The Nazis and the Jews - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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By Rich
noir wrote:The war against the Jews waged in World War II ....

ArtAllm wrote:Was WWII not just a continuation of WWI?

And why did this first big war become a World War?
Well, because some lobbies managed to involve USA in an European war.

1 The Great War was already a world war before America entered the war. Anyway millions had already died. A German victory would have been catastrophic because that would have meant victory for the Ottoman Muslim genociders. France, Russia and Serbia started WWI, that should be beyond dispute but Germany was not some kind, self sacrificing political entity. It was brutal, arrogant, high handed and bullying polity just like every other State in history.

2 But even in some fantasy world where German victory meant less death, destruction and suffering than the historical outcome American Jews had every right to manipulate the US into the war. American Jews had the same right to pursue their selfish ethnic and ideological ends as any other group.

3 For the likes of Ludendorf and his fanboi Adolf Hitler to complain about Jewish manipulations really takes the biscuit. Jews were highly prominent in the attempts in 1914 to stop the allies going to war. And who were the great beneficiaries of "Jewish" Bolshevism? Hindenburg and Ludendorf.
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By ArtAllm
Rich wrote: A German victory would have been catastrophic because that would have meant victory for the Ottoman Muslim genociders.

The war could have ended without any victory of any power. Germany proposed a status quo ante bellum, and GB was contemplating to accept this offer. Without Zionists the European war would have ended, and there would be no unnatural boarders and no unnatural balance of power in Europe, Bolsheviks would have lost the civil war, speak there would be no reason for another big war, the history would have evolved in a more natural way.

Rich wrote: But even in some fantasy world where German victory meant less death, destruction and suffering than the historical outcome American Jews had every right to manipulate the US into the war. American Jews had the same right to pursue their selfish ethnic and ideological ends as any other group.

Agree, but the crucial point is that the American Normies (most white Americans were of German descent) and the Jews (a tiny minority) did not have the same interests.

So American Germans were killing other Germans or were supporting this killing with their taxes, because this was in the interests of a minority that managed (via the MSM and the bribes of politicians) to stampede gullible Americans into a war for "freedom and democracy", that was not in their interests.

In a real free an democratic society MSM and the politicians represent the interests of the majority, right?

The disproportional power of a tiny minority is the best prove for America being a pathetic banana republic with a stupid population that can be easily manipulated by a tiny minority that nobody elected.

Rich wrote: Jews were highly prominent in the attempts in 1914 to stop the allies going to war.

Yes, but this was before Balfour promised to the Jewish bankster Rothschild that GB will conquer Palestine for the Zionists (2 November 1917), and this changed the outcome of WWI, created a conflict with Muslims, was the reason of WWII, an this may be as well the reason of the budding WWIII (if they manage to provoke Putin) and may be the End of History. In any case, this declaration was the beginning of the end of the White race.

When Churchill came to power (BTW, je was groomed by Jews, too, read Gilbert and Cohen), Whites and GB in particular were undisputed rulers of the World. When Churchill died, his Empire became a pathetic insular state.

Today the Whites are on the brink of a voluntary suicide, and most of them believe that their collective suicide is something noble, that will be appreciated by the others.

Whites became soooo stupid that they cannot see that they were manipulated into this psychological condition, a psychological warfare was waged against them for so many years that they became Zombies, ready to die for somebody else interests.

What to Hitler, he did not have any political power in 1918, and he had no blood on his hands, either. He joined the German Workers’ Party only in 1919. If there was no Balfour declaration, Hitler would have probably dedicated his life to architecture.

What to Bolsheviks, they already killed millions in 1918, including Tsar's family.
By noir
Yes, but this was before Balfour promised to the Jewish bankster Rothschild that GB will conquer Palestine for the Zionists (2 November 1917), and this changed the outcome of WWI, created a conflict with Muslims, was the reason of WWII, an this may be as well the reason of the budding WWIII (if they manage to provoke Putin) and may be the End of History. In any case, this declaration was the beginning of the end of the White race.

Palestine was responsible to WW2?
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By ArtAllm
noir wrote:Palestine was responsible to WW2?

Go back and read my last posts again. The involvement of the USA was the reason, because Germany proposed status quo ante bellum, and GB was considering to accept it.

No Balfour Declaration, no dismemberment of Germany, no increasing power of Commies in the SU, no Bavarian Soviet Republic, no NSDAP, no WWII...
By noir
German antisemitism predated WW1 and Balfour. In fact the Germans invented the word in the late 19th century. About the German obsession with Ze Juz, an American book from 1913, that is before the war:

“Germany and the Germans” By Collier, Price

“From an American Point of View (1913)”

The German comes by his dislike of the Jew through centuries of traditional conflict, plunder, and hatred, and the very moulder of the present German speech, Luther, was a furious offender.

The Jew has amassed an enormous part of the wealth of Germany, considering his small proportion of the total population. The German, because he is not at heart a trader, is an easy prey for him.

