their ineffective denials.

As the story unfolds, Trump's henchmen will jump ship to save themselves. They'll cut deals and give up their captain.

And, as the scandal grows, the public will choke on it; the Democrats will take the House of Representatives and then the investigation will break the dam.

Twenty six months for Nixon to fall.

The clock has already started on Trump.

I really love reading your post history since this election started, you are that "Increasingly nervous man who says Donald Trump is doomed for the 26th time" seen everywhere on the media. Trumps campaign has really done a number on you if you think the Democrat Party, which won't win white working class votes for the next 8 years, will ever take any House :lol:

You are done, and I'd really like to thank you for trashing what respect people have left for Americas constitutional Republic. The post-Trump right will have zero respect for discourse with your side (or for annoying democratic principles), enjoy the last decade with spineless Republicans.

You are creating the evil fascist boogeyman you so desperately crave to validate your painfully cringe-worthy ""civil disobedience".

Cheers, I couldn't thank boomers with the foresight of a molerat any more for making Christmas come true ;)
^ This is pretty much the same sort of post that some Republicans made for the first 7.5 years of the Bush 2nd's reign. My, were their faces during the last 6 months.

More Trickle Down economics. More spending after tax cuts. More deregulation, esp of banks. And now they're getting publically cosy with the biggest crooks in Eurasia. Well, in the case of Trump's buddy, Wilbur Ross, the New Secretary of Commerce, it's just another day at office.
Bridgeburner wrote:I really love reading your post history since this election started, you are that "Increasingly nervous man who says Donald Trump is doomed for the 26th time" seen everywhere on the media. Trumps campaign has really done a number on you if you think the Democrat Party, which won't win white working class votes for the next 8 years, will ever take any House :lol:

You are done, and I'd really like to thank you for trashing what respect people have left for Americas constitutional Republic. The post-Trump right will have zero respect for discourse with your side (or for annoying democratic principles), enjoy the last decade with spineless Republicans.

You are creating the evil fascist boogeyman you so desperately crave to validate your painfully cringe-worthy ""civil disobedience".

Cheers, I couldn't thank boomers with the foresight of a molerat any more for making Christmas come true ;)

That's good son. I see you bill yourself as a "libertarian" which is smart because they pretty much get nothing done and, it seems, only a special few even know what they stand for. But, you have potential. Keep at it and you may find yourself hosting the balanced portion of Fox's "fair and balanced" show.
Donald seems to be coming in at around 70% lies on various fact checking Lie-O-Meters. (this is, of course, fake news :lol: ) Management coming from the top down .......... Donald's minions understand that lies are no longer lies. They are simply (one of my favorite things of all) "alternative facts". Accordingly we have seen no shortage of lies amongst Donald's fellow swamp rats: Jefferson Davis Beauregard Sessions currently occupying the spot light is accompanied by Scott Pruitt, Tom Price, Steve Mnuchin, and, of course, Mike Flynn.

Trump, the man who said "I haven't called Russia in ten years" and, also ran the Miss Universe contest in Moscow three years ago, has lies too numerous to catalogue and is the clear champion.

What's the point? Well WTF good are people who reside in the grey world of "alternate facts"? No fucking good at all because their words are untrue and, hence, meaningless.

Yes, yes, yes ............... all politicians lie but this is an all time and pathetic low.
jimjam wrote:Trump is, to put it mildly, thin skinned. He is POTUS and, as such, subjected to intense scrutiny. Goes with the territory. Part of the job description. Obama was attacked endlessly for eight years. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was the first president ever to never ever get anything right. Trump's response to intense media scrutiny was to declare war on the "enemy of the people", the media. Trump has obviously made some mistakes and, when these are pointed out by the media, two one size fits all defenses are trotted out: fake news and sour grapes from Hillary supporters over their loss. JFK possessed a brilliant wit and, I suspect, would have dismissed media scrutiny with a couple of one liners. Not Trump, he, obviously, can't take it.

