Israel retracts criticism of anti-Semitism in Hungary and strongly attacks Soros - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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SolarCross wrote:[youtube]qTYSv_YQOVo[/youtube]

There are hundreds - maybe thousands - of films about why Hitler hated Jews.

I have yet to see a serious film about why the first 20 American presidents hated the Natives - a touching blockbuster about the 110 Holocausts that created the American Reich out of so many genocides.

Nazi-on-Jews Holocaust-obsession (as the only official one that anyone is supposed to be sorry for) is about protecting the oil fields of the Middle East from the locals (and from the new types of societies they could build with the revenue) and not about human compassion for horrible inter-group behavior.

There is no cure for horrible inter-group behavior to be found in limiting the scope of compassion to one singular tragic event.

Beren wrote:And what do you think Putin and Assad are? Or China and Iran? How about Turkey? The world is heading towards Fascism more than it was before WW2, although not in its pure and original form of course.

If Banksters are the dictators of the West like many writers say they are, then fascism has been here for a long time. Only the narrative was "democratic," and all this meant was that our societies had the nicest gadgets - not any kind of impact on the decision-making process for our own societies.

Lincoln is wresting his arms on Fasces in his memorial in Washington. (hint?) And the killing of all those First Nations could only be done by a fascist society of mindless mercenaries.
QatzelOk wrote:Lincoln is wresting his arms on Fasces in his memorial in Washington. (hint?) And the killing of all those First Nations could only be done by a fascist society of mindless mercenaries.

Fasces can also symbolise unity in that case. And no, you don't need to be fascist to be invasive, and banksterism is also not Fascism.
Beren wrote:Fasces can also symbolise unity in that case. And no, you don't need to be fascist to be invasive, and banksterism is also not Fascism.

Fascism is unity, alright: unity of powerful state institutions like banking, religion, technology and governance.

The rest of your "point" sounds like a drowning man gasping for air. :lol:
Real fascism will come when the New Europeans will start to shape their host countries policy. Right now they vote en block for the left wing parties. For this reason many indigenous working classes voters are abandoning the "socialists" parties. The Germans elites who invite the Muslims in predict the future outcome very accurately. Germany and Islam share the same political views, to free Germany from its guilt and debt.

Anyone who opposes the holy crusade of global morality through human rights is now labeled a Fascist. :knife:
Who is it demanding the world adhere to one moral code? Anyone who objects to this totalitarian nonsense is labeled a Fascist. Your 'double think' is transparent and doomed to failure. Israel and other small autonomous areas will prevail in rejecting global authoritarianism.
Decky wrote:Like the vast majority of working class men in the UK he didn't get the vote till late 1918 (100% of all the Hun troops he was facing did have the vote before the war had even started).

60% of males had the vote in 1884, by 1918 inflation eroding the property value and rising living standards meant that figure had risen still further. Assuming the working class as being 75% of the population that suggests that by 1918 maybe half the working class could. So its totally untrue that the vast majority of working class men didn't have the vote in 1918. It should also be noted that voting rates amongst the newly enfranchised voters would be significantly lower than existing voters.

British soldiers saw little action against the Hungarians in WWI. The opposing Germans did have universal suffrage to the Reichstag, but the Reichstag's powers were limited compared to the British parliament and the working class did not have fair representation in it.
Rich wrote:60% of males had the vote in 1884, by 1918 inflation eroding the property value and rising living standards meant that figure had risen still further. Assuming the working class as being 75% of the population that suggests that by 1918 maybe half the working class could. So its totally untrue that the vast majority of working class men didn't have the vote in 1918. It should also be noted that voting rates amongst the newly enfranchised voters would be significantly lower than existing voters.

British soldiers saw little action against the Hungarians in WWI. The opposing Germans did have universal suffrage to the Reichstag, but the Reichstag's powers were limited compared to the British parliament and the working class did not have fair representation in it.

The Hun you fool not the Hungarians, can you not read? :lol:


The rest of what you wrote is of course lies like everything fascists say.
These days Muslims vote for the left wing parties. But there is a price. Pakistani (Pak-Punjabi) community elders have ordered @UKLabour to protect Paedo rape gangs, otherwise no more block vote postal ballots

We don't hear about the Pakistani Apartheid

Christians living in Pak-Punjab area are regularly murdered, without a single prosecution. This is where 80% UK Pakistanis come from. Labour MP @TulipSiddiq is expert on Rohingya Jihadis. She's gone quiet because Pak-Punjabi Labour voters support Rohingya terrorists.

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