"the Germans are bad, very bad" - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Dear Leader's stream-of-consciousness rants occasionally (if unintentionally) yield some interesting nuggets. Here he has hit paydirt. Ignore the fact that clean-up veteran Gary Cohn translated this into more soothing diplomatic language - Trump is close to right on this one.

The EU population is 500+ million. Even without the UK it will be ~445 million. Russia's is 143 million.

What this means is simple. The EU has the wherewithal to insure its own defense. Hints of a reduction in US commitment to NATO should be taken as an incentive not a threat.

Russia is not the ten-foot tall ogre many are hyping. Even with its natural resources it only has a GDP of $3.5T versus EUs GDP od $18+T, and a population less than half of that of the US. It has a substantial military, yes, and nuclear weapons, but let's be clear. It is not a conventional military threat to Europe, and will be at best a regional power - mostly to its southeast. The fact that Putin has picked off low-hanging fruit in the Crimea and Georgia should be no surprise to anyone.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, US involvement in NATO has not been about countering Russian hegemony. It's about countering German hegemony.

The real threat to Europe is not Russia. It's not even US disengagement. The real threat is a unified Germany.

Germany’s industrial policy and clout has impoverished the European “South” through enforced austerity and the imposition of the Euro, which makes German exports cheaper than they should be and the exports of Southern European more expensive than they should be.

Germany essentially runs the EU’s monetary policy at this point, a policy which has been in the self-perceived interests of Germany, and only coincidentally in any other country’s interest. (Something the French should get around to noticing, and stop kneepadding for the next German annexation of France, even if not in name.)

Germany is the actual threat to other European countries sovereignty. This might be acceptable if a German hegemon had a record of caring about what happens to non German countries, but the record is clear and visible on the ground in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece and even France, that it is not.

The Real Threat To Europe Is Neither America Nor Russia

The relationship between Germany and the other nations of the EU is not one of equality. It's not even first among equals. It's much closer to the relationship between the US and the rest of the Americas - with France playing the part of Canada.
quetzalcoatl wrote:Since the fall of the Soviet Union, US involvement in NATO has not been about countering Russian hegemony. It's about countering German hegemony.
The real threat to Europe is not Russia. It's not even US disengagement. The real threat is a unified Germany.

The real threat to the interests of Globalists is a union between Europe and Russia.
That is the reason why Globalists are so eager to start a new big fratricidal war and why they are waging a hate campaign against Russia.

quetzalcoatl wrote:The relationship between Germany and the other nations of the EU is not one of equality. It's not even first among equals. It's much closer to the relationship between the US and the rest of the Americas - with France playing the part of Canada.

"Equality" is a stupid term, invented by the leftists.
There cannot be any equality in nature, nature does not like equality.
People are not equal, cultures are not equal, ethnic groups are not equal.

Any attempts to force people into "equality" ended in artificially reducing them to the lowest common denominator, that is against the laws of nature.

And the irrational hate against Germans is a self-destructing hate.

They tried to destroy Germany after WWII (Morgenthau & Co), they planned to reduce the German population via starvation to about 20 Million, and convert it into an agrarian state.
But after some years even the most stupid German-Haters realised that they are digging their own grave, because Europe cannot survive without a strong Germany.

Now some crazy German-Haters and their Quislings try this Morgenthau-Plan (that was never officially abandoned, it was just shelved) again, because they are too stupid to learn from their own mistakes of the past.
They tried to destroy Germany after WWII (Morgenthau & Co), they planned to reduce the German population via starvation to about 20 Million, and convert it into an agrarian state.
But after some years even the most stupid German-Haters realised that they are digging their own grave, because Europe cannot survive without a strong Germany.

Now some crazy German-Haters and their Quislings try this Morgenthau-Plan (that was never officially abandoned, it was just shelved) again, because they are too stupid to learn from their own mistakes of the past.

