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Hindsite wrote:No we don't. We only know that he has done business with Russians in the past, such as the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and at that time talk of possibly building a Trump Tower there, but it never happened.

This what I said.

However, many other people of the U.S. have done business with Russians and continue to do business with Russians and it has still not been declared illegal.

This what I've pointed out above.

The only reason to pick on Trump, and not all those other Americans that are doing business with the Russians, is because the Democrats lost the election to Trump. Even some Republican never Trumpers would like to find some Russian collusion, so they can remove Trump from office, because he threatens their business as usual in Washington, D. C.

This is silly. Mueller's looking for criminal activity. And he has assembled one hell of a team :D
Last edited by Stormsmith on 17 Sep 2017 02:53, edited 1 time in total.
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By Ter
I think Kasparov's brain is damaged.
He says "You know" at least twenty times a minute, I cannot listen to this, I cannot follow his train of thoughts.
So I give my own ideas about Russia:
They have contributed some good things to humanity, like borscht, vodka and mail order brides.
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By Hindsite
Stormsmith wrote:This what I said.

No, you said, "does Trump knowingly do business w/Russia?" That is in the present tense. Trump is not doing business with the Russians now and nobody knows otherwise.

Stormsmith wrote:This is silly. Mueller's looking for criminal activity. And he has assembled one hell of a team :D

I have already said the same thing before in another post. He is trying to get him on Tax evasion similar to how the way the FBI got Al Capone in the past. He has given up on getting him on the original Russian collusion thing, but he has to try to come up with something to justify all those big buck he is getting from the tax payers.

Ter wrote:I think Kasparov's brain is damaged.
He says "You know" at least twenty times a minute, I cannot listen to this, I cannot follow his train of thoughts.

I understand what you mean. But I don't believe it is a damaged brain because he still plays chess at the grand master level even today. He taught the current World Chess Champion. I think it is because he is thinking in Russian and has to translate it to English. But I also know many people here that only speak English that say "you know' all the time. Perhaps he picked up some of his English from people like that since the time he moved to the U.S.A.
Last edited by Hindsite on 17 Sep 2017 03:47, edited 2 times in total.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:He has given up on getting him on the original Russian collusion thing,

Have you spoken with him recently? :eek: He unfriended me on facebook.

Hindsite wrote:The only reason to pick on Trump, and not all those other Americans that are doing business with the Russians, is because the Democrats lost the election to Trump.

This is like a broken record used by the trumpies. It got old a few months ago. Maybe trump is picked on because he has demonstrated gross incompetence and is a loony tune to boot.

But (and I said it here) he has recently shown an ability to learn. In this case, how to operate effectively in a checks and balances system rather that the dictatorship dynamic he has been used to. We can hope.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:We can hope.

We can hope the far left come to their sense, but it is not likely to happen.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:We can hope the far left come to their sense, but it is not likely to happen.

I see where the wackos on the far left and the wackos on the far right both are screeching for trump's impeachment. This is may be a sign that he is starting to get it right.

ps ......... Mr. Mueller has now hired 17 prosecutors.
Last edited by jimjam on 18 Sep 2017 04:42, edited 1 time in total.
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By jimjam

I would not want to be investigated by this ^ man :eek: .

Mueller’s investigation appears to be proceeding at a rapid pace, but we should not expect it to conclude this year. When it does, any charges that Mueller brings will likely be narrower and more targeted than many observers expect, although the recent Facebook search warrant could result in explosive charges involving cooperation with Russian operatives.

Regardless of what charges are ultimately brought, you can expect them to be carefully considered and limited to what Mueller can readily prove. Proving criminal charges beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury is a weighty burden, and a veteran prosecutor like Mueller will not bring charges unless he is confident he can prove them.
On the one hand, if you get rid of him too soon, you'll get Pence, who's as big a liar as Trump, but better at draping himself in religion. His principles are v conservative, worrisome with all that power. On the other hand, if you don't drain the whole freaking swamp....North Korea
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By 4cal
jimjam wrote:I see where the wackos on the far left and the wackos on the far right both are screeching for trump's impeachment. This is may be a sign that he is starting to get it right.

ps ......... Mr. Mueller has now hired 17 prosecutors.

Anyone thinking there will be impeachment will be disappointed. It’s a political non-starter for a GOP controlled Congress to impeach a GOP president regardless of how damaging he is to America’s present and future.

