Trump: Napoleon "didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities" - Politics | PoFo

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Early modern era & beginning of the modern era. Exploration, enlightenment, industrialisation, colonisation & empire (1492 - 1914 CE).
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In an interview with the New York Times, Trump was talking about meeting Macron, and suddenly unleashed his massive presidential opinion on 19th century history:

TRUMP: Well, Napoleon finished a little bit bad. But I asked that. So I asked the president, so what about Napoleon? He said: “No, no, no. What he did was incredible. He designed Paris.” [garbled] The street grid, the way they work, you know, the spokes. He did so many things even beyond. And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death. How many times has Russia been saved by the weather? [garbled]


TRUMP: Same thing happened to Hitler. Not for that reason, though. Hitler wanted to consolidate. He was all set to walk in. But he wanted to consolidate, and it went and dropped to 35 degrees below zero, and that was the end of that army.


But the Russians have great fighters in the cold. They use the cold to their advantage. I mean, they’ve won five wars where the armies that went against them froze to death. [crosstalk] It’s pretty amazing.

So, we’re having a good time. The economy is doing great. ... to-hitler/

This place has more people who know 19th century world history than anywhere else I've been. What on earth was he thinking about? He implies Napoleon nipped off for a bit of sex with ... someone ... and thus failed to press his advantage in Russia. WTF? Did anything remotely like this happen, or is this Trump's thoughts just naturally turning to a bit of sex on the side, seeing as his third wife is now revolted by him?
Napoleon didn't last long, he wasn't a great lover anyways. It must have been a bit of sex indeed, a few minutes and that's it. Then he returned to his army and did business as usual, no way he would have ever failed to press his advantage in Russia because of that. However, I'm sure Trump would be different if Putin sent him some of the best prostitutes in the world to avert his attention. :lol:
He appears to be quoting what 'a president' said.
Edit: Never mind. I see and I also see it is the New York Times. :roll: The author apparently has no idea how to write coherently.
One Degree wrote:He appears to be quoting what 'a president' said.
Edit: Never mind. I see and I also see it is the New York Times. :roll: The author apparently has no idea how to write coherently.

Yeah, the end of the quote from 'the president' (ie Macron) ends with the second quotation mark. That's how writing works. I have no idea why you think this shows "no idea how to write coherently". It's a transcript of what Trump said. I suggest this means you really think Trump has no idea how to speak coherently.
Trump is very highly educated. He knows words; he has the best words. He also knows the best history.

I love that we are now apparently discussing whether a transcript of a recorded interview is "fake news!!!!!" because it is embarrassing to America's idiot-in-chief.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Yeah, the end of the quote from 'the president' (ie Macron) ends with the second quotation mark. That's how writing works. I have no idea why you think this shows "no idea how to write coherently". It's a transcript of what Trump said. I suggest this means you really think Trump has no idea how to speak coherently.

Well, it has been a long time, but I was taught when quoting people they each get a new paragraph. You do not combine them in one paragraph because it is confusing.
It's a transcript, of Trump claiming to be quoting Macron (I doubt Macron's grasp of French history is as bad as Trump was painting it, however). A fictional example:

TRUMP: Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". He is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.

You don't need to start a new paragraph after you've ended the quotation of someone else.

That's the spirit, @Albert ! Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.
"That night?" In 1812 no one went to Russia overnight. A trist? Well, there was Marie Walewska, but even so. Trump exhibits the standard handful of Napoleonic anecdotes, most of which originate in Britain. Napoleon = Hitler. Little fat egomaniac tries to rule the world. Never mind Britain, France and the US in the Chinese wars.
Well, it has been a long time, but I was taught when quoting people they each get a new paragraph. You do not combine them in one paragraph because it is confusing.

It's a quote embedded within a quote. The formatting is correct. The problem is that everything Trump says is confusing.
Potemkin wrote:It's a quote embedded within a quote. The formatting is correct. The problem is that everything Trump says is confusing.

Thanks, I get it now. I believe my thinking was thrown off by the article being immediately followed by the poster saying....
This place has more people who know 19th century world history than anywhere else I've been. What on earth was he thinking about? He implies Napoleon nipped off for a bit of sex with ... someone ... and thus failed to press his advantage in Russia. WTF? Did anything remotely like this happen, or is this Trump's thoughts just naturally turning to a bit of sex on the side, seeing as his third wife is now revolted by him?

I accepted this statement as being true and could not see a point where the article switched so that it would appear Trump said this. I thought the problem was in the formatting when it was not.
I accepted this statement as being true and could not see a point where the article switched so that it would appear Trump said this. I thought the problem was in the formatting when it was not.

Trump did say it. I quote: "And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death." These are Trump's words, not Macron's.

The thing you have to bear in mind is that Donald Trump seems to have the mentality of a smutty-minded 12 year old schoolboy. His view of history seems to be similar to that of the well-known parody 1066 And All That, with the difference that Trump was being serious.
Potemkin wrote:Trump did say it. I quote: "And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death." These are Trump's words, not Macron's.

The thing you have to bear in mind is that Donald Trump seems to have the mentality of a smutty-minded 12 year old schoolboy. His view of history seems to be similar to that of the well-known parody 1066 And All That, with the difference that Trump was being serious.

:lol: After much direction from you and others and reading it for the twelfth time, I finally saw the second set of quotation marks. :moron:
So finally A President that America deserves and truly represents America. :excited:

Democracy has triumphed in US of A. :p

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." - HL Mencken.
Honestly the fact that Trump even knows who Napoleon is impresses me.

Most American "intellectuals" and politicians only know that Abe Lincoln freed the slaves, the H-man killed the jews, and Martin Luther King Jr. made the blacks free (when he wasn't pissing on the Alabama statehouse).

And I suppose Republican politicians "know" that Ronald Reagan produced the greatest economic boom in history by cutting taxes and personally destroyed the Soviet Union. :lol:
You are quoting Mencken too much lately, Potemkin. Its making me want to pick something from Mencken.

HL Mencken was a cool guy, and I can recommend his work. He was, in a certain sense, the anti-Trump. He despised populism, obscurantism and democracy (which he thought were all connected, and all equally pernicious). He was wonderfully cynical and sceptical about pretty much everything (except concerning his own awesomeness, of course), and he had a great turn of phrase. He is very quotable. However, his political position was... somewhat questionable. He hero-worshipped Mussolini and regarded FDR as a traitor for taking America into WWII on the Allies' side. My own attitude towards Mencken is that he was smart enough to despise bourgeois liberal democracy, but not quite smart enough to become a Communist. Lol.
And his one problem is he didn’t go to Russia that night because he had extracurricular activities, and they froze to death. How many times has Russia been saved by the weather?

Trump is basically a smart guy who was qualified to get transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, which has one of the best business schools in America. The military academy was his high school education and he was handicapped academically when he originally applied for universities upon graduating from there. The second part of the quote reminds me of the two failed attempts to conquer Japan by the Mongol Empire, which was also saved by the weather.


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