Morgenthau. That's the classic Gobbles propaganda. He too was obsessed with him. Trump is of German origin but he's right the German elites are still menace to the world. The American Jewish author, Ben Hecht in 1961's Perfidy was right. He wrote,

Being assured by the Germans that they have reformed, the world has
dropped the whole subject of what made Hans and Fritz commit the greatest
mass horror in the pages of history. The only practical way yet discovered by
the world for curing its ills is to forget about them. And hope for the best.
I think otherwise about the Germans. They have not reformed. They are


@ArtAllm no offence. There is a book from 1940, that is before the Judeocide. The Jewish German born author wrote:


The propaganda in the six years of the National Socialist regime has so filled the nation, and especially the youth, with hostility to Jews that even under a changed regime the restoration of past conditions seems inconceivable.

He was right. The Germans even today can't stop hating them.
Last edited by noir on 01 Jun 2017 22:59, edited 1 time in total.
the imposition of the Euro

The Euro was France's idea. It was imposed on us, as a precondition for unification. But it wasn't imposed on anyone else, or do you claim that we forced Greece to cook the books with the help of Goldman Sachs to get admission to the Euro zone?

a policy which has been in the self-perceived interests of Germany, and only coincidentally in any other country’s interest.

:O You're right, we're so very, very evil. We should strive to be completely self-denying and only do what's best for everyone, just like the US does... no, wait...

:roll: Newsflash, every sane nation acts in its own self-interest.

I think otherwise about the Germans. They have not reformed. They are

If that was the case, we wouldn't suffer politicians who are shoveling shitloads of MENA savages into our country.
noir wrote:Morgenthau. That's the classic Gobbles propaganda. He too was obsessed with him.

You are playing the "guilt-by-association-card", and that is a fake argument or a logical fallacy.

An association fallacy is an informal inductive fallacy of the hasty-generalization or red-herring type and which asserts, by irrelevant association and often by appeal to emotion...
Guilt by association can sometimes also be a type of ad hominem fallacy, if the argument attacks a person because of the similarity between the views of someone making an argument and other proponents of the argument.[1]
An example of this fallacy would be "My opponent for office just received an endorsement from the Puppy Haters Association. Is that the sort of person you would want to vote for?"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associati ... ssociation

You are using the old and tired Hasbara-Tactic, that appeals to emotion, not to logic.
Gobbles was a bad guy, therefore Morgenthau must be a good and innocent guy.
In reality the racism of Morgenthau and his sadistic plan to reduce the German population (speak to kill innocent children) was received with outrage in the USA and around the Western world. This guy was eventually kicked out of his office by Truman.

Anthony Eden expressed his strong opposition to the plan and, with the support of some others, was able to get the Morgenthau Plan set aside in Britain. In the United States, Hull argued that nothing would be left to Germany but land, and only 60% of the Germans could live off the land, meaning 40% of the population would die.[19]
On May 10, 1945, Truman signed JCS 1067.[43] Ignoring the amendments to JCS 1067 that had been inserted by McCloy of the War Department, Morgenthau told his staff that it was a big day for the Treasury, and that he hoped that "someone doesn't recognize it as the Morgenthau Plan".[44]
In occupied Germany Morgenthau left a direct legacy through what in OMGUS commonly were called "Morgenthau boys". These were U.S. Treasury officials whom Dwight D. Eisenhower had "loaned" in to the Army of occupation.

These people ensured that the JCS 1067 was interpreted as strictly as possible. They were most active in the first crucial months of the occupation, but continued their activities for almost two years following the resignation of Morgenthau in mid-1945 and some time later also of their leader Colonel Bernard Bernstein, who was "the repository of the Morgenthau spirit in the army of occupation".[45]

Morgenthau had been able to wield considerable influence over Joint Chiefs of Staff Directive 1067.