Several of the more popular newspapers are owned and controlled by the Jews, and to the American, with no inborn or traditional prejudice against the Jews as a race, it is somewhat difficult to understand the outspoken and unconcealed suspicion and dislike of them in Germany. There is no need to mince matters in stating that this suspicion and dislike exist. A comedy called “The Five Frankfurters” has been given in all the principal cities during the last year and has had a long run in Berlin. It is a scathing caricature of certain Jewish peculiarities of temperament and ambition.

I am bound to record my personal preference for the English and American treatment of the Jew. In England they have made a Jew their prime minister, and in America we offer him equal opportunities with other men, and applaud him whole-heartedly when he succeeds, and thump him soundly with our criticism when he misbehaves. The German fears him; we do not.

The German considers his dealings with the intangible things of life to be a higher form, indeed the highest form, of intellectual employment. He is therefore racially, historically, and by temperament jealous or contemptuous, according to his station in life, of the cosmopolitan exchanger of the world, the Jew. He denies to him either patriotism or originality, and looks upon him as merely a distributer, whether in art, literature, or commerce, as an exchanger who amasses wealth by taking toll of other men’s labor, industry, and intellect. It has not escaped the German of this temper, that the whirling gossip and innuendoes that have lately annoyed the present party in power in England, have had to do with three names: Isaacs, Samuels, and Montagu, all Jews and members of the government.

German politics, German social life, and the German press cannot be understood without this explanation. The German sees a danger to his hardly won national life in the cosmopolitanism of the Jew; he sees a danger to his duty-doing, simple-living, and hard-working governing aristocracy in the tempting luxury of the recently rich Jew; and besides these objective reasons, he is instinctively antagonistic, as though he were born of the clouds of heaven and the Jew of the clods of earth.

So far, therefore, as the German press is Jew-controlled, it is suspected as being not German politically, domestically, or spiritually; as not being representative, in short. It should be added that, though this is the attitude of the great majority in Germany, there is a small class who recognize the pioneer work that the Jew has done.

Whatever one may feel of instinctive dislike, the open-minded observers of the historical progress of Germany, all recognize that Germany would not be in the foremost place she now occupies in the competitive markets of the world, if she had not had the patriotic, intelligent, and skilful backing of her better-class Jewish citizens.

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By ArtAllm
noir wrote:German antisemitism predated WW1 and Balfour.

Was this the reason why Jews from all Europe were so eager to move to Germany?
And Polish Jews refused to go home to Poland even in October 1938!!!
They preferred Germany to their native Poland even in 1938!!

It seems that Polish Jews loved Germany more than any other European country even after National Socialists came to power.

Sorry, but there is still no English translation for this Wiki-Article.

noir wrote: In fact the Germans invented the word in the late 19th century.

The word "Semitic people" was a linguistic term, first used by Joseph Ernest Renan, who died in 1892.

From his point of view only Arabs were Semites, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews. Ashkenazi Jews were, according to Renan, descendants of the Khazars, who were not Semites.

This term was also used by another Frenchmen, Arthur de Gobineau, who died 1882.
From the point of view of this Frenchmen Arabs were Semites. What to Jews, he considered them to be of a mixed race.

BTW, Gobineau hated Slavs more than Semitic Arabs or Jews.

The Romanian Alexandru C. Cuza was very impressed by the theory of Gobineau about Aryans and Semites. But Cuza believed that Jews were a biologically different "race". According to Gobineau and Renan Jews were not a race at all, they were "Semitic" only because of their religion and liturgy language, which was a dead Semitic language (Hebrew).

Moritz Steinschneider, who died 1907, was the person who introduced this word into the German language, and he was an Austrian Jew.

He accused Ernest Renan of "anti-Semitism", and so this fake term was coined.

Why fake term?

Because Ernest Renan did not believe that Ashkenazi Jews are Semitic people. How can somebody be called an "anti-Semite" by an Ashkenazi Jew, if he does not believe in the existence of Ashkenazi Semites?


Imagine somebody whom I do not call a Communist is accusing me of anti-Communism, because I he thinks that I hate him?
Do I hate him because I believe that he is a Commie? If not, how on earth can you call me an anti-Commie?

We deal with an obvious misconception and with an obvious fake term, and Germans have nothing to do with the invention of this fake term!

Some ignorant people really believe that the German journalist Wilhelm Marr was the author of this fake term, because they have not read his works.
Marr just used the fake terminology that already existed and was created by the Austrian Jew Moritz Steinschneider.

In reality Marr was a pro-Jewish shill who claimed to be an "anti-Semite", and he later even admitted that in his final essay with the title "Testament of an Antisemite".

