State of emergency is declared in Charlottesville, USA. Why? - Page 42 - Politics | PoFo

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@The Immortal Goon
I am under no restrictions to support everything Some Trump supporters support. I am not a mindless regurgitator of any political belief system. I support what I want. I feel sorry for those who don't.
blackjack21 wrote:No. You just have to be sick and tired of the establishment of both parties. In this case, the governor of Virginia and the mayor clearly colluded to let this get out of hand so that the governor could launch his bid for the presidency. However, by their dereliction of duty, they let the crowds get out of hand, and resulted in a girl getting killed. If you are someone who can plainly see the deeply cynical nature of the DNC and the media, you support Trump because he calls them out on this shit.

Comedic as always.

The Trump enabler's mantra of blame everyone except those responsible rears it's ugly head. Yeah..okay, the governor and the mayor mysteriously made your hero drive over someone then back over them. Right.

Sell crazy somewhere else.
Rugoz wrote::eh: ...the Confederate constitution basically prescribed slavery:

Article I Section 9(4)
No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.

Article IV Section 2(1)
The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States; and shall have the right of transit and sojourn in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired.

Article IV Section 3(3)
The Confederate States may acquire new territory; and Congress shall have power to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitants of all territory belonging to the Confederate States, lying without the limits of the several states; and may permit them, at such times, and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form states to be admitted into the Confederacy. In all such territory, the institution of negro slavery as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress, and by the territorial government: and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories, shall have the right to take to such territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the states or territories of the Confederate states. ... on#Slavery

I will give you credit for doing some research but this does not refute my point. The individual states believed they had this right individually. The fact they were willing to agree to it being part of the new Constitution does not change what they previously thought. It was not an easy decision for some of them to agree to this.

Edit: Let me change that. You did refute my point, but only by moving it to a later date than would be reasonable when discussing the reasons for the war. Therefore it is not a contradiction to what I said.
maz wrote:You said that Heyer was on her way home and I simply questioned how you knew that. Since she was not the only one to get hit in the accident, were the others that got hit on their way home as well? I am sure that it's going to matter in or at least come up in court. A jury is certainly going to need to know if a narrative is true or not.

So you were not addressing my point at all, but just focusing on an unimportant detail. And you just happened to bring up another story just because.
foxdemon wrote:Some racist slave owners are ok and some racist slave owners aren't ok. I see, said the blind man.

Sure, it depends on historic context, I wonder though whether you've ever heard about such a thing. However, some Americans tend to forget sometimes that even the Founding Fathers were just people of their own time, but they were on the right side of history at least.
maz wrote:Well I'm not going to demand that you site your source, but it does matter, because we are offered a narrative that is usually totally inaccurate.

Peaceful protester on his way to church is attacked by gang of neo-Nazis

The narrative given is that this man, armed with a homemade blowtorch, showed up for a peaceful counter-protest (aka terrorize and physically assault people we hate aka domestic terrorism).

He claims with no evidence that someone shot at his foot, despite the fact that the group of people he appears to be attacking with a blowtorch aren't even carrying guns.

So now we are presented with the seeming false narrative that Heather whatever just happened to be crossing the street while leaving the protest when a car ran into her, despite the fact that she was obviously part of the crowd of people were standing in an intersection.

This is how the dishonest FAKE News report these matters as if the Alt-Left are as innocent as babies, when they were the ones that started it all. That is also why the Liberal News media is outraged when President Trump calls them out and says there is blame on both sides of this issue. Therefore, they must try to convince everyone that Trump is a racists for revealing the truth that they try to cover up and ignore. Apparently, they don't agree with President Trump when he said that we are all Americans first.

Praise the Lord
MB. wrote:It would be interesting if Trump sacks Bannon over this

I think Bannon worries him. Yesterday he called him Mr Bannon throughout his press interview. A tad too respectful. A classic case of the Breitbartian pen being mightier than the sword.
One Degree wrote:I will give you credit for doing some research but this does not refute my point. The individual states believed they had this right individually. The fact they were willing to agree to it being part of the new Constitution does not change what they previously thought. It was not an easy decision for some of them to agree to this.

Edit: Let me change that. You did refute my point, but only by moving it to a later date than would be reasonable when discussing the reasons for the war. Therefore it is not a contradiction to what I said.

Actually, he obliterated your point beyond all recognition. States cannot "think" anything. Lawmakers in those states decide policy and slavery was the policy of the South.
maz wrote:White men get fired for retroactive stuff all the time. Like that guy who worked for Mozilla who donated to a pro-family group that opposed gay marriage and Mozilla fired him because a dating website called for it.

You know that no court would even bother to hear a case had a white man had posted an endless string of vile jokes against African American men, openly talking about hating seeing black men on the street, joking about raping women while they slept, and calling black women devils.

They went through a lot to keep Bellamy on as vice mayor despite the fact that Kessler appears to have had enough votes to get that goon thrown out. The courts had to make special considerations because the language of the law wasn't quite where it needed to be on either side.

Any court that looked at a case where white man who openly joked about hating seeing black me walking down the street raping women while they slept would have just been like "nah, we can't have this guy representing our city, because we can't be sure he won't start shooting black people on the street or raping 15 year olds on their way home from school."

