Recent Attacks by the Faithful Followers of the Religion of Peace (TM) - Page 9 - Politics | PoFo

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Haven't reviewed the entire thread but, while you all bicker and banter back and forth, nobody seems to have a solution to the problem.
Here's a proposal:

Gather NATO and Russian forces in a cooperative action to sweep through Europe, from north to south, and sweep all Muslim "Refugees" back to the coast, where they can be loaded on huge tankers and shipped back to their homelands. As this is going on, have the joint navys form a blockade so no more of Soros' boats can bring the "Refugees" anywhere. Then...sit back and watch the Religion of Peace...destroy its own.
Buzz62 wrote:Haven't reviewed the entire thread but, while you all bicker and banter back and forth, nobody seems to have a solution to the problem.
Here's a proposal:

Gather NATO and Russian forces in a cooperative action to sweep through Europe, from north to south, and sweep all Muslim "Refugees" back to the coast, where they can be loaded on huge tankers and shipped back to their homelands. As this is going on, have the joint navys form a blockade so no more of Soros' boats can bring the "Refugees" anywhere. Then...sit back and watch the Religion of Peace...destroy its own.

No, that would be empowering the racist bullies, and you said earlier we should just ignore them, not give them guns and government support.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No, that would be empowering the racist bullies, and you said earlier we should just ignore them, not give them guns and government support.

Racist bullies?
POD...the forces of NATO and Russia...are not "racist bullies". They're our "military bullies", and they already have guns and government support. We wind them up and let them go at people, usually in the name of forces that prove detrimental to us, but that's another debate. But if we wind them up and set them on this refugee issue, I'm pretty sure they can handle it.
As for the Muslim "racist bullies", they are an EXISTENTIAL and REAL threat to The West. And that is exactly why we keep these "military bullies".
Its time to use them.
Buzz62 wrote:Racist bullies?
POD...the forces of NATO and Russia...are not "racist bullies". They're our "military bullies", and they already have guns and government support. We wind them up and let them go at people, usually in the name of forces that prove detrimental to us, but that's another debate. But if we wind them up and set them on this refugee issue, I'm pretty sure they can handle it.
As for the Muslim "racist bullies", they are an EXISTENTIAL and REAL threat to The West. And that is exactly why we keep these "military bullies".
Its time to use them.

If they are indiscriminately getting rid of all Muslim refugees regardless of the individual merits of each case, then they are being racist bullies.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If they are indiscriminately getting rid of all Muslim refugees regardless of the individual merits of each case, then they are being racist bullies.

OK I can see your point.
So we embed a social worker of some sort with each platoon.
They go through a fairly quick interrogation of each adult, and make a binding determination.
This would greatly elongate the time this mission would take, but if it makes people feel better about the be it. The results are generally the same, and better than doing nothing right now.
Buzz62 wrote:...Gather NATO and Russian forces in a cooperative action to sweep through Europe, from north to south, and sweep all Muslim "Refugees" back to the coast, where they can be loaded on huge tankers and shipped back to their homelands. As this is going on, have the joint navys form a blockade so no more of Soros' boats can bring the "Refugees" anywhere. Then...sit back and watch the Religion of Peace...destroy its own.

I like the sheer Americanness of your final solution, Buzz.

Getting 'whites' to gang up on 'non-whites' and load them onto industrial ships to take them somewhere that suits their 'white' leaders or current economic needs... goes right back to the Pilgrims and their ilk and the cynial businessmen who exploited the ignorance and provincialism of these superstitious hicks to trigger so many commercially lucrative genocides.

And then there's the very colonial notion that you propogate, that 'If we leave them to their own devices, they'll kill one another' is so condescending and inaccurate, but I get that it helps you to avoid facing how random and murderous the Western re-colonialization project really is.
Buzz62 wrote:OK I can see your point.
So we embed a social worker of some sort with each platoon.
They go through a fairly quick interrogation of each adult, and make a binding determination.
This would greatly elongate the time this mission would take, but if it makes people feel better about the be it. The results are generally the same, and better than doing nothing right now.

No, the whole idea sounds, dumb, expensive, and ignores the actual causes of migration.

But if you just want to hassle Muslims, then sure!
QatzelOk wrote:I like the sheer Americanness of your final solution, Buzz.

Getting 'whites' to gang up on 'non-whites' and load them onto industrial ships to take them somewhere that suits their 'white' leaders or current economic needs... goes right back to the Pilgrims and their ilk and the cynial businessmen who exploited the ignorance and provincialism of these superstitious hicks to trigger so many commercially lucrative genocides.

And then there's the very colonial notion that you propogate, that 'If we leave them to their own devices, they'll kill one another' is so condescending and inaccurate, but I get that it helps you to avoid facing how random and murderous the Western re-colonialization project really is.