As we see, "Anti-Semitism" was from the very beginning a fake term, invented by a Jew and promoted by pro-Jewish shills, like Marr, who pretended to be an "anti-Semite" to promote the Jewish agenda.
@ArtAllm The Jews stayed for the same reason that Muslims stay in the US: You will have a better life in a wealthy, industrialized nation, even if it hates you, up to the very point when your rights are completely stripped. The most serious crimes didn't start until Germany invaded Poland.
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By ArtAllm
MememyselfandIJK wrote:@ArtAllm The Jews stayed for the same reason that Muslims stay in the US: You will have a better life in a wealthy, industrialized nation, even if it hates you, up to the very point when your rights are completely stripped. The most serious crimes didn't start until Germany invaded Poland.

Do you say that Jews and Muslims need white nations, that they are unable to have a better life in their own countries, though they have all the freedom and all the rights to make their own countries into industrialised nations with a high living standard?

On the other hand, white "racist" nations just want to be let alone, they are not eager to move into Muslim nations or into Israel, and non-Muslims are not treated better in Muslims countries, than Muslims in western countries.

Non-Jews are treated worse in Israel, than Jews are treated in Western countries, but we always hear about the "anti-Semitism".

There is no institution of civil marriage in Israel, and Israel has "Jews only" citizenship laws. Non-Jews cannot migrate to Israel, except for work, and in this case they even have to sign a "no-sex-contract" with their employer.

Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract

Imagine how the Jews would whine, if they were treated in Western countries like they treat non-Jews in Israel?

The double standard is so right in your face!

I agree with @MememyselfandIJK on this one. Also not everyone in Middle Eastern countries has the ability or freedom to completely change their governments since the Middle East isn't very democratic nor does it have a single form of authority or good institutions. Furthermore getting a country to the first world is really really hard and depends on too many factors that are completely unplannable. The West itself managed to get to where it is today through a combination of sheer luck and unique circumstances that allowed to reach this far.
By noir
MememyselfandIJK wrote:@ArtAllm You seem to think I support Israel...

Radical Jews (whom you support) did helped to weaken German war front during WW1 mainly through "Workers and Soldiers Councils". At that time the Nazis didn't blame the Zionists on that, in fact the Zionists saw the radical Jews as their enemy. @ArtAllm accusation of Zionists and Balfour is a new turn, probably born after the war to add Israel in their hate list.

From an American Jewish Trotskyist author, Lenni Brenner - "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators"

Even as the Nazis were in the process of throwing the left into concentration camps, Weltsch attacked the left-wing Jewish journalists:

If today the National Socialist and German patriotic newspapers frequently refer to the type of the Jewish scribbler and the so-called Jewish press... it must be pointed out... Upright Jews have always been indignant at the raillery and the caricature directed by Jewish buffoons against Jews to the same extent, or even a greater extent, than they aimed them at Germans and others.[(13)]

Although the left-wing press had been under attack from the day the Nazis came to power, the Jewish newspapers were still legal. Naturally they were censored; if a journal printed something untoward, it would be closed down, temporarily at least. However, the Nazis did not force the Zionists to denounce their fellow Jews.

@ArtAllm use this book to proof Nazi Zionist collaboration. So now the Zionists are responsible to German miseries?
By Rich
I have long tried to draw attention to Jewish privilege. So dominant is the Jewish supremacist stranglehold on western intellectual life, that its actually Jewish supremacists who are the ones who end up drawing attention to it.

So Kevin Myers produced a column in which he suggested that Jews are superior and therefore they get paid more. :lol: But of cause he committed a terrible faux pas by drawing attention to the Jewish pay gap, so although a Jewish supremacist, he had to be labelled as an anti Semite. The "offending" article has been censored: Sunday Times removes 'anti-Semitic' column on BBC pay
By Ned Lud
Rich wrote:I have long tried to draw attention to Jewish privilege. So dominant is the Jewish supremacist stranglehold on western intellectual life, that its actually Jewish supremacists who are the ones who end up drawing attention.

So Kevin Myers produced a column in which he suggested that Jews are superior and therefore they get paid more. :lol: But of cause he committed a terrible faux pas by drawing attention to the Jewish pay gap, so although a Jewish supremacist, he had to be labelled as an anti Semite. The "offending" article has been censored: Sunday Times removes 'anti-Semitic' column on BBC pay

Those who dominate the West, especially the media, and are supported by those elements that supported Hitler are not 'the Jews' but Zionists. I think it extremely important that we always distinguish between the two, or we shall be accused of 'anti-semitism' because we don't support colonialists and racists.
By noir
Ned Lud wrote:Those who dominate the West, especially the media, and are supported by those elements that supported Hitler are not 'the Jews' but Zionists. I think it extremely important that we always distinguish between the two, or we shall be accused of 'anti-semitism' because we don't support colonialists and racists.

Who are the Zionists?

By Buzz62
When a certain group or tribe of people, manage to gain dominance in the global finance sector, you can expect abuse.
I don't know if Hitler knew what he was doing or not, but the results of his tantrum was absolute justification for the creation of Israel.
The dumbest thing the UN ever did.
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