Fair And Balanced Fake News - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Fox News is not news, any more than right-wing talk radio is news. Together, they represent the propaganda wing of corporate and Republican interests. They are utterly corrupt in that regard, and somewhere down the line, both will have to go. Their very purpose is anti-American, in spite of the faux patriotism they blather.

Many people who would at one time thoughtfully discuss politics and consider different points of view now just regurgitate whatever Fox tells them. Hillary is a crook, Trump is a savior, trade is bad, crime is rampant, Christians are under relentless attack and on and on.

In my opinion Fox has ended any hope for reasoned political discourse in this country and it will eventually be seen as the beginning of the end for our republic and truly representative government.

There have been multiple studies over decades showing that people whose primary news source is Fox News are the most misinformed (Not "un", but "mis" informed.) people in the country. It is safe to assume that their purpose is to misinform.

I'll leave the mechanics of Fox's future demise for another time, but go it must. More than any other single factor, Fox News is destroying our democratic republic.
I am surprised that someone would make such a post.

Not because it is necessarily false... but because the immediate comeback is that "CNN is fake news; MSNBC & PBS are fake news," and they would be able to make very similar arguments that, if honestly given the same truth criteria, may seem rather identical.

I also am surprised that people would care and be amazed...

What, you mean to tell me that the major Corporations & the media have a working relationship..? Not JUST the commercials? There's actually more to it?!

... Would you go so far as to say that... maybe even both of these parties are under the influence of major corporations...? MY WORD!"

What are we proving here? What is worth discussing here? Is there some new point, is there some new observation, is there something that is actually indicting in a meaningful way in <the current year>?
Verv wrote:What are we proving here? What is worth discussing here? Is there some new point, is there some new observation, is there something that is actually indicting in a meaningful way in <the current year>?

Nope, nothing new, nothing worth discussing in a "meaningful" way, nothing to prove. Just the meaningless and stupid blatherings of a sadly informed "liberal". :lol:
Attacking Fox News as corporate propaganda while ignoring other news outlets is certainly odd.

Fox News is owned by News Corp, a multinational media empire with over $8bn in annual revenue, an $8bn market valuation, and $15bn in assets. In addition to Fox News, News Corp owns a number newspapers, news channels, and film & television interests in the USA, UK, and Australia. The secret to the success of Fox News was filling a missing niche for "conservative" news in the USA.

As you would expect from a multinational corporation controlled by a billionaire, it pushes a corporate agenda.

You can also find a corporate agenda pushed by NBC (owned by Comcast, a $186bn corporation), ABC (owned by Disney, a $164bn corporation), CBS ($26bn corporation), and CNN (owned by Time Warner, a $77bn corporation).

If you want to actually be informed you need to turn to independent media.
I'll leave the mechanics of Fox's future demise for another time, but go it must. More than any other single factor, Fox News is destroying our democratic republic.

If your "democratic republic" can be destroyed so easily, then of what value was it in the first place? As the great philosopher Anton Chigurh once noted, "If the rule you followed has brought you to this, then of what use was the rule?"
Dave wrote:Attacking Fox News as corporate propaganda while ignoring other news outlets is certainly odd.

My motivation was not to do a run down on all propaganda outlets. Most of the blather we hear about fake news seems to come from trump and his minions. I was simply pointing out that their preferred "news" source is no stranger to fake/alternative facts.

Undoubtedly ABC,CBS,CNN et al deal in gross fakeness. Let us, simply, be fair and balanced :lol: .

Dave wrote:If you want to actually be informed you need to turn to independent media

Could not agree more. What sources would you recommend?
This thread should be about pipsqueak Tucker and how he's a terrible rhetorician, at least in the show he's hosting. It's fairly obvious that he's coached and instructed prior to any exchange to avoid certain arguments, but it leaves him making effete arguments. Goes to show the quality of the American talking head news-circuit.
jimjam wrote:Fox News is not news, any more than right-wing talk radio is news. Together, they represent the propaganda wing of corporate and Republican interests. They are utterly corrupt in that regard, and somewhere down the line, both will have to go. Their very purpose is anti-American, in spite of the faux patriotism they blather.

Many people who would at one time thoughtfully discuss politics and consider different points of view now just regurgitate whatever Fox tells them. Hillary is a crook, Trump is a savior, trade is bad, crime is rampant, Christians are under relentless attack and on and on.