I believe you are confusing me with someone who isn't awake.
I assure you that I am, and am fully cognizant of the deeds of the evil white guy.
I am one...remember? If you can't know yourself, how can you know the world around you?
And what does that change? nothing really?
I am the dirt I came from. That can't be helped. And at least I've proposed a bloody solution.
It's plannable and executable. Then, after the dust settles a bit, we can talk about better international relations. Understand, I'm also talking of starving them out, so to speak. No oil exports. ZERO. Even for the Saudis. In fact, let's send these nice people home in the bellies of the oil freighters.
I have had enough of this...this...unmitigated jack-ass-ery! This apologetic attitude that Euros and Americans are supposed to have. Apologize for this and apologize for that...and holy fuck the wet-nurse garbage that my PM comes up with. How "see-through" is that guy?
Learn to deal with the hand you have, instead of the one you would like.
If you wanna sit around and dream of a more enlightened human race, please do it after we're done dealing with this immediate threat. Thanks.
Buzz62 wrote:If you wanna sit around and dream of a more enlightened human race, please do it after we're done dealing with this immediate threat. Thanks.

Normal humans are far more enlightened than frightened sheep can ever hope to be. And more independent and smart as well. Which is why the current elite wants scared dummies: easier to control and exploit.

The 'immediate threat" that you mention is urban violence that randomly terrorizes urban dwellers. The only ways to "deal" with this is with surveillance and traffic interference.

Bombing a new country for televised "reasons" delivered by the latest Presidential Talking Head... is the profitable (for the elite) "solution" that the elite media is trying to steer society towards.

Reacting to mass media products in an emotional way is how the working class are constantly kept down.
QatzelOk wrote:Normal humans are far more enlightened than frightened sheep can ever hope to be. And more independent and smart as well. Which is why the current elite wants scared dummies: easier to control and exploit.

Yes that's nice. And when you're lied to as often as the public is, I suppose you come to expect it. But I can assure you, the only person who exploits my wife.

QatzelOk wrote:The 'immediate threat" that you mention is urban violence that randomly terrorizes urban dwellers. The only ways to "deal" with this is with surveillance and traffic interference.

Perhaps you haven't been paying attention.
This is Europe today. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It gets better. There is a definite threat, whether you like it or not.

QatzelOk wrote:Bombing a new country for televised "reasons" delivered by the latest Presidential Talking Head... is the profitable (for the elite) "solution" that the elite media is trying to steer society towards.

Reacting to mass media products in an emotional way is how the working class are constantly kept down.

Excuse me but...did I say "bomb"?
Did I even say "shoot"?
I feel your concerns, but there's a time for pleasantries and tea, and there's a time for choosing to not entertain some personages in your home. Today is the time for the later.
In an ideal world, it should be on the BBC and CNN, but they are slave to the Arab narrative. Bless Memri (The Middle East Media Research Institute, an invaluable press monitoring on the Islamic world backed by Israeli military intelligence)

Clip No. 6192
Egyptian-Canadian Writer Said Shoaib: Muslims Are the Only Ones Who Take Pride in Their Colonialist Crimes
Egyptian-Canadian journalist Said Shoaib said that Al-Andalus was "colonialist occupation" and that it is very sad that the Muslims "take pride in their colonialist crimes." In a June 29 interview with the Arab-Christian channel Al-Hayat TV, Shoaib said that Muslims have no choice but to reform their religion, rather than continuing to be "a burden on civilization." Shoaib criticized Egyptian media and public for refusing to admit that the kidnapping and slaughter of Copts by Jihadi terrorists is based on religion.

British Islamist and Ex-Boxer Anthony Small: May We See the Destruction of the "Idols of America" - Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Hilton, Burger King, Starbucks

Former British boxer Anthony Small, who now goes by the name Abdul Haqq, gave a Friday sermon in which he said: "May we see the day when, just like in the time of Muhammad, when he destroyed all those gods, we see the destruction of the Coca-Cola, the McDonalds, the Hilton Hotel, the Burger King, and the Starbucks," not just in Saudi Arabia but worldwide. The sermon was posted on his YouTube channel on September 1.

White people take pride in their colonialism and neo-colonialism all the time. They call it "supporting the troops" or "liberating" people "in the name of democracy".

And I too would like to see the end of multinational corporations that cause social problems.

I fail to see how either of these two things are "attacks".
Pants-of-dog wrote:White people take pride in their colonialism and neo-colonialism all the time. They call it "supporting the troops" or "liberating" people "in the name of democracy".

Noooo...not really...
I certainly didn't support any of the recent attacks on the Muslim world. I "might" have supported one on Saudi Arabia...but that's about it.