If it got to the question of censure…you may have something and it will likely check enough boxes on everyone’s scorecard to make it the best outcome.
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By Beren
4cal wrote:It’s a political non-starter for a GOP controlled Congress to impeach a GOP president regardless of how damaging he is to America’s present and future.

What if they break up with Trump or Trump breaks up with them? What would the GOP lose with Pence replacing Trump?
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By jimjam
Paul J. Manafort was in bed early one morning in July when federal agents bearing a search warrant picked the lock on his front door and raided his Virginia home. They took binders stuffed with documents and copied his computer files, looking for evidence that Mr. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, set up secret offshore bank accounts. They even photographed the expensive suits in his closet.

“They seem to be pursuing this more aggressively, taking a much harder line, than you’d expect to see in a typical white collar case,” said Jimmy Gurulé, a Notre Dame law professor and former federal prosecutor. “This is more consistent with how you’d go after an organized crime syndicate.” (seems quite appropriate in view of Donald The Godfather's M.O.)

The tactics reflect some of the hard-charging — and polarizing — personalities of Mr. Mueller’s team, seasoned prosecutors with experience investigating financial fraud, money laundering and organized crime.

Hmmmmm ........ do you think Mr. Mueller, a former head of the FBI, is cognizant of the fact that Trump fired and publically humiliated Mr. Comey as head of the FBI? :lol: Arguably President Trump's dumbest move to date. I guess Trump now must sleep in the bed he made.
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By 4cal
Beren wrote:What if they break up with Trump or Trump breaks up with them? What would the GOP lose with Pence replacing Trump?

From the standpoint of better guardian of the people's trust, better administrator, better on GOP values; nothing. From the standpoint of having a president of your own party impeached and the political fallout that comes with it...quite a bit.

If 2016 taught us anything it is 2 things....

1) voters are not as sophisticated as some give them credit; hence Trump
2) their votes count the same as someone who studies the issues, candidates, and makes an informed choice.

People knowing a republican was impeached does not bode well for the party going forward.
4cal wrote:If 2016 taught us anything it is 2 things....

1) voters are not as sophisticated as some give them credit; hence Trump
2) their votes count the same as someone who studies the issues, candidates, and makes an informed choice.

1) Voters are sophisticated enough to reject establishment politicians to tell the establishment that they can go fuck themselves.
2) They have the power to do that, which is the entire point of elections.

It's truly a wonderful thing that Hillary lost and won't accept any of the responsibility for her own defeat. She lost to a black man with no executive experience in 2008. She lost to a white man who had never held political office before in 2016. The bottom line is that people don't really like Hillary Clinton, and they don't care much for the establishment either. That's what happens when the establishment rules against the will of the American people.

4cal wrote:People knowing a republican was impeached does not bode well for the party going forward.

It doesn't bode well for the establishment going forward. For example, Moore was removed from the Alabama Supreme court for defying a federal court order. That doesn't mean a thing to his voters. He is polling ahead of Strange in the run-off. They don't care about Trump or McConnell's support for Strange either. They prefer Moore, because he is a hardliner.

The establishment doesn't understand the American people anymore, just like the NFL doesn't understand it's fan base who now prefer to watch college games instead of the NFL's fucked up mindset.

jimjam wrote:Paul J. Manafort was in bed early one morning in July when federal agents bearing a search warrant picked the lock on his front door and raided his Virginia home.

That's not going to go over very well with a jury. They could simply knock on the door.
They didn't give him any chance of getting rid of evidence. And a judge concurred.
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By Hindsite
4cal wrote:If 2016 taught us anything it is 2 things....

1) voters are not as sophisticated as some give them credit; hence Trump
2) their votes count the same as someone who studies the issues, candidates, and makes an informed choice.

People knowing a republican was impeached does not bode well for the party going forward.

You apparently never heard of President Richard Nixon.

We may not be as sophisticated as some give us credit, but we know a crook when we see her. Praise the Lord.

Nixon was pardoned by by Gerald Ford, not impeached
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By Hindsite
Stormsmith wrote:@Hindsite

Nixon was pardoned by by Gerald Ford, not impeached

Well, bully for him. I guess you think Nixon thought it was wonderful that he was forced to resign to prevent being booted out of office, after he had just won an overwhelming re-election.
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