Now, as the Trump soap opera grinds on, we have unfolding what I will name, in extremely bad taste, Russiagate.

Trump has alienated the guys and gals with the goods.
The intelligence community.
They will have their knives out for a man who they dislike; a man who has committed a traitorous act with an avowed enemy. Information will keep coming out. This is at the beginning. It's why Trump and his people are so adamant in their ineffective denials.

As the story unfolds, Trump's henchmen will jump ship to save themselves. They'll cut deals and give up their captain.

And, as the scandal grows, the public will choke on it; the Democrats will take the House of Representatives and then the investigation will break the dam.

Twenty six months for Nixon to fall.

The clock has already started on Trump.

Yeah but to such a degree? it seems like people literally have made it their job to personally assassinate Trump's character and they have basically created a hate campaign of constant vitriolic of hate for him and his presidency. It's a little absurd and after a while the all of the most strident criticisms of Trump perhaps should maybe look in the mirror a bit at times simply for equal measure.

Oh course uh...I am not necessarily a Trump supporter. I am not super up to date with everything that goes on with American politics as I am Canadian but yet at times all of the naysayers seem a little hypocritical at times. I laugh at most of what the media says as it's so far removed from the general public that I think most of what's covered is mostly their own agenda at this point. I guess for myself I am just glad that at least someone is standing up to the Establishment, even if I don't agree with their politics.

It's honestly just a popcorn fest at this point anyway. I don't want to seriously upset anyone but part of me feels that the whole Western continent has been mass afflicted with some sort of cultural malaise and sickness or something. I don't see anything positive to look forward. I know that a lot of liberals think that it's positive to be internationalist but I think they take it to such an extreme extent that now we're facing the backlashes of those actions. And of course, good luck disagreeing with ANYONE, the politics have become so polarized that it's just a maelstrom of civil panic and chaos no whatever what happens.
Godstud wrote:People don't need to assassinate Trump's character. He does such a good job on his own. He makes himself hated with his constant lies and verbal diarrhea.

But he's not lying, that's the thing... :eh:

I live in the West, I've experienced much of what he talks about by first hand accounts. If you somehow do not completely adhere or agree now with this populous doctrine, however it is that you define it, then they will somehow attempt to silence you. It's become so politically incorrect and are I say intellectual that you might as will call the act of behaving out of turn with all of this a "thought crime" but I think that it's the symptom a really sick an dysfunctional (an corrupt) society. It's hard to really explain or understand the psychological an social underpinning; but that's the thing, how do you understand phenomenon's like that?

I mean, I've lived in one of the supposedly most "liberal" places in Canada an I experienced it first hand myself. It was one of the most paradoxical an hypocritical places in turns of the lifestyles and views it preached then in comparison to the business that it's practiced. It was one of the most intolerant, racist and bigoted places I ever lived, but more or less the offenses of this like to imply psychological abusive tactics; more or less trying to confuse and gas light individuals (because they are after all, an enlightened an intelligent cum laud class of super smart genius elites) an thus attempt these techniques as when they find a heretic obvious this person does not "get it" an is of a weaker moral fiber. Or at least, in a more subtle and discrete way this is how you attempt to discriminate in the 21st century.

Even the cops were corrupt there. They are crazy, lol. (I feel sorry for them because I think they all drank from the same kool aid :excited: ) i don't like to use my own personal experiences as much but I was just completely shocked by what I experience.
Last edited by NightShadows on 04 Mar 2017 11:42, edited 3 times in total.
jimjam wrote:Twenty six months for Nixon to fall.

The clock has already started on Trump.

Well Nixon became Vice President in January 1953, so I'd argue his fall took considerably longer than twenty six months. What would be really nice is see Pence resign and be replaced by Bannon. Wouldn't it be great if Trump chose Pence because he knew that Putin had dirt on him.

I know the Cultural Marxists, most of the left, the Hilaryites, the Neo cons and the deep state have all jumped into bed together, but the forces of good are not completely defenceless. :)
Rich wrote:What would be really nice is see Pence resign and be replaced by Bannon.