I think that Bellamy's open hatred of white men who aren't even nazis, and then his trying to shut down the white rally shows a heavy bias and an obvious conflict of interest. He is not fit to serve all and thus not suited to hold that position.

He's only in there because black privilege and because the city has an apparent Jewish supremacist as mayor and they both seem to hate white men with conservative views.

Bloody hell.

Anyway, the guy had to step down from two jobs but his subsequent job as vice-mayor wasn't lost because of, that he didn't write. I'm sure if the same circumstances happened to the white woman who made the ape comment, the result would be the same, since it was about some technicality in the law.

Buzz62 wrote:Tell me...knowing what we do now...was it a good idea, or a bad idea for the Antifa people to be where they were?

And yet again...and this point cannot be understated...
The American Constitution guarantees free speech.
I suggest these blind-assed people like Don Lemon and skinster...READ their constitution and either WEAR it,
or simply burn the rag...

Buzz62 wrote:A final thought.
America, you have a constitutional right to free speech.
If you are incapable of wearing it, then burn the rag.

Buzz62 wrote:The Antifa people should not have been there at all.

Free Speech is a bitch.
But if Americans wanna run about the globe telling everyone how marvie their constitution is, THEN FUCKIN' WEAR IT when things go side-ways.
Otherwise...their all just a bunch of Twinkie, hypocritical, Thought Police.

You keep going on about the constitution, it doesn't guarantee free speech, if it did, all the nazis who lost their jobs would still have them and tons of people wouldn't have lost their jobs for things they've said or wrote. Regardless of that, the free speech schtick relating to the Unite the Reich rally served the fascists and antifas, as well as the other antifas, the residents of the city who for weeks were fighting against the nazi rally. What about their free speech? :roll:

Also, again, counter-protests are a thing. :knife:

blackjack21 wrote:Not a chance. Their retreat was orderly, so it was ordered. The mayor is a Democrat. The mayor and governor wanted to use this for political reasons.

The entire premise of Black Lives Matter is that there isn't equality. :roll:

The cop stand-off was to cause a riot. I've never seen cops back off at numerous protests I've attended, often they're heavy handed, but obviously not at a white power rally, because cops and klan go hand in hand, as the kids say, because it's true. Numerous reports from people who were there - including the nazis - talked of cops not being around to help.

As for BLM, yes, it's about equality and more, so that POC stop getting killed by US authorities every 28 hours, so that neoslavery in the prison industrial complex is fought against, so that the housing system ceases collective punishment on poor black (and white) families. BLM is a thing that happened because of existing conditions, the movement didn't fall out of the sky.

And no, Igor, BLM isn't racist, this is just you obviously projecting.

ThirdTerm wrote:The local antifa leader stated that it's acceptable to attack white supremacists to stop their influence from growing.

I support this position. We can't be tolerant of nazis and that's not the same as nazis being intolerant of everyone else.

maz wrote:The narrative given is that this man, armed with a homemade blowtorch, showed up for a peaceful counter-protest (aka terrorize and physically assault people we hate aka domestic terrorism).

So now we are presented with the seeming false narrative that Heather whatever just happened to be crossing the street while leaving the protest when a car ran into her, despite the fact that she was obviously part of the crowd of people were standing in an intersection.

The blowtorch wasn't homemade, it was thrown at him by the nazis. As for the picture that you showed the cut version to, here you'll see - and read - the pic and story of how he was protecting an old white guy who was part of the antifa.

Heather wasn't walking home when she was killed by the nazi, she was demonstrating in the streets of Charlottesville, with others, including many residents and church-members of the city, against nazis. And a nazi is responsible for her death, nobody else (although it could be argued cops are responsible too).

Igor Antunov wrote:It begins:

On the deletion list:

George Washington

We are in the age of an historic, hysterical cycle of moral panic, all because a few hundred young white men decided to get together, exercise their first amendment right and air their grievances in public.

This is no different than going after members of the Communist party, or sympathizers, who worked in the government and the entertainment industry.

But instead of communist witch hunts, now we are going after young white guys who are making minimum wage, working as cooks in pizza shops, and at best may run some kind of website were they like to post frog memes and say "Hitler did nothing wrong."

Shutting down free speech simply because you are unable to refute certain arguments is incredibly mean spirited, cowardly and truly pathetic.

And it is even more hilarious that leftist outlets, having completely lost control over their narratives, began to censor themselves in order to keep from having their arguments publicly refuted :lol:


This is why there is this over the top hysteria and why sites like the Daily Stormer are being shut down and marches against Google are being cancelled.

But just keep this in mind, when all of the people that you wish to impose the final solution on people you disagree with, and who are no longer to speak and to make a living THESE deranged individuals you see in the video below are going to be offended at some thing YOU say and will mindlessly come for you.

Hitler despised Unbridled Capitalism, free speech, rival collectivist groups, was pro censorship, etc. He was just a rival, identical ideologue to the far left of the time. THe only thing that separates these groups is that nazis discriminate on the basis of nationalism and stalinists discriminate on the basis of class. They both discriminate on the basis of through.

Extremists are always at odds. Alt-left and alt-right cannot exist without one another.
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