Demo in London against Fascism. Saturday September 20th - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Rei Murasame wrote:Using the 'rape always happens in war' defence is difficult for you to make in peace time. It's fun to know that I can always count on you to come in and support the opposition at any random moment though.

This is why when it comes to threads like this, it's always me alone. And that is the least complicated way, Rich, since I have to keep reminding you that I do not need your 'help'.
I wasn't trying to help you. You're happy to pour money into and defend Sunni Muslim terrorist regimes in the Gulf and Asia. So if you're happy to support murdering terrorist rapists when it suits your purposes, why shouldn't lefties defend rapists over here. Its not just Arabs but Indo-Aranains who have been terribly bighted by our policies. Polices you have supported to the hilt ever since America came into serous conflict with Russia.

I don't mind you putting your hopes for Japanese (re) expansion above all else. Everyone has their favourite causes, for the leftie liberals, its the Muslims that they love above all others including themselves. However I'm not gong to let you get away with you presenting your volte face as some sort of spurious European supremacism.
Rich wrote:I wasn't trying to help you.

Good, just making sure that we are on the same page, then.

Rich wrote:You're happy to pour money into and defend Sunni Muslim terrorist regimes in the Gulf and Asia.

Such as? Are you still complaining about people who buy oil from Saudi Arabia?

Rich wrote:Its not just Arabs but Indo-Aranains who have been terribly bighted by our policies. Polices you have supported to the hilt ever since the America came into conflict with Russia.

Yes, and since you've decided to go Russian like a complete sellout, there's scarcely any reason for me to even talk to you these days.

Rich wrote:However I'm not gong to let you get away with you presenting your volte face as some sort of spurious European supremacism.

I don't think I've tried to present it as such. I support the UK's objectives in the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, for a specific reason which is in line with my world view. The development of productive forces must take place, and strategic objectives must be met, which help East Asia to advance at the same time.

  • You accuse me of having my own ulterior ethnic motives for being loyal to the UK.
  • I accuse you of being a total traitor to UK.

Which do you think is worse?

Ask any of the British forum members which one of us they trust to have their back, and you'll find out.
#14468626, 10:53 Tuesday 23 September 2014

Golden Dawn figures jailed for attempted murder.
Former central committee member Vasilis Siatounis sentenced to 11.5 years' imprisonment
Author: Damian Mac Con Uladh

Court finds Vasilis Siatounis and Athanasios Stratos guilty of participating in a gang attack on the Antipnoia anarchist space in Kato Petralona in 2008, in which a Greek and a Spanish national were stabbed

A Golden Dawn street gang

An Athens court on Monday handed a former member of Golden Dawn’s central committee and local election candidate for the neonazi party a 11½-year prison sentence after it found him and an accomplice guilty of attempted murder and the possession and use of weapons.

The Athens mixed jury court found Vasilis Siatounis and Athanasios Stratos guilty of participating in a gang attack on the Antipnoia anarchist space in Kato Petralona on 30 June 2008, in which a Greek and a Spanish national were stabbed. Stratos received a 13½-year prison sentence for his role in the attack.

Four people were attending a Spanish language course at the centre, when a man wearing a helmet entered the room yelling “Greetings from Golden Dawn! You're going to die, w*nkers!” He was followed by a group of 10-15 people holding knives and batons, who, following orders, set about attacking those inside, wounding two people, one of them seriously. According to the prosecutor, the room was left “covered in blood and unrecognisable” after the “cowardly invasion”.

Identifying Stratos as his assailant, one of the victims said he was hit on the head with a chair and was stabbed in the knee and buttocks. He subsequently spent 20 days in hospital and required eight blood transfusions.

The Spanish teacher, who identified Siatounis as her attacker, said the first blow of the knife cut her trousers. She still wonders what would have happened to her had the leader of the attack not issued the order “time up”.

When they took the stand, the defendants contradicted previous statements in which they admitted taking part in a Golden Dawn motorcade to distribute flyers. In that earlier testimony, they claimed never to have entered the centre and fled the scene in panic when they realised that an attack was taking place.

When a lawyer representing the victims asked to read out the defendants’ earlier statements to the court, their defence team objected, claiming that Golden Dawn lawyers had written them without their consent.

This was an attempt to disassociate Golden Dawn from the case, according to JailGoldenDawn, a lawyer’s initiative that monitors cases against members of the neonazi party.

JailGoldenDawn said that the prosecutor’s observation that the accused were not speaking freely because they feared for themselves and their families was “a direct reference to Golden Dawn’s mafia practices”, which it said are becoming more apparent at social and institutional and legal level.

After the attack, Golden Dawn denied that Siatounis and Stratos were not members of Golden Dawn, despite the claims otherwise of those engaging in “anti-Golden Dawn, antinationalist hysteria”. But according to a list of Golden Dawn central committee members from 2008 that was published in the Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper earlier this month, Siatounis was a member of the party’s highest council when the attack occurred.

He was also a candidate for the party in the 2010 Athens municipal elections and was subsequently appointed an advisor to Nikos Michaloliakos, Golden Dawn’s leader, who became a councillor in that election.

Originally classed as a misdemeanor, the criminal trial against the two men was postponed 12 times.
Fighting Fascism is certainly a worthy cause. However, the anti Fascist movement has, it would seem, of late, become a defender of Islam. As an anti Fascist my self, I see no reason to stand by something I see as nothing more than Fascism dressed up as a religion. If you are anti Fascist, you are a hypocrite if you defend Islam. If you are to kick Fascism out. Islam should be on the end of the same boot. Stop being so damned PC and open your eyes to that ugly great Mohammedan elephant in the room. If ever that creature gets its way, you'll be expected to assimilate like a good (allah fearing!) fascist or live in fear of your life as a non believer. You may be well meaning, for sure but, you've got this one oh so wrong!

No, not in the slightest. if you believe you have to defend a fascistic religious belief system just to conform to your own politically correct sensitivities then, you are missing a proverbial "elephant in the room". Wake up to it. Islam has no more place in western society than the next Hitler. That's not religious bigotry, it's reality.
Woody wrote:@Pants-of-dog

No, not in the slightest. if you believe you have to defend a fascistic religious belief system just to conform to your own politically correct sensitivities then, you are missing a proverbial "elephant in the room". Wake up to it. Islam has no more place in western society than the next Hitler. That's not religious bigotry, it's reality.

Well, since I have no need nor desire to defend any religious belief system ("fascistic" or not), then this criticism is irrelevant.

I will, however, criticise religious bigotry. While religious bigotry is a tradition in western society, culminating in Hitler, liberal democracies have rejected this intolerance in favour of religious freedom.

Mind you, civil liberties are a relatively new thing in western society, so you could easily get rid of religious freedom and still maintain western society. It would just be a reactionary and authoritarian government.

And it was also debunked.

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