In my opinion Fox has ended any hope for reasoned political discourse in this country and it will eventually be seen as the beginning of the end for our republic and truly representative government.

There have been multiple studies over decades showing that people whose primary news source is Fox News are the most misinformed (Not "un", but "mis" informed.) people in the country. It is safe to assume that their purpose is to misinform.

I'll leave the mechanics of Fox's future demise for another time, but go it must. More than any other single factor, Fox News is destroying our democratic republic.

It's as if people don't have choices and buttons on their remote controls. Of course you have to purchase cable to watch FOX News, unlike the the original fake news networks. The liberals just can't stand it when they have any competition or free speech with different opinions.
Finfinder wrote: Of course you have to purchase cable to watch FOX News, unlike the the original fake news networks. The liberals just can't stand it when they have any competition

You, it seems, agree that Fox is a purveyor of fake news.
jimjam wrote:You, it seems, agree that Fox is a purveyor of fake news.

What is hilarious is Fox news is only a thorn in the Liberals side because there are so few conservative networks. If the numbers were equal, then Fox would not have such a huge voice. The liberals own monopoly is the reason for Fox's huge success.
jimjam wrote:You, it seems, agree that Fox is a purveyor of fake news.

Can you give us some examples please? Should we take up a collection and get you a universal remote with a big channel changer? :D I think you can block any channels you choose, usually they do that for controlling what the kids watch. :D
JimJam is right and all of the "the other guy did it too" nonsense is no argument.

Fox News is unique in that it does not even nod at the truth. It was the first to mix radical political pundits (Beck, O'Rielly, Hannity, etc) into the news cycle. The first. And it structured their partisan political propaganda to look, feel and sound, just like their news reports. This was a blatant attempt to fool the audience and lend credence to what was, at its heart, just neo-con talking points.

Consider. When Hannity started his show was Hannity and Combs. Combs was an admitted liberal so there was at least some deniability when it came to the charges of bias. So they dropped Combs and kept Hannity.

The very weakest form of argument is "the other guy does it too". So children, can we drop that and actually present some evidence to support the contention that Fox News is not completely sold out to the republican agenda?
How much bias you actually see depends upon how much bias you have already accepted.
Everyday, I check Fox, and then 2 or 3 of the following; CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, and CBC.
They are all extremely biased, but Fox actually carries stories that are not favorable to Trump. CBC will carry stories that are not so deliberately distorted to make Trump look bad. The other networks deliberately choose headlines and even write the stories to put Trump in the worse possible light. It is only rarely their stories even approach fairness in reporting. NBC might be better than the others.
Drlee wrote:JimJam is right and all of the "the other guy did it too" nonsense is no argument.

Fox News is unique in that it does not even nod at the truth. It was the first to mix radical political pundits (Beck, O'Rielly, Hannity, etc) into the news cycle. The first. And it structured their partisan political propaganda to look, feel and sound, just like their news reports. This was a blatant attempt to fool the audience and lend credence to what was, at its heart, just neo-con talking points.

Consider. When Hannity started his show was Hannity and Combs. Combs was an admitted liberal so there was at least some deniability when it came to the charges of bias. So they dropped Combs and kept Hannity.

The very weakest form of argument is "the other guy does it too". So children, can we drop that and actually present some evidence to support the contention that Fox News is not completely sold out to the republican agenda?

Yet it is a strong "adult" argument to say "Fox News is unique in that it does not even nod at the truth"?

When was Hannity ever a "news" show, it has always been a right leaning talk show the same as the radio show which I believe started as the Hannity and Combs Show.
Sorry Finfinder. There is no doubt that Fox deliberately formatted these shows to look like News shows. You can sell shit to others but not to me. Fox is completely partisan and everyone knows it.
jimjam wrote:
My motivation was not to do a run down on all propaganda outlets. Most of the blather we hear about fake news seems to come from trump and his minions. I was simply pointing out that their preferred "news" source is no stranger to fake/alternative facts.

I am a Trump supporter and worked hard to get Trump elected.

My preferred source is decided not Fox News as you can surmise from my post. This is no doubt partly generational. I'm a millennial, you're a baby boomer.

I view cable news, and nearly all mainstream media organs (there are a few exceptions, such as the McClatchy newspaper chain) with contempt and disdain.