JCS 1067 was a basis for U.S. occupation policy until July 1947, and like the Morgenthau Plan, was intended to reduce German living standards.
Lewis Douglas, chief adviser to General Lucius Clay, U.S. High Commissioner, denounced JCS Directive 1067 saying, "This thing was assembled by economic idiots. It makes no sense to forbid the most skilled workers in Europe from producing as much as they can in a continent that is desperately short of everything."[47] Douglas went to Washington in the hopes of having the directive revised but was unable to do so.

In view of the continued poverty and famine in Europe, and with the onset of the Cold War which made it important not to lose all of Germany to the communists, it was apparent by 1947 that a change of policy was required.

In July 1947, JCS 1067 was replaced by JCS 1779, which instead stated that "An orderly, prosperous Europe requires the economic contributions of a stable and productive Germany."[41]
Secretary of State George Marshall, citing "national security grounds", was able to convince President Harry S. Truman to remove JCS 1067, and replace it with JCS 1779.[40] JCS 1067 had then been in effect for over two years.

The "Morgenthau boys" resigned en masse when the JCS 1779 was approved, but before they went, the Morgenthau followers in the decartelization division of OMGUS accomplished one last task in the spring of 1947: the destruction of the old German banking system.[49]


Henry Morgenthau was de facto a Commie, like Harry Dexter White, they hoped that by imposing artificial starvation in the Western Zone, the Germans in the West would vote vor Commies. While in the Eastern Zone Stalin told to Germans that "Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain" and provided enough food, German children in West Germany were dying because of the artificial starvation and lack of medicine. Red Cross and other Humanitarian Organisations were forbidden from delivering help to the starving and dying sick German children in the Western Zones.

Communism was a project of Globalists, Harry Dexter White and Henry Morgenthau and their activity is a prove for that.

Harry Dexter White (October 9, 1892 – August 16, 1948) was an American economist and senior U.S. Treasury department official. Working closely with the Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., he helped set American financial policy toward the Allies of World War II while at the same time he passed numerous secrets to the Soviet Union.[1] He was the senior American official at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, that established the postwar economic order. He dominated the conference and imposed his vision of post-war financial institutions over the objections of John Maynard Keynes, the British representative.

At Bretton Woods, White was a major architect of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.


Let it sink:

The senior U.S. Treasury department official, who was a main architect of the of post-war Global Institutions, was a Soviet spy, and the sadist and German-Hater Henry Morgenthau was his helper!

USA was subverted by Commie-Globalists already before WWII, that is why "Uncle Joe", who killed millions of Russian Christians long before WWII, became an ally of the Christian USA.

And today the Neo-Commie-Globalists in the American "deep state" hate Russia so much, because Russian people rejected Communism and returned to their historical and national Christian values.
Last edited by ArtAllm on 01 Jun 2017 22:02, edited 2 times in total.
Frollein wrote:If that was the case, we wouldn't suffer politicians who are shoveling shitloads of MENA savages into our country.

Wrong. The Third Reich elites had their own internationalism, and deep affinity and solidarity with the Arab world and Islam. They even saw themselves as anti racists. Somehow the postwar Germans brought up by false perception that the Nazis were all Right Wing thugs.

The Nazi anti racism is the most surprising, here an excerpt from ground breaking study

noir wrote:Wrong. The Third Reich elites had their own internationalism, and deep affinity and solidarity with the Arab world and Islam. They even saw themselves as anti racists. Somehow the postwar Germans brought up by false perception that the Nazis were all Right Wing thugs.

The Nazi anti racism is the most surprising, here an excerpt from ground breaking study

You are promoting the old and tired CT about "Islamofashism", and that is sooo boring.
Do not watch Alex Jones, he is a shill or an idiot!

@ArtAllm, we are talking only about the German elites who are menace. The Israelis who are flocking to live there do it from the same reason all over the world ppl want to live there. Parasites. Germany is so rich country. So developed and orderly. None of them are working. They're all living by state benefit which they got monthly via the local "Job Center"

BTW, are there any German Christians who want to move to Israel?

Who needs whom?

