Self-censorship - Politics | PoFo

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All general discussion about politics that doesn't belong in any of the other forums.

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By ness31
Yes and it’s a curse, but I’ve learned it is necessary to avoid harm. It was :| like behavioural therapy I didn’t ask for.
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By anna
I'm surrounded in real life by people I disagree with politically, so I self-censor political topics most of the time because I'm not a political zealot. They believe what they believe, I just offer a different way of looking at things in the hope that they'll follow their own path to the same, or similar conclusions.

It worked for me... when I started listening to people outside my conservabubble who I'd come to respect - partly because they didn't beat me over the head with their ideology, and partly because they were willing to listen to my arguments and counter them with factual support without being abusive about it.
By Pants-of-dog
Yes, I self censor all the time.

Many of my positions are not that threatening, so I can discuss those freely. This includes social justice issues and environmental issues.

Other positions of mine are decidedly less popular. Giving all the land back to indigenous communities, eradication of fossil fuel technology, and international socialism are not conducive to the current economic well being of Alberta, where I live.
By SolarCross
I don't self-censor in real life, no particular need as I live in the UK not the USSR or something, on the internet I don't either except to conform with forum rules and that is mostly just about being polite.
Self censor often enough. I live a split life, working as both an academic and in a blue collar profession working with my hands.

In one I don't talk about the girl I'm fucking and what the best kind of cheap whiskey I've found was.

In one I don't engage about ideological formations stemming from perceptions of 18th century nationalism.

I've alway had a tendancy to compartmentalise. I'm trying to be better about it, but some shit is just unavoidable.
By skinster
What's the best kind of cheap whiskey you've found? I'm just...asking for a frand.

I self-censor sometimes if I'm around particularly sensitive people, but otherwise, anything goes, and I think people should allow for that because restrictions on what can or should be discussed are lame af.
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By Igor Antunov
I openly declare my contempt for and intention to nuke from orbit entire countries and cultures at lunch parties. I told a Muslim his religion must be destroyed once. He self censored and agreed. Granted the topic was the Saudi Regime but he got the jist of my contempt.
On Facebook I openly follow white supremacist groups. I contribute to the daily stormer.

IF you self censor you're worse than hitler.
By ness31
It’s not because you want to Igor, it’s a protective mechanism :|
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By colliric

And in my upcoming Divorce situation I've already gotten in a lot of trouble for expressing my sincere belief that the other individual is an abusive violent psychotic. Australia has a crap biased family court system. If you are a guy and are obviously being Gaslighted by an Abusive Lying Woman everyone else will see it(even Centrelink who offered literally to pay my Legal fees for a good while) except the goddamn idiot lawyer and blind as a bat judge. Makes it worse is it is a damn Interstate Divorce(+Custody), and I haven't even met the Lawyer meant to be representing me in WA.

Politically and in other matters I don't self censor either. Though as per courtesy I only express my opinion if asked. I got in trouble once for screaming at the top of my lungs at a hospitality coworker that thought she was my boss but actually wasn't. She dropped shit all over the floor and expected someone else to immediatly pick it up.

Pulled into a meeting with my actual boss, he asked "What usually happens at home?".... "The person who dropped the shit all over the floor is made to pick it up not ask someone else to do it, even if it means they fall behind!".... Job Saved.
skinster wrote:What's the best kind of cheap whiskey you've found? I'm just...asking for a frand.


2 Gingers has been running between $13-$15 in my State. Right now, that’s been my table whiskey. It’s not the best, not the cheapest, but it’s a nice cheap spot for it.
By Sivad
I self-censor but not to get along or fit in, I do it mostly because reality is crazy and it's usually counterproductive to discuss it with people who aren't already primed with a good deal of background knowledge.

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