That would certainly deter people from impeaching him.

But Trump needs Pence. He is the only connection between Trump and the GOP.
Rich wrote:Well Nixon became Vice President in January 1953, so I'd argue his fall took considerably longer than twenty six months. What would be really nice is see Pence resign and be replaced by Bannon. Wouldn't it be great if Trump chose Pence because he knew that Putin had dirt on him.

I know the Cultural Marxists, most of the left, the Hilaryites, the Neo cons and the deep state have all jumped into bed together, but the forces of good are not completely defenceless. :)

Yeah what is with this? they really do seem like they've all joined forces as this point and more or less simply different faces of the seven headed Hydra?

I still consider myself to be left leaning but I've since had to sort of temporarily leave much of the left I think s that camp has been filled with people with their own agenda's and means to an end an are simply using the vehicle of liberalism for their own agenda's or something I am starting to think at this point.

I mean I am sorry guys, but deciding to have absolutely no borders and attempting to de-stabilize a major super power is kind of crazy I think. I know that in this post-globalist day and age where countries, cultures and even borders cease to exist since we have now been magically transport in a merely under close to a decades time into a prosperous egalitarian and utopian world, but I am pretty sure that it will just end up like Rome and we'll for sure lose all our rights and get taken over by some other country. I'm sure all of the West's enemies would jump at that opportunity. I mean I look at the french revolution in the 1800s and obviously that didn't really work either.
Rugoz wrote:He's constantly bullshitting. How can you even miss that.

When you are constantly attacked by bullshit artists then you can either ignore it or fight back with bullshit of your own. Being calm, collected, and reasonable just makes you an easier target. We have two sides trying to 'out bullshit' one another. :(
I guess it's just neo-liberalism either way, lol.

Yes, we should gas-light them all back. The sad thing is aligning with it only makes you a pawn of the inevitable New World Order; which will like, only turn out to be like some totalitarian hell. It will be like A Brave New World/1984. It's sad because the people who like this remind of like surrogate naked mole rat pets do their slave masters who are like relish in their collective servitude or something. I personally get it, but they'll reality go away :excited:
One Degree wrote:When you are constantly attacked by bullshit artists then you can either ignore it or fight back with bullshit of your own. Being calm, collected, and reasonable just makes you an easier target. We have two sides trying to 'out bullshit' one another.

Here we go, the victim playing starts again.

First of all he's the fucking POTUS, second he was the biggest bullshitter of all presidential candidates. By bullshitting by the way I mean making stuff up out of thin air. He literally invents crap and sells it as the truth.

What message does that send to politicians when Americans elect a pathological liar? Well, that it pays off. Expect more of that behavior in the future. You get what you deserve.
Rugoz wrote:Here we go, the victim playing starts again.

First of all he's the fucking POTUS, second he was the biggest bullshitter of all presidential candidates. By bullshitting by the way I mean making stuff up out of thin air. He literally invents crap and sells it as the truth.

What message does that send to politicians when Americans elect a pathological liar? Well, that it pays off. Expect more of that behavior in the future. You get what you deserve.

You seem to want to ignore the fact that what Trump has done has worked. :?: His outrageous behavior has forced his opposition to expose their bias through their own outrageous behavior. Americans clearly prefer Trump to the liberal media. Their lies have been exposed. You simply want to continue believing in past lies while rejecting the new ones. :lol: The Liberal ideology contains more lies than Trump could ever tell. For example: Globalization is about equality. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have a feeling this one will be a big deal, guys. It's almost exactly what Nixon did. The left will not accept this and will keep going on about Russians, which will basically force Trump to do things that dilute the hysteric Russo-phobic headlines. It's going to be an "unstoppable force meets immovable object" scenario because the left will respond with more panic about Russia.
Last edited by Hong Wu on 04 Mar 2017 14:07, edited 1 time in total.
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