Pants-of-dog wrote:And I too would like to see the end of multinational corporations that cause social problems.

I fail to see how either of these two things are "attacks".

They aren't really. And I would oppose the corps with you. But neither of us can hit them...not legally.
Buzz62 wrote:Noooo...not really...
I certainly didn't support any of the recent attacks on the Muslim world. I "might" have supported one on Saudi Arabia...but that's about it.

As a conservative Canadian, you take pride in the colonialism happening right here against indigenous people.

They aren't really. And I would oppose the corps with you. But neither of us can hit them...not legally.

Why? Do you think terrorist attacks are somehow less moral than other forms of violence?
Pants-of-dog wrote:As a conservative Canadian, you take pride in the colonialism happening right here against indigenous people.

No. I take IMMENSE pride in what we've made here, and it saddens me when I think of the absolute waste of intelligent humans, this situation with the natives here, has produced. We do not disagree on that. We disagree on the CAUSE of this situation, and we disagree on solutions. But the results sadden me.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Why? Do you think terrorist attacks are somehow less moral than other forms of violence?

As I've said, there is no morality to violence. It always results in ugliness. Whether you win or lose.
Violence is a final act. The decision to act out violently must be a last resort. Not a media circus.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Why? Do you think terrorist attacks are somehow less moral than other forms of violence?

Bearing in mind that the moral is relative. Typically terrorism is surprise attacks on civilians going about their daily business, it isn't hard to convince victim communities that terrorism is less moral that other violence. I've met people from Bangladesh and Indonesia who hate terrorists because they don't like the idea of bombs going off when they go to the shopping mall.

War, on the other hand, is somewhat more predictable than terrorism. I doubt many people would want to live in a war zone, but it is something people can respond too, generally by fleeing. Terrorism is unpredictable and instantaneous specifically to frighten people. Indeed it is targeted at them whereas war is targeted at an opposing polity.

Ordinary people will tend to take the view that terrorism is a very low order of morality.

Buzz62 wrote:As I've said, there is no morality to violence. It always results in ugliness. Whether you win or lose.
Violence is a final act. The decision to act out violently must be a last resort. Not a media circus.

There is morality to violence. A police officer uses violence to subdue a murderer. That is a morally justifiable example of violence. In a different age it was moral to defend one's honour in a duel. Sports such as boxing are violent, is boxing immoral?

Have you really thought this through?
foxdemon wrote:There is morality to violence. A police officer uses violence to subdue a murderer. That is a morally justifiable example of violence. In a different age it was moral to defend one's honour in a duel. Sports such as boxing are violent, is boxing immoral?

Have you really thought this through?

Have you ever lost your temper so bad, that you've beaten someone to the point where they stop moving and have to be hospitalized? I have. I watched a guy slap a girl in a bar one night, and completely lost my shit. Not your "garden variety" hockey this poor bastard bore the brunt of a beating that broke a bunch of my own knuckles. After I calmed down, I found out that the girl had been fucking this guy's best friend.

So perhaps I might better clarify this.
TO ME, violence is completely immoral. Under all circumstances.
I do not like, nor do I want, to hurt people. Violence is a last resort. Not a logical reaction to "meanies" saying mean shit.
Buzz62 wrote:No. I take IMMENSE pride in what we've made here, and it saddens me when I think of the absolute waste of intelligent humans, this situation with the natives here, has produced. We do not disagree on that. We disagree on the CAUSE of this situation, and we disagree on solutions. But the results sadden me.

Yes, you take pride in colonialism and when we discuss how it has caused problems, you always argue that we should do more of the same, even though it causes the exact problems we see.

Because you think that colonialism is the answer to the problems caused by colonialism.

As I've said, there is no morality to violence. It always results in ugliness. Whether you win or lose.
Violence is a final act. The decision to act out violently must be a last resort. Not a media circus.

So yes, you think terrorism is as moral as defending the weak and the innocent?


foxdemon wrote:....
Ordinary people will tend to take the view that terrorism is a very low order of morality.

There is morality to violence. A police officer uses violence to subdue a murderer. That is a morally justifiable example of violence. In a different age it was moral to defend one's honour in a duel. Sports such as boxing are violent, is boxing immoral?

Have you really thought this through?

Yes, exactly. Thank you, foxdemon.
POD wrote: So yes, you think terrorism is as moral as defending the weak and the innocent?

As pointed out above, I have defended "the weak and the innocent", and found out later she wasn't so "innocent".
There are always 2 sides to every story POD. And as you can see, I'm a little ashamed of my violent temper.
I will not fight over words. To me, the act is abhorrent. Even when its justified.
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