Surely Germany is much better country!
Once again, leftists and the left wing media take what Trump says out of context.

We and Trump are used to it, and it doesn't diminish his credibility one bit. In fact it only diminishes the credibility of those who continue to perpetrate it.
Frollein wrote:Newsflash, every sane nation acts in its own self-interest.

See below
If that was the case, we wouldn't suffer politicians who are shoveling shitloads of MENA savages into our country.

You see how the idea of the first quote directly contradicts the idea of the second?

It's not really a contradiction, however. The politicians you condemn are doing exactly what they are supposed to do: acting in their own self-interest. Unfortunately, their self-interest and yours are quite different.

This not only applies to immigration. You personally gain nothing when Greece is bankrupted, but the German bankers who made the loans to Greece gain quite a bit. Incidentally, these loans were fraudulent on both sides. They were made by bankers who knew quite well they couldn't be repaid, and were entered into using willing Greek bankers as middlemen.

The Greek debt, for which Greek citizens are sacrificing their future, is mostly not Greek debt. That debt which Germany is demanding that they pay for, is money that the Greeks never got.

The Greek debt swindle was classic pass-through control fraud. In 2009 Greece's debt was $300 billion. It then "got" two huge bailouts in 2010 and 2012, of about $140 billion each. Less than 10% of that $275 billion was spent by the Greek government; more than 90% went directly and immediately to Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, and smaller amounts to hedge funds. Former Greek Labor and Social Security Minister Louka Katseli has given documentation that the Greek government actually got to spend or invest just 3% of that $275 billion.

The only banks which which were forced to write off their "Greek debt" were Greek banks; all of Wall Street and the London-centered banks got their toxic debt "assets" guaranteed 100% by this European bailout swindle. The Greek government was left with no alternative but borrow more to bail them out with $50 billion — so Greece's debt was increased when supposedly being reduced.

What Merkel is demanding Greece do is run a 4.5% budget surplus into the unknown future to pay this "debt." This is literally a death sentence for the Greek economy.

While this is not as blatant as US military action on behalf of the United Fruit Company, it is every bit as effective.

But what really puzzles me, @Frollein, is why you identify with this elite. Clearly they don't identify with you or the German volk in general.
quetzalcoatl wrote:See below

You see how the idea of the first quote directly contradicts the idea of the second?

Since I adressed the accusations of your cited source, the contradiction obviously was already in that piece. One of them has to be false, right? Glad you noticed.

It's not really a contradiction, however. The politicians you condemn are doing exactly what they are supposed to do: acting in their own self-interest. Unfortunately, their self-interest and yours are quite different.

But what really puzzles me, @Frollein, is why you identify with this elite. Clearly they don't identify with you or the German volk in general.

I don't. But you seem to equate "nation" with "population," which is obviously not the case and never has been. It's a fiction which the elites use to tell us that their interests and ours are the same. I didn't claim that they were acting in my interest, I was expressing surprise about the hypocrisy of your source that decried their behaviour as if everybody else wasn't doing the same.

There isn't much difference between feudalism and capitalism, no matter whether you call it a democracy and herd the cattle to the voting boxes every few years or not. Why do you think communism had such an appeal and still has despite having failed spectacularly several times by now?
quetzalcoatl wrote: Even with its natural resources it only has a GDP of $3.5T versus EUs GDP od $18+T, and a population less than half of that of the US.

Russias GDP is $1.3 trillion. It did once peak at $2.2 trillion, but I've no clue where your $3.5 trillion is coming from.
quetzalcoatl wrote:The relationship between Germany and the other nations of the EU is not one of equality. It's not even first among equals. It's much closer to the relationship between the US and the rest of the Americas - with France playing the part of Canada.

I think it's Austria that is Germany's Canada, or the Netherlands perhaps. Denmark and Sweden could be that too, or maybe Norway (not an EU-member), but I wonder how you named France. :?:

I'd say the relationship between Germany and France is much more like the relationship between the US and the EU.
noir wrote:Moved

@ArtAllm, we are talking only about the German elites who are menace.