I appreciate the tone of Fox News more than its competitors, but ultimately it's the same controlled corporate garbage. I do not even have a cable television subscription as I do not wish to pay for the privilege of being bombarded by weaponized propaganda in my home.

I know what you were trying to do with this thread and I object to it. Fox News is indeed corporate propaganda--just with a different slant. It's a vehicle for the exact same oligarchic interests as its competitors, but with clever packaging intended to appeal to Middle Americans. In this way it's basically the media equivalent to the post-Nixon Republican Party.

For the last decade, if not longer, mainstream liberals have been deriding Fox News as "Faux News" while ignoring that their preferred media organs have been lying to us for generations. This is no credit to Fox News in that it's only had one generation to lie to us.

jimjam wrote:Undoubtedly ABC,CBS,CNN et al deal in gross fakeness. Let us, simply, be fair and balanced :lol: .

I think that you'll agree that I am, or at least on this issue.

jimjam wrote:
Could not agree more. What sources would you recommend?

Good independent media in terms of classical reporting is rare simply because fielding reporters is expensive. That said, Wikileaks certainly qualifies and to some extent so does Infowars provided you can filter (they're about 10% reporting, 90% hysterical commenting on existing media).

Independent media is however very rich in analysis. The Unz Review is the best source on the right (though they carry a few leftist writers), and Jacobin Mag is the best on the left. Counterpunch used to be quite good on the left, but has deteriorated since Alexander Cockburn died. VDARE is the best source on immigration, and even if your goal is to destroy America (VDARE is opposed) there is no other source which reports more on immigration news.

The business press is actually quite good at reporting the news, though horrible on analysis. For analysis I like Cullen Roche of Pragmatic Capitalism and the Naked Capitalism blog.

There are massive amounts of alt-right sites which cover race and sex very well, but I'm not sure I should suggest them to you since baby boomers are hopeless egalitarian individualists (other than Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow).

Drlee wrote:JimJam is right and all of the "the other guy did it too" nonsense is no argument.

Who's arguing? I agree with JimJam that Fox News is corporate propaganda.

I'm not defending Rupert Murdoch, but voicing frustration that mainstream liberals like you (spare me you're "I'm a REAL conservative gibberish) pretend their preferred organs are news.

Drlee wrote:Fox News is unique in that it does not even nod at the truth. It was the first to mix radical political pundits (Beck, O'Rielly, Hannity, etc) into the news cycle. The first. And it structured their partisan political propaganda to look, feel and sound, just like their news reports. This was a blatant attempt to fool the audience and lend credence to what was, at its heart, just neo-con talking points.

Consider. When Hannity started his show was Hannity and Combs. Combs was an admitted liberal so there was at least some deniability when it came to the charges of bias. So they dropped Combs and kept Hannity.


Boring baby boomer views. :roll:

As far as neocohens go, Tucker Carlson recently strongly challenged Max Boot--one of the most (in)famous neocons.

Nobody on Fox News is radical. Radical people do not get television programs on corporate networks that earn over $2bn per year. That would be a threat to corporate interests.

Do you think Jared Taylor would ever get a television program on Fox?

Drlee wrote:The very weakest form of argument is "the other guy does it too". So children, can we drop that and actually present some evidence to support the contention that Fox News is not completely sold out to the republican agenda?

Okay grandpa ;)
There is one consolation I take when thinking of the MSM, they're preaching to the converted. They're not obtaining new readers/viewers. Even FNC is losing numbers.

The biggest enemy of the MSM is the internet. They've only slowly tried to utilise it, and appear to have failed (IMHO). So it's over for them. 10-15 years from now watching MSM will be seen similar to being a 1950s car collector.

The beginning of the end began the moment the World Wide Web came live. I suspect some in the MSM realise that, but they're on borrowed time and set to lose. People already know most of the MSM is 90% propaganda with maybe 10% of it accurate/factual.
We'll see. The internet has in the past decade moved from an ecosystem of many independent sites into a few giant platforms. In a way it's a return to America Online which is bizarre.

Currently we can still (mostly) disseminate our propaganda on these platforms (as can the far left, for that matter), but the noose is tightening around us. There are also efforts in many countries to control what content is allowed on the internet through legislation.

I do share your optimism and believe the media climate of the 19th century is returning, but I am not going to count the enemy out.
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