And if non-Jews talk about the Jewish elite, they are called "wicked anti-Semites" who hate Jews for no reason.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable!

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Europeans are just lazy fucks who want uncle sam to do all the work for them and subside their little armies

Europeans are reluctant to start a new fratricidal war, killing each others, while their countries are literally invaded by the Third Wolrd.

So what is the use of even bigger armies?

We need an army to protect our boarders, not an aggressive army to fight wars 10 000 km from our boarders.

Nato should be abolished, and Russia should be a partner of Europeans.
That will be good for all White Christians.

If USrael wants to fight wars against the perceived enemies of Zionists, then they can do this with their own money and their own armies.

There are enough useful idiots in the USA, who call themsleves "Christian Zionists", who are ready to die for Israel. Europeans are just tired of wars, they are not idiots, because they know what a real war is. Americans are juvenile idiots, because their territory was never bombed into stone age, and never invaded.
Last edited by ArtAllm on 02 Jun 2017 16:30, edited 2 times in total.
Thompson_NCL wrote:Russias GDP is $1.3 trillion. It did once peak at $2.2 trillion, but I've no clue where your $3.5 trillion is coming from.

I'm using the GDP PPP number (purchasing power parity). Admittedly, these are somewhat artificial numbers, but they give a reasonable basis for comparison.


Beren wrote:
I'd say the relationship between Germany and France is much more like the relationship between the US and the EU.

Canada is US's second largest trading partner. Likewise, France for Germany. Admittedly, the balance of trade relationship is reversed here, but is also reversed in the EU/US trade relationship. Perhaps you could expand on your analogy?
Last edited by quetzalcoatl on 02 Jun 2017 16:47, edited 1 time in total.
quetzalcoatl wrote:Canada is US's second largest trading partner. Likewise, France for Germany. Admittedly, the balance of trade relationship is reversed here, but is also reversed in the EU/US trade relationship. Perhaps you could expand on your analogy?

Generally speaking their influence and power (within the EU) relate to each other as that of the US and the EU rather than that of the US and Canada. Or France is even more influential and powerful perhaps.
ArtAllm wrote:And if non-Jews talk about the Jewish elite, they are called "wicked anti-Semites" who hate Jews for no reason. The hypocrisy is unbelievable!

The elites behave as elites because that is what elites do. It's self-defeating (from your standpoint) to emphasize the ethnic angle, especially given European history. You end up gaining very little traction.
Nato should be abolished, and Russia should be a partner of Europeans.
That will be good for all White Christians.

Europeans can partner with Russia if they like. Just remember they are no more your friend than they are of the United States.

If USrael wants to fight wars against the perceived enemies of Zionists, then they can do this with their own money and their own armies.

There are enough useful idiots in the USA, who call themsleves "Christian Zionists", who are ready to die for Israel.

I don't deny they are idiots. It is a specific American "thing" associated with Evangelicals.
noir wrote:Blame in on your elites. They never saw any wrong with Muslims.

European politicians who tried/try to preserve their countries are immediately called "Racists", "Nazis", "Islamophobes", and some of them, like Haider, even died under very strange circumstances.

I have already posted quotes of Jewish leaders who say that they support the Muslim migration to Europe and Germany, but if this is not enough for you, there more proves:

Barbara Spectre speak in the name of Jews, and she says that Jews are playing a leading role in the transformation of Europe into "multicultural" mode.
And this women says that Europe can only survive if there are a lot of Muslims in Europe.

On the other hand this Israeli citizens does not support any transformation of Israel into a multucultural mode.

ArtAllm wrote:On the other hand this Israeli citizens does not support any transformation of Israel into a multucultural mode. Why?
Wow. Nice way to insult all the Jews in the forum (there are more than you think) in one post. To answer your question, it is because the Israeli government is made up of imperialists who prefer subjugation over integration.
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